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Hi Everyone!
Been reading your posts! Lizzy I hope everything is ok with you and your family. Has Alan heard anything yet? Linda hope you are ok and your alterations are nearly finished.
Had a good time away. Now to catch up again.! Got Sophie in the morning for a couple of hours. Molly got school assembly tomorrow and has got to do an indian dance bless her. Said I would look after Sophie as she is to young to sit still yet.
Catch you all again soon.
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I hope you all had a good day today. Its been warm and sunny here. The plants are getting bigger by the day in the pond. I hope the frost deosn't kill them!
Di did you manage to get some cards made? I'm pleased to hear John is getting better. Sorry to hear you haven't been too well.
Linda I hope your daughter has better luck next time. Have you managed to have a rest and pamper yourself. Do you have a date for the wet room yet?
Tess I hope you are well. Did you have a good day with sophie and Molly. Will you go away again now or wait till spring.
Richard I hope life is treating you well and that you are getting your treatment sorted.
Vicky is much happier today thank goodness I was begining to worry about her. Alan was told on Monday that his Boss is not guilty of victimisation and so he has decided to not apeal on this. He has not been very good since this, I think he has become depressed. Now we wait to hear the outcome of his disciplin which we think will be Monday, if hes sacked he says he will apeal, but I'm not sure he is well enough to do it. I actually feel a little better but I seem to yoyo from Ok to anxiety.
Take care everyone and wish you all a good day tomorrow.
Sorry the news about Alan wasn`t what you were hoping, maybe things will go better on Monday. Glad Vicky is feeling better. You must both be very down and sick with worry, whatever the outcome on Monday at least you will know what you`re dealing with and hopefully begin to move forward. Not easy I know
We think because of this unsuitable flat that Ann was offered, she has missed out one that would have been just right
They had all her medical referals etc and still offered it to her. I have said that it wasn`t meant to be and we must wait and see what is on offer next week. Maybe when she finds something it will then be clear as to why this one didn`t work out. I try to be positive for her, but inside I`m so disappointed, like you I swing from being ok to being stressed
Di, Tess and everyone else I hope the day is good for you
Had to go to the doctors today as I had a sore mouth. :cry: Thought I had burnt my mouth on a hot drink or something but I have got an ulcer. He has given me some cream to use three times a day and it not better in a couple of weeks got to go back. He said I could be run down and is sending me for a blood test for iron, thyroid and my kidneys. The kidney test is i think a routine test they do when you are taking antidepressants as I have had one before. :lol: Sorted out my thyroid medication and got more cream for my sore toes lol. :cry:
Lizzy good that Vicky is a lot happier! Sorry about Alan's news and will keep fingers crossed for Monday. I do it all goes well. Have a good weekend if you can as it must be difficult for you all. :lol:
Linda I hope Ann finds her flat soon. I always believe things are meant to be and will come good in the end. Claire my daughter who is training to be paramedic went to look at at Uni in Norwich to do her training. She was turned down. She then saw jobs advertised on the internet to train as paramedics and be paid whilst training with the nhs. It all worked out well for her as it she had gone to Uni would have come away after three years probably with 15,000 pounds loan or more. So I do believe things happen for a reason to an extent. :lol:
Have a good weekend everyone without too much pain. Going to try and chill out this weekend and take it easy as been feeling a lot more tired lately.
Well what a day!!!! Alan had an interview in Sheffield, but is not too hopeful as he hadn't got the experience they wanted. Then he got home to find a letter from work saying he was sacked as from tomorrow. I;ve told him he should apeal but he doesn't want the stress.!!!!
Tess I hope your sore mouth gets better quikly. Do you have to visit your doctor often for your thyroid? I hope you get the relaxing weekend you want.
Linda all good things come to people that wait so I am told, so I will keep my fingers crossed for your Ann and look forward to our luck too.
Take care everyone.
I am so sorry about Alan losing his job. :cry: I do hope he can find something soon. What does he do in his job?
No don't have to go to see doctor many times about thyroid. They keep more of an eye on me because of the cancer. Needed to have a blood test done before January next year for the Consultant at the hospital.
Have to go once a year in January for a check up for the cancer. My mouth is still sore and been using the cream but early days. Was a bit worried to put some on yesterday as it said on leaftlet 1 in 10,000 people could have reaction to it and face,tongue or throat could swell up. Waited until Stewart got home from work before I put ne on. :cry: Had three lots now and seems ok and tastes of orange.
I do hope everything goes ok for you all and send you a big hug.
Sorry Alan has lost his job
I do sympathise however, that he doesn`t want the stress of appealing. I made that decision over DLA I just felt I couldn`t cope with anymore
It`s early days yet but hope he finds something soon, he needs a confidence boost right now :!:
Had a rough few days. Last week I was at that stage where I doubt there is anything really wrong, and then yesterday went downhill quickly. I`ve realised that if I overdo things it can be several days before I feel the effects. It`s the same with walking, I get stiff days after I`ve walked too much :!:
Hope your mouth improves soon Tess, it`s amazing the different ways in which stress shows itself :!:
Well must go and sort dinner, take away tonight :!:
I hope you are all enjoying the weekend.
Linda I also have the same problem it could be days before I get payback for doing too much.
Tess I hope your mouth is improving, I'm always asked at my check ups, have I had any sores in my mouth. I think it is something to do with autoimmune diseases.
Well my hole body aches and my head really hurts a lot, its not the flue as I haven't been anywhere to catch it, so it must be the stress. If its stress this is not good as I can't see our problems being sorted quickly.
I've got to sort out and decided which children are going to loose which activities as I just can't cover the cost. It wouldn't be so bad if they didn't play there instruments so well. Vicky and Peter are suppose to be auditioning for the county orchestra and windband next month!!!! Oboe reeds can last anything from a few days to a couple of months and they are £10 each.
Alan has applied for all sorts of jobs from warehouse person to hospital porter. He is a software engineer by trade. Its going to be hard to get a job without getting a reference from work. I wouldn't have been so upset, but hes such a good gentle person who would do anything for anybody, how many men do you know who would put a roof and feed there wifes sept brother for 9 months. My brother was in no position to contribute.
Take care everybody.
Wishing everybody a good week next week.
I know what you mean about looking for work without a reference, my son was in the same position a few years ago. At the first hint of the trouble he handed in his notice, and they took no further action , but he still couldn`t get a reference. It was his only job since leaving school so hadn`t even got a reference from a previous job :!: However someone was looking after him when he applied for a xmas job in a similar company and they took him on temporay without any references. By the time that was due to end a sales manager from his old shop also applied for a job there and gave him a reference
So have faith and something will turn up.
My son has never looked back and is treated so much better by this firm.
Hope someone is looking out for your husband and he finds something soon. You both must feel so bad about the music lessons
But you have to cut things wherever you can to manage until things improve.
Take care, Linda
Thank you both my ulcer is starting to improve. Been putting on a gel that tastes of orange four times a day. Seem to be ok with it. Hope it goes completely and doesn't come back. :cry:
Lizzy it is sad your children have to loose out on their activities. Like Linda says you have to cutback somehow even if it is only for a short while. Keep fingers crossed for you that Alan finds work soon. Was he a software engineer on computers? My son works on computers doing software and development. He works for a company but can't remember the name of it in Nottingham. Where do you live? Hope this week is a better week for you all. :lol:
Linda I know what you mean about doing too much and then paying for it later. We all do it though and ought to learn our lesson! Don't you find some of the stiffness is due to the change in weather. I am always worse in the winter than the summer because of the damp cold mornings. :cry:
Any news on when your wet room going to be started? How did it go with your mum at the hospital the other day?
Hope everyone else is doing ok
I hope today hasn't been too bad for you all.
Well how does anyone get there head around the benefit system?
My husband will be peanalised by the benefit system, by not being paid full job seekers allowance because he was sacked, as if he hasn't been punished enough!!!!
So I have given it a great deal of thought and I am going to make a DLA claim any advice will be of great help.
Take care all.
Thats ridiculous who makes all these rules. :cry: I don't know how you go about making a DLA Claim has never tried myself. Linda will probably know more about it. You could try asking your doctor for advice about claiming.
It never rains but it pours for you! :cry: I do hope you get some good news soon. Sending you another big hug.
Yea I know about the job seeker allowance thing, its like the rest of the benefit system, unfair :!: Don`t get me going or I`ll be here for hours :!:
With regard to the DLA the main thing is get someone to fill out the form with you :!: There are people aroung who are trained to fill these forms in and know how to word them correctly :!: Ray was refused when we filled the forms in ourselves, and then when we were pointed in the right direction to get help he was awarded it. Mum had a person come out from the benefits system to fill in her claim and it was awarded and in the bank within a month. The citizens advice bureau should be able to advise you on all benefits available, job seeker, DLA housing benefit etc. etc. I did have some info leaflets if I can find them I will let you know.
Good luck, Linda
Hope you are both ok. Had a busy day looking after Sophie today. She hasn't been very well and off her food. Today though started to feel better. She was eating more and drinking more. She also needed lots more cuddles bless her. Was getting worried about her as didn't want to get up and play. :cry: Went home with Amy tonight though tired but smiley. :lol:
Lizzy I hope you get all the finances sorted soon. Like Linda said Citizens Advice bureau should be able to help you.
Linda hope you are doing ok today! Has Ann heard about any more flats yet!
Hope everyone else is ok.
Sorry I`ve not been back to you with the DLA information, Lizzy, will try and find the web links over the weekend. Had a bad week, had a fall on tuesday, bruised my knees and wrists, cut my nose and head
Went to GP as I have had seven of these falls since my Fibromyalgia diagnosis. He doesn`t think there is a connection thinks its more likely to be a blocked or trapped artery in the back of my neck, so I`m off to neurology clinic in January. Oh well just another appointment to add to all the others I have to sort out, Ray`s and Mum`s included :!:
Hope little Sophie has recovered now, Tess, and you are OK. Ann has bidded for one flat this time, she knows now to be a bit selective and do a bit of research before bidding. The one she was offered last time had no room for a washing machine and a fridge, you could only have one or the other :!: It wasn`t a particularly nice neighbourhood either. So we have a ride around now and see what the places are like first. She realises now that its best to wait a bit longer and get something decent. You know what these young people are like they want everything yesterday and don`t want any help or advice :!:
Well, taking things easy still,
I hope you are both well and wish you both a good week.
Tess hope all is well with you, have you got anything nice planned.
Linda are you all straight after the alterations. Hope life is treating you well.
Spent saturday morning unblocking our main drain, it happens about once every 18 months, but this time it was really bad. It has no slope on it so everything just sits there and needs plenty of water to make it flow.
Take care.