huge discomfort blow left rib

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31/2 yrs ago I had a mild stroke. The morning after I felt a small discomfort on my left side just below my rib. The dr looked and felt but could see or feel nothing. Said it may just go away. Gradually the discomfort got worse and now is sometimes unbearable. It is always present and has indeed reduced my quality of life to a great degree.

I have had CT scan, virtual colonoscopy, endoscopy, chest xray and ultrasound. All negative. I have seen a neurologist and 2 x gut consultants, again nothing.

After all that NOBODY has the slightest idea what is wrong. (this is a time when everybody seems to give up on a patient!)

The discomfort is just like as if someone is pushing their first firmy into the area immediately beneath my left lower rib and I tend to be automatically holding my hand, with some pressure on it, all day for somekind of relief.

Is this a nerve or a gut problem, or anything else and perhaps npthing to do with my stroke after all?

I now have to 'get out of my pram' to get any further tests done. Doctors switch off. Have you tried to push treacle through dry sand?!

I am 67. Has anyone else suffered this problem please?


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  • Posted

    Yes I'm going through that now....been to the doctor and they can't find anything wrong
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    Has irritable bowel syndrome been suggested ?
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    Kathy, sorry to hear you too are going through this.  I don't know what people do about the pain, but I am on my 3rd bottle of pain meds & I know they aren't good for me, but it is the only way I get any relief.  Some days I don't take any, on bad days I try to limit it to 2.

    My spleen is fine, as are other organs in the area.  The bazillion of tests I have had showed that.  I do have a karge hiatal heria, but about 5 different doctors have told me those don't hurt.  I do have IBS & diverticulosis, both are in control at this point, plus, I am all too familair with the pain they cause and this is not the same. 

    Because I am desperate to feel better and get my life back, as I enjoy hiking and biking and going on vacation, none of which I can do now, so on Nov 25th I am going in for surgery. 1. to repair the hernia and 2. exploratory. If after the surgery I still have this pain, I will be so depressed!  I have had all the tests the drs and myself could think of, I tried elimination diet to see if something I ate was at fault.  I don't know what else I could possibly do, but learn to live with the pain and I dread the idea of that.  I have read something about a "saliva" test.  Supposedly they can learn all kinds of things from that.  The place I contacted is no longer taking patients!  That is how backed up they are with ill people. I asked for a referral and didn't hear back.  So, this is where I stand at this point.  I will write again after the surgery. 

    • Posted

      You have not been back since this post. What was your outcome? Please update 😊
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    I am from India, 43, exactly same problem (no stroke),USG, reports, CT normal. Any update from you?


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    I had a stroke 3 years ago and have the same problem.  My pain is not there all the time but when it is, it is really bad.  I brought it up to my doctor and she did not know what caused it either.  I think it is stroke related as my whole left side was affected.  I am 75 so am just trying to live with it.  Trying to be happy to be alive.
    • Posted

      Dear Judith,

      I understand being thankful for being alive. I understand being so thankful that you don't want to complain..however, I want to stress to you how important time is if you are actually suffering from neuropathy. You have a short period of time to correct nerves before the doctors can't do anything for you at all. Believe me when I tell you that IF it is neuropathy, it can go from occasional moments to full time and the pain can increase over time. I'm truly not trying to scare you. I don't even know if neuropathy has a thing to do with your issue. I just know that I hear you settling because your so happy and grateful to be alive. I've been there and what I received out of it was doctors telling me, " I wish you had come to me 6 months ago, 2 years ago, etc". Please don't settle for a doctor telling you they don't know and not resolving pain. This is what my doctor told me..."pain is your body's way of telling you something is wrong with you...don't settle and don't ignore it. We are not made to live in pain." I hope I'm not being cruel. I don't mean it that way and I only want to help. I heard something that struck a cord and want you to know that time is important. ..on both sides.

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    go gluten-free,avoid red meat,alcohol, cigarettes and pain will stop.

    Then see which does it.

    I had to part with all for pain under left  rib cage to go away.

    Good lock!

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      Doesn't work for every body alex, my partner has similar problems with the pain, she never had a stroke,that's the only difference with her  symptoms, she's never smoked,non alcholic drinker and she still gets the pain. She's tried just about everything imaginble and even under the guidence of her doctor taking various vitamin supplements due to various decreased values in her blood tests, they have not helped much, and she is still undiagnosed with anything official, they just don't have an answer.


  • Posted

    Hello All,

    I have not had time to read through this entire thread, however I am a 32 year old male and have been experiencing pain similar to what is described here for over a year, gone throught the CT/Ultrasound/Barium Swallow tests, etc... all with no success.

    Finally after 16 months - I think that I've been properly diagnosed.

    Two weeks ago I got a pretty bad case of the flu, a few days after I recovered I developed a very significant rash on my back which wrapped around to my chest in the exact spot where I have been experiencing the pain. 

    I went to my doctor and he said it was very clearly Shingles.

    After some discussion with him and some research, I found that the Shingles virus and live in the body for a very long time without showing external symptoms (the rash) and is difficult to diagnos without the obvious symptoms (the rash).

    It can cause the exact type of seemingly random, and severe pain that I have been experiencing. 

    The rash appears when the virus is able to become stronger due to a weakened immune system - I have been extremely stressed as of late, along with a lack of sleep, and fighting off the flu lately - so the virus was finally strong enough to show the rash.

    I am currently on the anti-virals for Shingles and am hoping that this will not only get rid of the rash, but also the pain.

    I hope this helps someone get properly diagnosed....


  • Posted

    Hi to all

    Just gone on line to look up this sharp pain under my left bottom rib and came across all of you.

    I am 60 and drive busses so allways under medical exams etc.

    I have high blood pressure and take 2X 5mg a day


    I have been on them 2 years.

    I then went for a tablet review in January only find that I have a fib with no symptoms my heart was beating at 135 was put on digoxin and a channel blocker and to reduce the risk of a stroke


    I carried on walking etc having no problems but my heart would not come under control so they upped my meds to the max they can do.

    It's slowed it down to 94 bpm but I am now getting this very severe pain walking or standing around

    It makes me went to sit down I also thought that it was because I was like burning calories to fast my digestion was working over time so I found eating took the pain off. Also drinking more water also helped.

    Don't know if this helps anyone but I see some some people have had stroke and whether anyone else has Afib or mybe like me don't know you have it.


  • Posted

    Wanted to let you know, I have been sick with possible pericarditis (inflammation of heart sac) and now have this terrible pressure under my left rib. It WAS much worse, and had a tighness all across my stomach like swallowing a beach ball, and a band tightly actross my stomach.When I lean back on the sofa, it is worse. When I sit forward, it alnmost dissapears. This also is one of the pericarditis symptoms. there is a anerve that runs across your heart and operates your diagphragm and controls breathing. At my worst I would wake up gasping because of the water around my heart. Luckily, the worst of the heart stuff has gone away but now i have this pressure. No pain, just an awful pressure. I began sipping apple cider vinegar and water (vinegar with the "mother" nutrients in it) and it has reduced. I also can get it to reduce by taking an aspiring. So i believe it may be either gastric related or inflammation related. I read of many others who developed similar sensations with gastric paresis, when they eat their food sits and doesnt move through quickly. I also found that when I take a half tablet of xanax it seems to lessen, maybe it is like a spasm. I don't have anxiety or depression, but a friend gave me acouple tablets to be able to relax in the MRI tube. I am still experimenting with all this and have a colonoscopy and endoscopy next month. If it's not stomach cancer or yeast overgrowth or ulcer, then it must be from the heart situation still going on a little bit. I cut out gluten, milk products and take gasX and similar things-and they seem to help. I read that sometimes at the bend in the stomach into the intestine, it can get trapped gas there or cause problems. If I press and smoothe downwards, it sometimes gurgles, and then I can often get the sensation to reduce by doing that. Try all these things and see if they help you too. I did not have this before I was so sick withg my heart inflammation. So since they treat it with high dose Aleve and aspirin, and protpn pump inhibitors,I believe it has caused  reduced stomach acid and other problems. Check into ways to fix this-actually when people think they have too muhc acid, it's really that they have too little. Causes aLOT of problems. i am relentless in finding the cure for this, because its awful. Wishing you all well, and try stomach remedies, it seems to have something to do with that....
  • Posted

    Do you have any other subtle symptoms like fatigue, joint pain? I have Lyme disease and Babesia and rib pain is a symptom of Babesia. I have the exact same feeling! Could be completely off but just a thought
    • Posted

      What all were your symptoms? How were you diagnosed, and by what specialty of Doctor? 

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