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I just had my hysteroscopy and the doctor told me I am very healthy. No polyps, lining right size, everything looking very healthy. He took a biopsy just for normal procedure but he said nothing will show.
Hysteroscopy was quite painful but bearable.
After it I felt like I was having contractions, these soon passed. He gave me a local anaesthetic which I didn't feel. A bit of bleeding now but resting.
I am so relieved. I can now go back on HRT!!!
Wooooo!!!! Normal life will resume.
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Guest natacha66
natacha66 Guest
Did it at Queen's hospital in Romford. They were 100%!!
lana07071 natacha66
natacha66 lana07071
Load of my mind. Thanks. Xx
Michellestar87 natacha66
I have tried a hhysteroscopy but they didn't give me a local anaesthetic and it became too painful and we had to stop.did you find it painful as he was entering through the cervix ? Mine was like horrendous period pains.im sure it q
natacha66 Michellestar87
It was painful as I never had any vaginal births, so the cervix was like sealed. Doc gave me a local anaesthetic and then I didn't feel anything. It was more uncomfortable. He nurse was talking to me through it all and took my mind of what was going on.
After it felt like I was having contractions and was really bloated like I had a fart stuck. Sorry that's the only way I can explain it.
But it was pretty much ok and managed to drive home.
Michellestar87 natacha66
I'm so so pleased for you 😊😊😊wonder why he didn't give me a local as it would have been bearable !!!! I have endometriosis deep so I'm
Not sure if that helped causing me too much pain I'm not sure.nine felt like bad period pains but worse lol xx
natacha66 Michellestar87
I was so lucky Queens is very good and the gynaecology dept is under Harley St, so the doctors are top notch and so is the treatment.
Endometriosis is horrible I remember how the pain would cause me to suffer and got me anxious and depressed.
Had a laparoscopy and they found some
Growths but then they took them out.
Never again after that. Amen.
Guest natacha66
natacha66 Guest
jane5216 Michellestar87
I agree - I wasn't given anything and the pain was horrendous. Whole procedure took about 45 mins and then wheeled out on a trolley to a room to recover for an hour. Awful pain and nausea afterwards. Wouldn't go through it again for all the tea in China - and I don't have endometriosis. Doctor wanted to stop but I couldn't bear the anxiety of waiting any longer to find out if I had cancer. They gave me pain relief afterwards - I don't understand why I couldn't have had that and a local beforehand!!
anne44931 jane5216
I could just cry when I read your post. Nobody should have to suffer like that. I'm having it done on 12 Oct. But have been told I will be asleep. So anxious
Michellestar87 jane5216
Oh nooo that's sounds bloody horrendous Jane 😪😪😪I got told on my letter to take two paracetamol an hour beforehand but it didn't even touch it and I agree why do some get a local and some don't it's crazy !!!!! He stopped my procedure without even asking if I wanted to stop he said I've abandoned procedure !!! I so wanted it done for peace of mind too and now I'm referred back to GP as I don't want it under a GA !!! Xxx
jane5216 anne44931
Anne, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to increase your anxiety by sharing what happened to me. Most women find it ok and not particularly painful but we're all different. I haven't had children and the dr said my cervix was 'tiny' and difficult to access.
With a general you won't feel any pain and the good news is that the pain went away quickly, the nausea subsided and I didn't bleed much. (They gave me a sanitary towel the size of a toddler's nappy just in case!) If I ever had to have one again I would go for a general. The nursing care was excellent and they are incredibly careful with anaesthetics. Are you in UK? Will you have someone to take you home and look after you? What are you most anxious about Anne? xxx
jane5216 Michellestar87
Yeah, I took paracetamol too but might as well have been Smarties. I think my cervix had shut up shop and locked the doors years ago because Dr had to push and shove to get through it. Then they ran out of water (!) so they had to get a fresh supply. What was really funny was that after the Dr had finally got into the womb and come out again, her little tool had failed to pick up a sample of the lining so we had to start again!!!
This time with an assortment of speculums and a sort of sucky tube. I was beyond caring by then. I was doing heavy yogic breathing and hoping that if I'm reincarnated it won't be as a woman again. I didn't want a general because I'm freelance and although my health is my no.1 priority, if I don't work I don't get paid and I just can't afford to take time off.
My advice Michelle is to ask your GP for a strong painkiller and a relaxant eg Valium before you go for the hysteroscopy. If your muscles are relaxed it will be easier. Insist on a local as well and if you find it difficult to be assertive with doctors (like most of us) have somebody with you to insist on your behalf. That's what I'd do if I ever had to face it again.
However, the good news is that the biopsy results came back as normal - big hoorah!! So it's a happy ending and that's what's important. Although I still need to have a smear test because the gyny doing the biopsy refused to do one
Good luck, Michelle and let us know how you get on. J xxx
Michellestar87 jane5216
Well I received a letter from gyno saying as I refused a GA and didn't turn up at the procedure I am now being referred back to go lol !! I've had scan after scan an mri and all it picked up was deep endometriosis and a tiny blood clot in womb which is why hysteroscopy advised so I'm
Not too concerned as mri shows everything up but I still have no clue what a small endometrial clot is but I had a heavy bleed for 3 weeks before the mri so I'm sure something happened and a clot formed to stop the bleeding.im now on notethesterone .you did so well I just wish the gyno was more persistent as I only said ouch that hurt twice and he abandoned it !!!! 😁😁😁
anne44931 jane5216
Hi Jane
I am having mine done in NI. Yes I will have someone to take me home after. I guess I'm anxious in case they find something unexpected plus a bit because of the recovery time after.
I'm having problems with heavy bleeding and at this stage the indications are that it's peri menopause
jane5216 anne44931
I do so understand your anxiety but it's a very remote chance they will find anything awful. They won't have to put you under for very long so a low dose of anaesthetic. I don't know for sure but I think you will be back to normal after a couple of days. I know you'll be worried till it's all over though. Be kind to yourself until 12th - keep busy with lots of treats :o) xxxx