huge discomfort blow left rib

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31/2 yrs ago I had a mild stroke. The morning after I felt a small discomfort on my left side just below my rib. The dr looked and felt but could see or feel nothing. Said it may just go away. Gradually the discomfort got worse and now is sometimes unbearable. It is always present and has indeed reduced my quality of life to a great degree.

I have had CT scan, virtual colonoscopy, endoscopy, chest xray and ultrasound. All negative. I have seen a neurologist and 2 x gut consultants, again nothing.

After all that NOBODY has the slightest idea what is wrong. (this is a time when everybody seems to give up on a patient!)

The discomfort is just like as if someone is pushing their first firmy into the area immediately beneath my left lower rib and I tend to be automatically holding my hand, with some pressure on it, all day for somekind of relief.

Is this a nerve or a gut problem, or anything else and perhaps npthing to do with my stroke after all?

I now have to 'get out of my pram' to get any further tests done. Doctors switch off. Have you tried to push treacle through dry sand?!

I am 67. Has anyone else suffered this problem please?


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    So I have been having the discomfort under my ribs for about 2 years with no luck of figuring out what it is. Also feels at times like there is something pushing up underneath my ribs. Although Drs still don't know.. I have seen and internal medicine dr who ran extensive blood work. She found I have rhumetoid arthritis as well as costocondritis. Although RA wouldn't affect my ribs, costocondritis will. Costocondritis is inflammation in the connecting cartlidge in your ribs. Which can range to your breast bone (cause sharp shooting pains) down to your lower ribs. She has put me on steroids which have helped ALOT. So maybe you guys could possibly have an inflammatory problem. Hope this helps!!
  • Posted

    I haven't had any strokes.  I'm 38 yrs old.  Had my gall bladder removed in Oct. 2014.  For atleast the past 6 months I have had a deep muscle pain right between my shoulder blades & I thought it was from lifting weights so eventually it would go away on its on but it hasn't.  Then for the past 3 or 4 months, I started having this pain in my left side/stomach (sort of under my rib cage).  At first, it only happened when I was working which involves me sitting for prolonged periods of time.  I can only describe the pain as feeling like something was overlapping under my rib cage & when I straightened up my posture, it would go away.  In the past month, this pain has worsened & no amount of stretching helps.  In fact, it causes more pain.  I found relief by laying on my left side.  But now even that relief does happen as quickly.  Now I find that if I lay on anything other than my left side, the pain is too much.  Along with this, I have pain in my upper left shoulder.  I have been sick with this respiratory/sinus stuff going around but go over & then turned around the next week & caught another round of it.  I have never had a cold/infection that has lasted 3 weeks.  I feel better except for the persistent cough which is now producing blood tinged sputum.  In my googling, I am showing alot of results for Enlarged Spleen.  You have some of the pain symptoms I have so maybe you should have your docs look into that.  I go & see mine this Wednesday or sooner if someone cancels.  I let you know what comes of it.  Also this is my first time every blogging on any site other than with my friends on facebook so if anyone else sees my symptoms as familiar, please share.  Thanks
    • Posted

      Hi kimberly,

      I had an enlarged spleen and I think that may have been what caused the pain for me. Sounds a lot like what I had. If you bend over does the pain increase, like a sharp pain? I have also had a sore throat that was accompanying my side pain. The doctors concluded that it was a viral infection and that caused the enlargement and sore throat. I am guessing maybe the same thing happened to you? I would go see an infectious disease doctor If I were you. I hope you get some answers soon. My side would also hurt if I sat in one position for a long time too (car trips and movies were very uncomfotable) and working out made the pain worse. For me the virus was an opportunistic virus that came on after I had anothe bacterial infection

    • Posted

      The pain seems to start about 1 to 2 minutes after sitting and even quicker if I'm the slightest hunched forward. Last night while sleeping, I kept wanting to change positions but the pain would start and I'd have to get back on left side. When I bend over or slightly lean down to set my bedside alarm, it feels like whatever this is wants to fall out of me straight through my stomach wall. TMI, I know. I see the MD Wednesday but I'm going to call and see if they have any cancelations so I can get in sooner. I'll keep everyone posted on what happens from there. Thanks
    • Posted

      You mentioned you lift weights.  Make sure your docs check for the possibility of a hiatal hernia.  I have an umbilical hernia and have been experiencing the left sided pain located between the bottom rib and hip bone and a "gassy" feel to the gut.  It's a sudden spasm like cramping which is proceded by a queesy stomach and a general feeling of being ill.  Not sure mine is related to the hernia but I'm scheduling a wellness exam soon.  Hope you get some answers on yours too. 
    • Posted

      Hi Kimberly,

      I too am in my 30s, never had a stroke, and had my gallbladder removed. And I'm having the same symptoms. Except only once in a while while I'm laying down, but now almost everyday while in the car, sitting watching tv, or sitting in my office chair and while walking. I get this weird discomfort and feeling of my bottom rib catching on something. I just can't decide if it's actually painful or just really uncomfortable. I had noticed that when I straighten up the discomfort mostly goes away. But I have a hard time staying sitting or walking straight because it hurts my back after a short period of time. I have also noticed that the muscle/tendons under my left shoulder blade have been becoming very tense with sharp stabbing pains! I used to go to a chiropractor but can't really afford to anymore.

      I was wondering what your outcome was from seeing the Dr? I know that your post was from over a year ago but I thought I'd try to reach out.

    • Posted

      Any update on this? Also in my 30s and dealing with this nagging dull pain under my left ribcage.
  • Posted

    I have the exact same problem discussed here and the same routine checks done, but none have been able to diagnose the problem. Recently one of friends complained of the same problem i.e discomfort on the left side just below the rib cage. I am now thinking could this be an infection, as we often eat in the same restaurants.
  • Posted

    I recently had the same sharp pains on the lower left rib cage. I suddenly got the pain while working out although i was working out an unrelated muscle group. i had the pain for a while before i accidentally discovered how to fix it.

    I laid down straight on my back interlocking my fingers behind my head with no pillows to support my head. I pretty much stayed in this position for the night. When i awoke the next morning the pain had magically disappeared. I dont know what happened exactly but my theory is there might be some internal pressure that got released or some sort of nerve that got untwisted. just wanted to share this. Hope it helps

  • Posted

    I have researched on this issue in numerous websites,I guess the guilty one most likely could be a swollen spleen. Today I  happened to come across a remedy online. I will be trying it out, though it seems it would take a long time to cure. 

    Remedy : Intake of Neem capsules with honey cures the enlargement of spleen.


  • Posted

    Good morning,

        I have had the same symptoms as yours; I was told in 2013 after MRI and CAT scan that nothing was found. The other day I was admitted to the hospital after I became very numb on my left side, said my MRI came back with no signs of a stroke, Referred to the Medical University of South Carolina Neuroscience Department, Craig Woodard, MD Department of Neurology. It was discovered after review of the MRI from 2013 and the most recent from 05/2015 it was discovered that I suffered a stroke on both of the dates; I am 56 years old and am frustrated with the incompetents of some of the doctors.  I have been walking around with discomfort for over a year know and had another recent episode,   I will be seeking legal help to see if there is something that can be done, as we are all aware this has become a financial challenge due to the incompetents out here in the medical arena. Just a suggestion to you my friend, I would find the most renowned Neuroscience Department in the country to review your films. Blessings to you and pray for your and others solutions.    Good health...Lee  

  • Posted

    HI! I have the same pain,I was told I have costochondritis.'s very painful, I was in an accident over 30 yrs. n ever since that my left rib n under that rib kills me so much...if I do to much or lift something heavy I'm done...I have to baby it,n sometimes it goes to middle n right rib straight across.I don't know if you have this,,just thought maybe could help you,,good luck..

    • Posted

      Yes I was told as a child that is what the pain I kept telling my mom I had. Mine comes on out of the blue and I have to hold my breath. That hurts!!
  • Posted

    I just came across your message. I also have been getting a tight pressure feeling under my left ribcage for over a year now. Like somthing is pushing up there. Do thought it was a acid problem as I'm constipated. Now they think it is radicular pain. I'm waiting on an xray on my back. I'm so confused I don't know what to think anymore. 
  • Posted

    Everyone suffers at times trying to get specialists to understand and diagnose before tgey become BIG PROBLEMS. Your spleen can become very enlarged (up to 4 or 5 times not uncommon) and works with the liver and other organs. Its located under the left lower rib cage. The left kidney or back might be other matters to readdress. My specialist ten yrs ago spent 10 min telling me about his $750k home and failed to record redness throughout my colon walls and difficulty maneuvering thru colon. It may cost me my life!! But many Dr.'s find matters challenging. Hang in there. Best wishes.

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