Hysteroscopy concern
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I have to have a hysteroscopy on 2 Septermber to take biopsies to check I dont have endometrial cancer.
I had a hysteroscopy in July 2015 as I had a thickened lining and a polyp. The polyp was removed and biopsies were taken which came back as all clear. At the time I was having heavy periods and a lot of pain, but mostly normal cycles. I was in perimenopause and sometimes my cycles were longer and sometimes shorter. I had one period in the April that dragged on for nearly a month but was very light most of the time.
After the hysteroscopy the pain subsided and I had 3 normal periods. I then started my November period as expected but it was extremely light and would disappear for a couple of days and then come back and then disappear again. This carried on for a few weeks until towards the end of December when I had very heavy bleeding and clots for a while. I continued bleeding until end January when I stopped for a week. A Vaginal Ultrasound at the beginning of Jan showed thickened lining still. I then bled for three weeks in February, three weeks in March, one week of brown spotting in April, bled for the whole of May, three weeks of no bleeding and then bled for the whole of July. One week of no bleeding and then I'm bleeding through and still today.
I am beside myself with worry that the hysteroscopy is going to show cancer because of this abnormal bleeding. The GP had wanted me to have the coil but I refused and it wasnt until May that they referred me to gynae - only getting an appointment last week with a consultant.
I asked the consultant if it was cancer and becasue I had been bleeding so much since Dec, would that mean the cancer would likely by now have spread outside and she obviously couldnt answer that.
By the way I am 49.
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becky53379 sentoholistics
sentoholistics becky53379
natacha66 sentoholistics
Like you I have thickening of the cervix endomitrium, I had bleeding once but was very little. So Doc not sure where it is coming from and luckily enough as soon as I saw it I rang GP to tell her and she sent me for bloods (all normal) and a pelvic scan that showed thickening of the cervix. Hence booked in for a hysteroscopy. Do not worry, do not suffer in antecipation. Medicine is highly advanced nowadays and you will be ok.
Stress only adds up to the condition. If anything negative is found medicine is well Advanced and you will probably have a hysterectomy. Distract yourself and do not focus on a negative prognosis. If they find anything u shall be treated and up and running soon. Do not see the future based on the Unknown. U will be ok no matter what and the doctors will deal with you very well.
Keeping calm and grounded will help you. Stress will only add up to it. Easier said than done but u can do it.
We women are strong and we can cope with anything.
You have us here for whatever you need. You are not alone..
When I lost my son at 9 months of pregnancy (due to the stress my ex put me through while pregnant and looking after my 9 month old baby and 3 year old and getting no help only stress from him)I thought i was the only one who had suffered a loss like this, but when I approached SANDS organisation I saw I was not, many women go through hard times, but the important thing is to seek help. Here you are and we are here for you.
natacha66 sentoholistics
ckon it wasn't from the uterus.
Do not worr. Stress only adds up to the condition. If anything negative is found medicine is well
Advanced and you will
Probably have a hysterectomy. Distract yourself and do not focus on a negative prognosis. If they find anything u shall be treated and up and running soon. Do not see the future based on the Unknown. U will be ok no matter what and the doctors will deal
With you very well.
Keeping calm and grounded will help you. Stress will only add up to it. Easier said than done but u can do it
natacha66 sentoholistics
ckon it wasn't from the uterus.
Do not worr. Stress only adds up to the condition. If anything negative is found medicine is well
Advanced and you will
Probably have a hysterectomy. Distract yourself and do not focus on a negative prognosis. If they find anything u shall be treated and up and running soon. Do not see the future based on the Unknown. U will be ok no matter what and the doctors will deal
With you very well.
Keeping calm and grounded will help you. Stress will only add up to it. Easier said than done but u can do it.
d19606 sentoholistics
im worried sick i have cancer i dont need this problem iv just had a tumor removed in my middle ear and for months thought i was going to die from that. i hope we will both be ok and that its normal at this age to have this problem. be asured that your not the only one and maybe its more comon than we think and may not be cancer. hard to not think it is thoe i know, iv been having sleepless nights with worry.im 47.
Michellestar87 sentoholistics
Due a hysteroscopy soon too xxx
Doc seemed to think the polyp could have been the cause of the bleeding but not sure. Time will tell I suppose. I just hope I dont get another one!
Options if the biopsies are clear are coil, ablation or noristherone. Any advice on those options ladies?
Michellestar87 sentoholistics
Waiting for hysteroscopy and currently on norethesterone to stop rej heavy bleeding but they have recommended the more a coil at time of hysteroscopy.was you awake for yours? xx
sentoholistics Michellestar87
Do you have a date yet?
How are you doing on the norethesterone?
Michellestar87 sentoholistics
Hi yes sep 15th under GA too,I tried once with being awake but it was too uncomfortable for me although others sail through it ! Can you share your experience of the GA please as I have not had one before and am terrified !! I'm doing well on the norethesterone I do have slight brown spotting sometimes but others I know do not,all I have ever felt is a bit bloated but I would rather have that than the continuos bleed.was you in and out the same day ? An me I showed up a endometrial small clot that's why I have to have a husteroscopy and a lining of 11mm.im glad you're ok xxx
sentoholistics Michellestar87
I hope it all goes well for you x
Michellestar87 sentoholistics
Thank you I am so anxious about it my blood pressure will probably stope having it done as I feel so anxious already ! Do you bleed after just having a hysteroscopy or is it cos you had a polyp removal too? I hope this endometriol clot is nothing to worry about ,sounds like a small blood clot to me but I can't read anything on it and no one in here seems to know what it is either.i was taking tranexamic acid tablets every month with heavy periods and the side effect is blood clots so who knows it may have been that.i hope you're doing well xx
sentoholistics Michellestar87