huge discomfort blow left rib

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31/2 yrs ago I had a mild stroke. The morning after I felt a small discomfort on my left side just below my rib. The dr looked and felt but could see or feel nothing. Said it may just go away. Gradually the discomfort got worse and now is sometimes unbearable. It is always present and has indeed reduced my quality of life to a great degree.

I have had CT scan, virtual colonoscopy, endoscopy, chest xray and ultrasound. All negative. I have seen a neurologist and 2 x gut consultants, again nothing.

After all that NOBODY has the slightest idea what is wrong. (this is a time when everybody seems to give up on a patient!)

The discomfort is just like as if someone is pushing their first firmy into the area immediately beneath my left lower rib and I tend to be automatically holding my hand, with some pressure on it, all day for somekind of relief.

Is this a nerve or a gut problem, or anything else and perhaps npthing to do with my stroke after all?

I now have to 'get out of my pram' to get any further tests done. Doctors switch off. Have you tried to push treacle through dry sand?!

I am 67. Has anyone else suffered this problem please?


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    I have the exact same symptoms and have been going to the doctor for a whole year now..  i kept pushing them to figure what was wrong and they recently diognosed me with Costochondritis... you should search it up as you have the exact same sympoms as me.. you may find you have that..
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    I have similar syptoms - pain under left rib cage, not severe, but constant nagging and gnawing pain. I'm a 35 year old female in very good shape with no prior surgeries or health issues (I do take Armour Thyroid for hypothyroidism.) I work out 5 days a week but due to the fatigue I've felt accompanying this, I've had to cut back to 3-4. I also do not eat any gluten and havne't for over a year. (So, no, to those who were curious about celiac and/or being overweight/obese.)

    My pain started in October 2014. Based off syptoms and a positive hyplori test, I was diagnosed with an ulcer treated with antibioics. The pain went away. It appeared again in December 2014, but a nurse convinced me it was constipation. It disappeared. Now, in August 2015, it is back and will not go away. It does not seem to be an ulcer to me (nor do I think it really ever was...) I do not have typical ulcer syptoms (worse on empty stomach, better with food.) I also do not have any reflux issues. I do not notice it when I first wake, or within the first couple hours, but as the day progresses I notice it constantly to varying degrees. Very odd.

    I had a blood test done today and have an abdominal ultrasound in two days.

    My father died of pancreatic cancer in 2001 and honestly I am terrified that's what this is. He also had left pain side leading up to his diagnosis. His however, seemed to get much worse upon eating as tumors on his pancreas were pushing against his full(er) stomach. I know the spleen and small/large intestines are in this area, as well. I am curious if it could be diverticulitis or some type of bacteria in the intestinal tract, seeing as how the antibitoics seemed to help.

    I plan on updating my case and hope others continue to do the same!!



  • Posted

    Hi I had this for two years, discomfort under left rib at the bottom, bloated like I had a build up of gas and very uncomfortable, sometimes I put pressure on it with my hand to feel more comfortable especially when driving, I asked the doctor recently to which she got me to have a blood test and everything was fine, I started to think maybe it was something I ate so took note of when it would get bad, first I thought it was too much salt so cut that down, then natural butter so cut that out then next was onions so cut that out too, now it's been two weeks and the feeling has totally dissappeared, had loved onions for my entire life now suddenly I cannot eat them. Try cutting onions out and check labels as a lot of foods are onion based. 
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    My doctor thought I might have diverticulitis or colitis. Not to be gross but when I went to pass my bowels it was not like plop, was more like a paint ball gun. I was put on two antibiotics. I am regular again and I am trying to eat more vegan than to eat so much meat. I try to stay away from processed foods more often also. I hope this helps you.
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    I forgot to tell u the bloating of my stomach has gone down so much since I was put on antibiotics and a water pill. Yeah I had some kind of edema for unknown reasons because my bp is 115/79 I don't regularly take any meds I am not diabetic nor do I have high blood pressure. My blood work showed my kidney are functioning properly. I was starting to look like I was 9 months pregnant...not!   Ok feel better, James
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    Please if anyone has an answer let me h

    know. I also have issues with my left cheek and tail bone when sitting.  Some times my cheek feels like it is on fire.

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    Yep same but now under New consultant the other insult me through he'll and back. My pain was under my right rib is I had a endiscopy colonoscopy but the colonoscopy having again The CT scan showed up chronic diverticular desease. My pains on the right you can have on left or right. Next week having colonoscopy and reason because the tube they used last year was a rigid one and didn't go round to right they should used a flexible one but ran out trust me I have had no luck. They next week are taking tissue samples my colon to look for IBS and chrones However chrones is more irrelevant in people age 30 + .You could of course has IVS other. I have been given COLAFAC STOPS STOMACH CRAMPS. YOUR BOWEL LARGE BOWEL SITS UNDER YOUR RIBS ITS LIKE A HORSESHOE SHAPE UPSIDE DOWN .!! COLAFAC ALSO PROMOTES FIBRE. PUSHING FOOD THROUGH YOUR COLON. I FINFING COLAFAC THE LAST WEEK HAS STOPPED THAT TERRIBLE PAIN I EVEN THOUGHT BROKEN MY RIB THE PAIN WAS CONSTANT SAME AS YOURS. They to eat healthy alot fibre to push food through your colon. I assume you have nor gallstones? Or a Heitus hernier. Look I was told that it depends on technician reading the scan ask to see yours and get a second opinion. I'm on the right rd now the consultant reading mine is top her field on reading CT scans. Don't take Ibaprofen if you have a gut or acid reflux problem but ask for meds that stop that CRAMPING AND FEELING STOMACH PUNCHED AND THAT TOOTHACHE PAIN. under your ribs For me COLAFAC is working Sorry for such a long story but I just trying to help.
  • Posted

    Yep same but now under New consultant the other insult me through he'll and back. My pain was under my right rib is I had a endiscopy colonoscopy but the colonoscopy having again The CT scan showed up chronic diverticular desease. My pains on the right you can have on left or right. Next week having colonoscopy and reason because the tube they used last year was a rigid one and didn't go round to right they should used a flexible one but ran out trust me I have had no luck. They next week are taking tissue samples my colon to look for IBS and chrones However chrones is more irrelevant in people age 30 + .You could of course has IVS other. I have been given COLAFAC STOPS STOMACH CRAMPS. YOUR BOWEL LARGE BOWEL SITS UNDER YOUR RIBS ITS LIKE A HORSESHOE SHAPE UPSIDE DOWN .!! COLAFAC ALSO PROMOTES FIBRE. PUSHING FOOD THROUGH YOUR COLON. I FINFING COLAFAC THE LAST WEEK HAS STOPPED THAT TERRIBLE PAIN I EVEN THOUGHT BROKEN MY RIB THE PAIN WAS CONSTANT SAME AS YOURS. They to eat healthy alot fibre to push food through your colon. I assume you have nor gallstones? Or a Heitus hernier. Look I was told that it depends on technician reading the scan ask to see yours and get a second opinion. I'm on the right rd now the consultant reading mine is top her field on reading CT scans. Don't take Ibaprofen if you have a gut or acid reflux problem but ask for meds that stop that CRAMPING AND FEELING STOMACH PUNCHED AND THAT TOOTHACHE PAIN. under your ribs For me COLAFAC is working Sorry for such a long story but I just trying to help.
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    HI know the feeling I'm now under a new consultant as had been put through he'll and back over 18 months I had my appendices out in 2013 they also looked on left side made an incision to look for a gut problem. They said I had some diverticulosis on the left However my pain has always been on right. I kept saying my pain is on the right. I ended up in AE 6 Times and hospital twice on a drip I got discharged from this consultant his care kept saying everything normal My age. I in end had to go down the complaints procedure. His excuses were couldn't or didn't know why had right sided pain. The pain had been has been horrendous I ended up in hospital AS no one listening thought was going mad However this July a new consultant ordered another CT scan as I'll my pain had moved under my ribs from this January.My CT scan September showed chronic dervicular desease thickening my bowel hence been vomiting and diarrhoea ending up in AE. so many times been chucked out. Yes on right under rib same pains your describing.but yours on left Next week November 12 th have to gave further colonoscopy Reason last year didn't use a flexible tube but rigid so didn't go far enough round my colon on right. They going to take tissue samples next week and look right side my colon. Reason looking for IBS OR CHRONES .This week I have been on tablets COLOFAC It promotes fibre but also has stopped that pain under my right ribs. Reason because stops stomach cramps to. Spasms. Your pain could be due to your colon bowel as it goes across your stomach under your ribs like a upside down horseshoe Sometimes faeces gets stuck if you have dirviculosis causing pain gets stuck in the pouches causing inflammation pain . I don't know what food you eat but you need to look at your food fibre intake. There are some technicians CANR read the CT scan properly or do the endiscopy and some consultants they don't want to listen. For 18 months I had a consultant who just thought I was a fruit cake imagining my Right sided pain he put it down to adhesions from my appendix operation. However when I had a bleed my stomach lining and hospitalised July this year they hopping up and down like headless chickens. Wonder why because probably think will sue.? It's a little to late my care has been horrendous. I use to be a x nursing assistant all my care been lack empathy thinking I'm a fruit loop. Will keep you posted ask for a second opinion and by the way you can look all your medical records carts and CT scans. I was going to make a joke like Spike Milligan who has engraved his grave I TOLD YOU I WAS ILL.!! THink your problem a gut problem think they have missed something don't put up with it they think can brush older people under the carpet. I just won't lie down I knew something wrong as in not listening because I'm old at 70 now. Lol.
  • Posted

    I'm so sorry for what you are going through.  I am 65 yrs and have been in pain for 5 months now, pain under left ribs.  I have had 2 Cscans, 1 MRI, ultrasound, xrays, blood tests, colonoscopy and endoscopy.  Today the pain is so bad I can hardly stand it.  I do have a hiatal hernia on my left side, but the doctors say those don't hurt.  Okay......I have a surgeon that says that his gut tells him something is wrong.  Duh!!!  yah think!!!  He wants to do "exploratory surgery."  I am so desperate, that I am actually considering it!  My conditions would be, you fix the hiatal hernia, then you can explore.  Perhaps it is simply the hernia that is causing the pain.  I have had 4 different doctors comment on how large the hernia is!  So fix it already!!  Like someone else said, live with my pain for even one day and you will insist on finding the cause.  I have not done anything for 5 months.  I can't ride in a car for more than 15 minutes when the pain becomes too much.  I want to see my grandsons, but they live 8 hours away.  I miss them. I can't plan on having people over for a meal, as I need to lay down for the pain to ease up. I am going to a friends for dinner on Saturday, I will be sooo drugged, just to be able to endure the pain, I hope I don't embarass myself or my husband!  I want my life back!!
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      Same for me been through he'll and back saying my dervicular desease was insignificant it's a age process. other. For 18 months My consultant kept looking on the left when I explained on my right. In enriched to make complaint as ended up in ED 6 Times and hospital yet again in July stomach bleed from bowel black stools For 5 months previous since the January this year had terrible pain under my right rib. NON STOP they kept saying my doctor think you broken fractured your lower sixth rib and didn't send me for exray but in June this unfounded.!! All along not listened as removed from gastric team previous consultant because he didn't care because he couldn't find our why I had pain my right side Since July I have new consultant who has taken my. pain seriously ordered further CT scan and I have had it September and it showed chronic DIRVERTICULAR DESEASE Plus narrowing my Bkeel and thickening my colon. Also next week have to have further colonoscopy as last year they used a rigid tube as had run out of flexible my appointment it didn't therefore go far enough to right side my colon. According to previous consultant as I said was useless. ALLWAYS LOOKING ON THE LEFT WHEN LOOKS LIKE I HAVE RIGHT SIDED DERVICULAR DESEASE. So why tell me small had dirviculosis could he not read my CT scan last year May 2014 .Also he failed to say had heitus hernier my CT scan 2013 as small lol. Look sorry to go on but it's rubbish a Heitus hernier does not hurt your stomach pushes up under your rib and can cause a strangled HEITUS HERNIER. Part your stomach gets caught in it. I fail to understand why every doctor telling you a Heitus Hernier does not hurt they are joking Why didn't it show on CT scan is a joke to. I have been put on COLAFAC it's a tablet stops spasms stomach cramps I been taking two weeks and my pain under rib has almost gone It also promotes fibre my bowel pushing FOOD bowel so food does not get stuck my diverticular pouches. I thought going mad for over 18 months thinking that they must think I'm a fruit loop. or imagining it. All because previous consultant. Now this hospital consultant taking my case seriously guess they worrying will sue!! Next week looking see if I have crones desease and IBS taking tissue samples. in endiscopy. As for my heitus hernier I lost faith no mention that getting bigger. Please don't loose faith keep on ask how they could missed such a large heitus hernier they prob make a excuse depends who reads the CT scan joke not. Also your colon bowel goes across your ribs large colon. I reckon though must be a Heitus hernier stomach pushing up. I'm 70 now sometimes feel look your age and discount you fob you off your pain rather shove tablets food diets when you need surgery and put you through countless procedures and say everything normal. when not. Ps I'm also angry as a x nursing assistant retired and put everything down to age related problems. All I can say is kick arse. The mistakes my care have been horrendous ending up ED 8 Times on a drip and two hospital admissions because not listening MY PAIN ON RIGHT AND MOVED UNDER MY RIGHT RIB FOR 10 THOSE MONTHS.!!
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      Sorry few text mistakes should read thickening narrowing of my bowel Hope you get better soon maybe they also missed something your colonoscopy double check they didn't use a rigid tube instead a flexible maybe didn't go far enough round your large colon!!
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    Thought I'd update mine. I had an abdominal ultrasound done and found out my spleen was enlarged. Second bout of mono in 5 years. It has really taken me down. I am working with a naturopath and she has me on Viracid. There's a specific site she suggested I buy from, but I just buy from amazon. She has me taking 4 pills a day for a month, then 2 pills a day in second month. I was going through them so fast I ran out before I had a chance to get more, and just as I was feeling better, I came down with a nasty virus/cold. Really wiped me out. Spleen pain came back, too. So, I am swearing by the Viracid now, since it's the only thing that has helped me. I know abdominal discomfort can mean many things to many people. I do think my immune system for whatever reason, is awful, so this I HOPE explains mine. Hoping to get back on the right track.
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      You canI've without your spleen it has no true function other than carrying a reserve of blood it's one of two other organs you can live without same as your appendices and gallbladder so why put up with all this ask why you cannot have your spleen removed Ok so guess surgery is maybe their lat option but your the patient here suffering. Would they leavening your appendices gall bladder if going rotten.!! /
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      I was going to mention irratible spleen/enlarged spleen also but I forgot, I hit the "Reply" tab before I could do anything about it. My son suffers from an  enlarged spleen, they say it's nothing to worry about...yeah right rolleyes​, seeing someone in pain, his doctor say's it's common in the very young and elderly (enlarged spleen)

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