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I just had my hysteroscopy and the doctor told me I am very healthy. No polyps, lining right size, everything looking very healthy. He took a biopsy just for normal procedure but he said nothing will show.

Hysteroscopy was quite painful but bearable.

After it I felt like I was having contractions, these soon passed. He gave me a local anaesthetic which I didn't feel. A bit of bleeding now but resting.

I am so relieved. I can now go back on HRT!!!

Wooooo!!!! Normal life will resume.

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28 Replies

  • Posted


    I'm having this procedure done on 12 October and I am quiet afraid. I was told that I would be having a general anaesthetic. Where you awake? I am so nervous about it I don't think I could go through with it if I wasn't put to sleep


    • Posted

      Yes. I was awake through it all. I refused general, that means a night in hospital they said. It was fine. Sailed through it.
    • Posted

      Don't worry there is nothing scary about it. It is uncomfortable but that is all. After u feel

      Some pressure in the abdomen but it goes. I drove back home, went for lunch with my mate then had a snooze.

      Hardly any bleeding.

      Piece of cake.

    • Posted

      I ahd this odne oin December, slight aching afterwards andfelt alittle bloated , \i was back in work the day after and outon the christmas do. I was a little achy by the end of the night and sat down most of the time i was out.

      After the proceedure I only had a little bleeding as that was somethig i was afraid of. they fpund a polyp which needs removing but want me to have a general for that, i was awake for the hysteroscopy and had no local , it was uncomfortable but just about bearable. take some painkillers before you go. everyone is different, good luck

  • Posted

    Great news natacha! Sometimes I feel like it is so hard to find good docs here where I am. It is sad really.
    • Posted

      I agree. So many of us suffering with all these issues. What we need are good docs and empathetic people. That's why we r here.

      I can say that many people complain about the NHS in the U.K. But I can say that so far been lucky.

      I just want to get back on HRT to get rid of the hot flashes and night sweats.


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