I am due a hip replacement
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I am due a hip replacement as my arthritis is painful .I am having the right hip done first as that one is the worst .I am in constant pain and can't wait but at the same time I am scared stiff about the operation.... Does anyone have any comforting words or advice please would be very grateful as am very anxious about surgery :-( x
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lyn1951 vanessa88276
Rocketman_SG6UK lyn1951
sue1957Geo Rocketman_SG6UK
Rocketman_SG6UK sue1957Geo
Then just use them together again (along with my arms) to lift my backside up, and swivel straight in bed.
Let me know how you get on
In any other context this would be so wrong, but in this forum, the advice is given and taken in good faith.
What a wonderful forum this is.
Best regards to all
lyn1951 Rocketman_SG6UK
Rocketman_SG6UK lyn1951
Adjust position, and there you are.
As you say, not for the over 80's, and don't want to bang into anything/anyone.
sue1957Geo Rocketman_SG6UK
cathie38426 lyn1951
hang on there, change 80 year olds
to 90 year olds please. I have swung both legs into bed from day 1
post op returning home day, and I bet most 79 year old hippies
can do it. We are the new 60 year olds.
If you read their posts they come home and look after themselves
with little or no help.
Here's to the older hippies, tell us what you can do.
Rocketman_SG6UK cathie38426
Good for you
, I am sure neither of us meant to restrict this method to us youngsters
. It is amazing how some people can just cope with anything thrown at them, but then they have been through greater hardships in the 1930's and 40's than those of us born in the second half of the 20th century.
cathie38426 Rocketman_SG6UK
not much money, outside loos, but I wouldn't swap it
for my grandchildrens life.
I hope your wife appreciates you, and I was only joking,
but there are some tough hippies, my 94 year old
neighbour was a kinder transport child, 2 hips, 1 knee
and cancer in the last 6 years.
renee01952 vanessa88276
Great that you found us and as you can see, so many beautiful responses and tips already given ..
I had two THR surgeries and both times requested General Anesthesia - I did not want to hear or smell anything - not even a little pull, nothing .. I took a deep breath, next I opened my eyes and was done ... Surgery usually takes about 2 hours ... I had no side effects, just woozy - no catheter or numbness in leg - pain controlled with medication ...
Do you already have a date for your surgery?
Come back any time when you have questions or concerns -
big warm hug
carolann renee01952
cathie38426 carolann
G.A. Or spinal.
I wasn't consulted either time.
ginger54698 carolann
renee01952 carolann
That is not good honey ... you do have a choice, right and if that is general they have to give you general ---
So sorry that they put you through all this -
please let us know when you have the date, okay and try not too worry too much about the anesthesia (I know, easier said than done)
big warm hug