Hysteroscopy and Biopsy ( Terrified)
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Can i just ask anyone had this procedure.... was you put asleep when u had the hysteroscopy and biopsy....as i went for my pre-op today....and they said i will be awake for my hysteroscopy and biopsy...i am terrified...they said don't worry if it hurts we can give me gas and air OMG!
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becky221 jane50560
I have had a biopsy and didn't have anything but some ibuprofen. It was hardly more than a pap. Just a little more uncomfortable but nothing major at all. I haven't had a hysteroscopy though.
jane50560 becky221
Thanks Becky...u must have had a biopsy of your cervix....not inside your womb....but even that would scare me...i'm a drama queen haha x
lana07071 jane50560
jane50560 lana07071
Thanks Iana...i don't mind the dentist....i would rather go there haha...i will update wen i have had it done....i bet i will be back fuming..startin a petition to ban this procedure without GA x
Lesley998 jane50560
Hi there, I had it, wide awake, didn't need the gas and air. Felt like a PAP smear. I lay there terified like you, and ready to scream. I remember saying 'hurry up, I cant stand the tension...' they said, it's done. My advice would be, if you feel the slightest twinge, scream the place down. Or cry your eyes out on your way in, so they give you sedation
Don't worry hun. Its a breeze x
jane50560 Lesley998
Thanks Lesley...the thought of them going through into my cervix t...and then taking a piece of my womb....while im awake...can't even imagin not feelling it...i want to vomit !.....i am a coward...i don't even know how i had 2 children haha x
lana07071 jane50560
Biopsy wasn't awful. A bit uncomfortable, but not more. I walked right afterwards as I had no near parking. Nothing to fear in terms of pain.
Gillian1956 jane50560
Hi I had a Hysterectomy and I was not awake for this but some other lady's were but had epidural so they didn't feel anything they listened to music and were totally ok one thing about being awake you don't get the yucky after affects of sedation take up your concerns when to go to have the op good luck and let us know his you got on
Lesley998 Gillian1956
jane50560 Gillian1956
Sochima822 jane50560
Hysteroscopy is just a tube used to look inside the vagina and cervix. Some women don't feel anything or just a minor discomfort. You are put to sleep since there's hardly any discomfort.
linda90246 jane50560
Lesley998 linda90246
Michellestar87 Lesley998
For some people Lesley it is very uncomfortable as I have experienced being awake while trying to have a hysteroscopy but it was very very painful for me and I have to have it done while asleep.although I do have deep endometriosis and a nodule of endo behind cervix not sure if this could have made it especially painful for me personally ? On the other hand my friend on here had it awake and she was absolutely fine.we are all different and should not compare one to the other on this.😊😊
Guest Michellestar87
Michelles, what exactly is this: I do have deep endometriosis and a nodule of endo behind cervix. Did they give medication or D&C or is it something that gets better as you age?
Michellestar87 Guest
Hello I was only diagnosed in April after an mri showed deep infiltrating endo which means nodules,mine is on uteral sacral ligaments,behind cervix and endometriomas on right ovary,have you this elsewhere too ? I'm
Not really in any pain and must have had it years and years for it to be deep,no treatment as yet as he said we treat the lady not the stage of endo.are you in any pain ? I feel discomfort sometimes and am scared to death of this hysteroscopy I feel I won't be able to
Go ahead with it as have a deep deep fear of a general anaesthetic and I'm
Seriously thinking of asking to try again being awake !!! Can anyone advise me on this please I'm
Sure my endo is making the hysteroscopy more painful as everyone else didn't find it a problem !!! Xxx
jane50560 linda90246
Thanks Linda>>>>i surpose everyone has there own pain threshhold...mine is zero x
Sochima822 Michellestar87
Guest Sochima822
Michellestar87 Guest
Just to check lining of womb and Mrs picked up a small endometrial clot but he told me he wasn't concerned about it.i had a heavy bleed in March and Mri diagnosed deep endo and this clot.xx
Michellestar87 Sochima822
Thank you and yes I know I have fibroids too and a bulky uterus as well as endometriosis !! I'm 49 and only found out in March after a heavy period they sent me for a scan and saw endometrioma then an mri showed deep nodules of endo and a small clot in uterus.so husteroscopy was advised to just look at clot but I am spotting but I'm on norethesterone so not sure what's causing what xx
Sochima822 Michellestar87
How long have you been on norethesterone as it's usually given to stop heavy bleeding(menorrhagia)?
Michellestar87 Sochima822
Since march when I had a heavy bleed i take it for 3 weeks then have a weeks break but I spot in between lightly.i was diagnosed with a endometrial small clot after an mri which was probably why I had a heavy bleed as I knew it wasn't a period.xx
Sochima822 Michellestar87
I see. So then, no big deal. You can request to have local anethesia where you won't feel a thing or/and a relaxer. Unless, it's too painful then you may need to be put under. Hope it all works out, best of luck.
Michellestar87 Sochima822
Thank you I think I may need to ask again yes.noone has ever explained what a small endometrial dependant clot is,and why I would get one have you any idea what this is or anyone have an idea what this is ? I hope it's dispersed by now as this was in April.i knew my period wasn't a period in March as it was horrific like a haemorrhage,stopped with norethesterone after 3 weeks. Xxx
Lesley998 Michellestar87
Michellestar87 Lesley998
Oh there's no need to apologise Lesley I must be the biggest baby ever but I do have deep endo so maybe This is what's causing my difficulties xxx