Hypnotherapy and alternative therapies
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After an absolutely horrendous night and an equally bad day I am contemplating hypnotherapy to help ease the pain. Anyone any thoughts on this or other alternative therapies. The drugs I have tried to date have made matter worse. Think I have got to the stage where I will try almost anything that's legal!!
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Bee70 Maggers
I to have thought about hypnotherapy but very sceptical about it. I have not known anyone I personally know that has tried hypnotherapy for anything.
It will be interesting to see what responses come on this forum?
I too am at a stage where I will give things a try after 20yrs of pains.
Live for the moment and a day at a time. Every new day is an interesting learning kerb.
Maggers Bee70
Bee70 Maggers
A friend did mention if I had tried hynotherapy but told him I have considered it but too afraid to give it a go as sceptical about it all.
Do keep me posted with your findings.
susan49865 Maggers
i , like others have mention, have M.E, for many many yeRs but only recently diagnosed with Fibro, mainly because not listened to, what a surprise!. Only med tried so far was a prescribed anti histomenne which dud nithing fir pain but made me feel doped up and even worse attempts at sleep. Felt drugged and semi under but still awake. Binned them after five days but effect lasted a couple more.was worth the try though and see what doc comes up with next.
let us know how you get on..just do it in your stride .thinking if you.
tiswas24537 Maggers
and MCtimoney chiropracter 10/10
hypnotherpy helps some people but takes some weeks .trial and error i amafraid
Maggers tiswas24537
reflexology sounds interesting. Will give it a go after the hypnotherapy.
tiswas24537 Maggers
stands to reason if everything is aligned it will work better .
iv tried several chiropracters they tend to ajust one or two points and iv never found them to be very helpful in fact two of them hurt me very badly by by pushing down between my shoulders with out using the release mechanisum so the tabledid drop down i was in pain for weeks after treatments and hesitate to go back to one that isent a MC timoney
reflexolgy much better for me than accupunture which i am having now
my relexology lady retired and know one replaced her
tiswas24537 Maggers
i know it adds up to about 3 and half thousand including 2 very expensive beds
you dont find that often iv always paid a frotune for first appointments
Maggers tiswas24537
tiswas24537 Maggers
wish you good luck.
would be interested in hearing how you get on .
Bee70 Maggers
Hope you get positive feedback from your therapist.
Good Luck !
TeresaJS Maggers
Maggers TeresaJS
TeresaJS Maggers
Let me know. Cheers. All good to U.
tiswas24537 TeresaJS
i am asking my doctor to try me on it .
its down to her decision as its not liscend for use with fibro ,
but i am hoping that as it cost just 82p a day she will consider trying me with it , off label . either with a NHS perscribtion or a private one .
the one thing that encourages me to try.
is, its safe to prescribe to pregnant women.
TeresaJS tiswas24537
tiswas24537 TeresaJS
TeresaJS tiswas24537
a 2 edge sword. Congrats on your baby!
tiswas24537 TeresaJS
i never said i was pregnant ,i said ldn was safe to be prescribed to pregnant women .
so i would feel safe trying it . because of it being so
,if i could get my doctor to prescribe it .
tiswas24537 TeresaJS