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Hi Everyone!
Been reading your posts! Lizzy I hope everything is ok with you and your family. Has Alan heard anything yet? Linda hope you are ok and your alterations are nearly finished.
Had a good time away. Now to catch up again.! Got Sophie in the morning for a couple of hours. Molly got school assembly tomorrow and has got to do an indian dance bless her. Said I would look after Sophie as she is to young to sit still yet.
Catch you all again soon.
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Glad you had a good break, it will be lovely for you to have Sophie tomorrow, I know what you mean she won`t sit still I sat through many assemblies when I worked in school with tiny ones crying and it really wasn`t their fault, your daughter will be able to enjoy it without worrying!
Our lift should be finished tomorrow, but I didn`t realise how big it would be! Think it might be a good excuse for some smaller furniture and some retail therapy! Lol
Lizzy I hope too that you get things sorted soon, the waiting must be unbearable
Very stiff and tired, probably done too much getting the house organised for the lift :!: So much for pacing eh!
I hope you are both Ok.
Tess I hope you had a good morning with Sophie. I hope Mollys assembly went well.
Linda it sounds like your alterations are coming along well. Have fun with your retail therapy.
Alan should know by the end of the week about his job, he hasn't slept very well the last couple of nights, I just feel numb I'm not really sure how I will take it if he looses his job.
I'm also waiting for my appointment with endocrinology so I can sort out having the radioiodine to kill my thyroid. I'm terrified about having it but I know it is for the best. What it like taking thyroxine deos it work well?
Lindy. Di Ses and Richard I hope you are all well.
Take care all Lizzy
I do hope everything works out for you both Lizzy, you must both be worried sick, no wonder you`re not sleeping well. It`s been such a long time to wait, you can`t make any decisions or think what to do. I`ve always said through all our problems over the years, I can cope with the things I can control but not knowing and waiting is the worse thing, whether it be illness or something like you are trying to cope with.
Yes our lift is finished :!: Just got to get the house straight again now and then back to waiting for the work on the wet room to start. Knowing our luck they`ll start it just before Christmas :!:
Going to GP tomorrow for my next weigh in :!: Fingers crossed I should have lost 2 stone altogether now. Feel a bit disappointed actually, was hoping losing weight would improve some of my other symptoms but doesn`t seem to have done so far
Well thinking of you Lizzy and hope everyone else is ok
Lizzy hope you get some good news at the end of the week! Must be a nightmare with the waiting for you. :lol: Taking thyroxine is not too bad! It should be ok for you once they get your levels right. I have to take a higher dose than normal as it is to stop any cancer cells coming back. :cry: So I do get some more side effects than normal. Hope you get on ok! :lol:
Had a lovely morning with Sophie! She was very good. Molly assembly went well and Amy my daughter said she danced on the stage with her friend and did an indian dance. They were on their own. They danced in front of the whole school and teachers. There are about 600 children at her school. So she was really brave to get up. :lol:
Got Sophie the next two days from 8 until 6 as her childminders husband has got swine flu. Said to Amy not worth the risk sending her there for the rest of the week. Amy has all next week off on holiday for half term. So hopefully when she goes back they should all be ok. :lol:
Linda good news you have your new lift completed now. :lol: Like you say bet they will want to start on your wet room before Christmas. At least if they do you will have it all done before the next year.
Di has come back on the site in the experience \"Im back!\" if you want to catch up with her.
Lizzy hope things are not too bad for you today.
Thanks Tess I found Di, why is it always the people who already have problems that get more :?:
Well went for my weigh in
My sons scales are quite good ones that he uses for weight lifting etc, and on those I had lost 2.6kg :D GP has old fashioned non digital ones and they said I`d only lost 1kg :!: So not happy, GP wants to see a good loss before Christmas. Oh well I shouldn`t be surprised, it would be a miracle if something went right for once :!:
Enjoy having little Sophie, no point in exposing her to swine flu unnecessary.
Don't feel down about the weight loss as you are doing well. Like you said would be a miracle if something went right for you once in a while. :cry:
Had a lovely day with Sophie but a long day! Have her from about 8.15 in the morning until 5.45 at night. She only had one sleep yesterday morning although about an hour. Didn't have one in an afternoon so only had one break yesterday. Got her again today. She is a good girl though and knows if you say no to her she must touch things. I have some flowers on my fireplace grate in glass vases and she doesn't touch them. She knows what I will let her touch and what she shouldn't.
Got a lovely photo of her yesterday. Tried five times to sit her down to take her picture but kept moving just as I was about to take it. Had to take one of her sitting in her pushchair in the end lol.
Hope all goes well for you today Lizzy and be thinking about you.! :lol:
Have a good weekend everyone! Hope you are ok to Di!
How are you both?
I think you should be very proud of any weight loss Linda well done. Its so hard to loose weight when you try. So now that the lift is finished I hope you will be able to find some time for yourself before they start on the other alterations.
Tess I hope you had a good time with sophie. Molly goes to a big school our local primary school only has about 250 children.
Mine are all of on half term next week they always eat so much when they are off.
Had a really really bad day today I think its a combination of still not knowing what will happen to Alan. I had to go and fetch Vicky from college she was very upset, but still don't know why. I then fell asleep this afternoon and was woken by the phone.(which always makes me feel rough being woken up when just fallen asleep) The internet company I work for has only had a few orders over the last week and she doesn't know if there will be a buisness left in the next few weeks. So my part time job could be ended soon, its what keeps me active. Then I think the whole concept of my illness has sunk in. Its so hard to keep positive when so much is going off.
I know what you mean when Chris is at home fro Uni food bill goes up, electric and gas. Cheaper when he is at uni lol. He has to pay his share of the bills in the house he lives in but still forgets to switch computer or tv off when not using them.
Sorry to hear about your job coming to an end. :cry: Something else you don't need with not knowing whats happening with Alan's job, I hope you hear something soon and it is good news. It is difficult to remain postive when there is so much going on. I do feel for you and send you a big hug. Wish I was there in person to give it to you.
I hope Vicky is ok? Maybe she will come and talk to you about whats bothering her if you give her time. Could she be worrying as well about Alans job and not saying anything as she doesn't want to upset you.
Take care and hope things get easier for you soon.
Well not liking this damp weather. My ankles are swelling and really hurting the last few nights. :cry: Had bad night sleep as Stewart was on his first night. Went to sleep about 10.30 but woke at 1, 3 and 5 o'clock.
Hope get better sleep tonight as he is on his second night and only one more to go. :cry:
Linda hope you are getting everything sorted now your lift is complete and you are getting on ok with it. Must really help you and Ray.
Do you know when they are going to start your wet room?
Di hope you are doing ok and John is doing ok with his pacemaker.
Don't forget everyone if you read this message put your clocks back tonight. :cry:
I know what you mean about your ankles Tess, that was the first place I ever started getting about 10yrs ago :!: Its still the first place I get pain when I walk, mine also swell but read somewhere that that isn`t due to fibro :?: :?:
Lizzy hope you hear something soon, what a blow about your job, just what you didn`t need
How`s Vicky now, maybe everything just got too much for her :?:
Well, my daughter (age 30) is looking at a flat tomorrow :!: Thought she was going to stay at home forever :!: Lol Its a big step for her to live on her own, if her blood sugars go very low in the night she may not wake for hours until they rise again
She has a friends key who is also diabetic so that if she doesn`t arrive at work she can go check she is ok so I think her friend will do the same for her. I shall still worry though :!:
Just about got straight from the lift installation, but no news about wet room yet. As much as I want it installed a week or so break would be nice so I can recover from the lift work. Mum`s again tomorrow, for hospital app. Had 10 phone calls from her in 2hrs on Fri evening :!: All asking the same thing :!:
Well, hope everyone is doing ok
I think my ankles swelling may be due to my osteoarthritis. I could have some antiinflamattory tablets to take the swelling down but they upset my stomach so can't take any. I do have the cream to help with the pain but doesn't take the swelling down. Swelling tends to go down if I rest up and especially overnight. :cry:
It will be good for your daughter to be independent and have her own flat. I do know how you feel about worrying about them though. Claire's crohns has flared up and she has gone on a liquid diet to help it for about 7 weeks. She is still managing to go to work though and takes her drinks with her. :lol: I worry about her living on her own but she always rings me or I ring her. It is so much better when they live not far away as well. :lol:
Will your daughter be living not far from you if she takes the flat. :lol: I know it is more worrying for you with diabetes. It is good that she has a friend also with the condition so they can help each other out. :lol:
Still won't stop you worrying though as a mother does whether they are well or not.
Poor you with your mum! She is getting confused and it is tiring on you dealing with it all. :cry: Hope you get on ok with your mum at the hospital today.
Lizzy hope you are doing ok and come on and let us know how you are. :lol:
Di hope you are ok too. Brian haven't heard from you in a while don't let us women frighten you away.
How are you all today. Well my legs and knees feel really sore today like someone has kicked me in them. Went out last night to a retirement do and didn't get to be until 12. Feel in more tired today after not having very good sleep while stewart was on nights. Got Sophie today at 10 so should feel more awake by then. Seeing Molly and Sophie makes me feel better. Amy taking Molly shopping with my other daughter Claire.
So shouldn't be really late back today. :lol: Stewart is here as well to help as on a rest day.
Lizzy how are you today. I hope it wasn't bad news with Alan and you are all ok. :lol: How is your daughter now? Linda I hope you are ok and all went well with your appt at the hospital for your mum.
Hope everyone else is doing ok and managing to cope.
You will have a lovely time today with Sophie
Its good Stewart is at home too, to help.
Ann didn`t take the flat, despite a letter from the GP saying she needed space for 2 fridges (one for all her medical stuff) it didn`t even have space for one fridge and a washing machine :!: She was disappointed, but is hoping there might be one in this weeks council magazine that will be better.
Lizzy, hope all is well and you have had some good news.
Feeling really rough today, think the last couple of weeks has finally taken its toll, so just going to watch tv this afternoon :!:
john doing ok.. his spirit has lifted up a bit... i have had a few days in bed feeling really ill but cant put a name to what was actually wrong with me..
we have had some good news in our family our nephew is a proud new daddy to baby boy josh... he is so lovely, so nice to have a new baby in the family..
im going to try and do some craft cards tonight as i have a few to make up. if its not my hands that get sore its my back, see when i do stand up i look and feel about 90 trying to stand up and walk..
hope ur all well and hope we get some nicer weather over the next few days to help us a wee bit...
luv hugs di xxx
Hope you had a good rest today Linda! It always catches up with us in the end if we do too much. :cry: Sorry to hear your daughter didn't get the flat. Hope she finds something soon and with enough space for her medication.
Di good to hear John is doing ok. Yes it is nice when there is a baby in the family. Will be good for you and take your mind off other things.
Hope you managed to get some cards done!
Lizzy how are you! Hope things are ok with you.