I am at the end of my tether. Peri-Menopause?
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Hi - I have been a member here for a few weeks and have been reading things, but I am wanting to ask or scream to know if peri-menopause is that I am experiencing. Most of the time I feel like I am losing the plot or dying.
I am 47 now but this all started a few days after my 44th birthday when I suddenly started feeling light headed and had some vertigo. That quickly passed but I am left with so many symptoms. They mostly are fatigue, daily headaches, very painful neck and shoulders, a very odd spaced out sensation and vision like I am wearing really strong glasses - everything looks surreal, I have anxiety like I have never known, I get a tight chest, a lump in my throat, my body feels like a lump of lead, spots, eczema, muscle twitches and my periods have changed with the cycle becoming shorter to 22 days and the bleeding lighter. I also get period pains lasting for a week before my period starts and painful heavy breasts.
I have had a head MRI and CT scan, heart tests, blood tests and it is all normal. But i feel so ill all the time. I rarely leave the house I feel so ill. I don't feel like me anymore. My family is suffering. I have no idea what is happening to me! And I also habe no idea what to do about it!
4 likes, 51 replies
karen77710 Sally4x
Hi Sally, your not on your own. I've been the same since last July. I am on HRT patches, it helps the hot flashes I get but that's it. I suffer with health anxiety and have done on and off for 20 years but it's at it's worst now. So I am just putting a smile on my face and trying to get on with it xx
Sally4x karen77710
I too have suffered from health anxiety my whole adult life, but this is on a level I have never known before. I am a nervous wreck and I can't handle stress anymore either xx
Guest Sally4x
maria_03422 Sally4x
Hi Sally,
I'm so sorry you are going through this, but you came to the right place
Everyone here suffering with these awful symptoms some more then others
Like you i started going through this change as soon as i turned 45 years old it might been earlier but thats when I start thinking that something really wrong with me... I had everything you described non stop everyday for the next 51/2 years,
My life as I knew it was gone...but its been 6 months now it eased a bid..
Alot of the symptoms are gone, still dealing with the health anxiety, body aches and headaches special before my period..My family thought i was going crazy, my husband was supportive but i can see after while he started getting annoyed..so pretty much i kept everything to myself! I never felt so alone, i couldn't look myself in the mirrow felt so old..and gained weight. it will get better, i don't think we will ever go back the way we were after this, but it will ease!!!
Right now i'm dealing with this sharp pain on my right site below the belly button and i thought was my overy . went to my GYNO did a pellvic ultrasound everything normal but still bothers me..so my family dr is sending me for a CT SCAN!!! I'm already so stressed about it. I don't really want to have anymore radiation in my body!! He thinks it might be a hornia but he won't know unless have the test done!!!
You will be fine!! is nothing wrong keep telling yourself that! Read a book that was my lifesaver and special at nights when all the scary thoughts use to creep in..Take a vitamin D a day it will help you so much!!
Please write anytime you want to talk.
Hugs and prayers your way!!
Sally4x maria_03422
2chr2015 maria_03422
maria_03422 Sally4x
Me too!!! feeling so overweight and nothing fits right! but don't loose hope i start feeling lighter the past month
my belly shrunk
and again i'm not doing anything different!!
maria_03422 2chr2015
Hi honey!!
it doesn't stop! When I start saying things looking up here i'm again with the scans!
Next Friday a CT SCAN w/ contrast..i never had the dye and i'm so scared right now!
i wish this little pull feeling and pinching will disappear before then
How are you feeling? any news yet?
2chr2015 maria_03422
Nope. And I have some other drama going on at my house right now...so I don't think I can handle doing it today
maria_03422 Sally4x
Me too..I use to be size 4 and now I jump to 8!! It's all part of this hell we going through..I feel so old!
Guest Sally4x
Same here with the weight gain... my clothes don't fit properly anymore. When I was weighed last week at my gyn check-up, I expressed concern about my weight and the nurse said not to worry about it!!!!!!!! But she is young and slim, of course... easy for her to say.
Sally4x Guest
I think if it matters to you it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks or says. I hate the way my body has changed and so far nothing is shifting the excess weight xx
Guest Sally4x
You're right! And it matters to me a lot... like you, I hate this and nothing I try is helping. Thank you for helping me feel less alone about this.
TropicalVon69 Sally4x
Sally4x TropicalVon69
karen77710 Sally4x
2chr2015 Sally4x
I know what you mean. I avoid going out as much as possible and when I do I don't have the energy to really try to look nice. I really don't see too many other women looking like I do at the grocery store. When I do, I think ah ha my sister in peri. I am sitting in my bed eating chocolate right now! 😂 Having my own little pity party. Please don't feel alone. We are here for you to talk and listen. I am on here a lot. It helps to know there are others who feel like I do...as bad as that sounds. I don't want anyone to suffer! ((Hugs))
Sally4x 2chr2015