I am due a hip replacement

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I am due a hip replacement as my arthritis is painful .I am having the right hip done first as that one is the worst .I am in constant pain and can't wait but at the same time I am scared stiff about the operation.... Does anyone have any comforting words or advice please would be very grateful as am very anxious about surgery :-( x

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  • Posted

    hi vanessa 

    ive o words of comfort but i am in the same boat and totally know what your going through and how you feel..When is your operation ? Im sure we will be fine and i wish you a speedy recovery xx

    • Posted

      Thanks Karen I have consultation on 26th of this month I think it will probs be end of Jan wish it was sooner really just want to get it over and done with lol terrified when is yours and where ? Xim sure we will be fine too got be better than being in constant pain :-)
    • Posted

      Hi vanesa

      My operation is due on Monday the 30th ..it was the 16 th Oct but was cancelled and then again on 19th nov where I sat for nine hours in a waiting room then sent home due to no beds ....so fingers crossed for monday xx

    • Posted

      Aww,bless as if you went nervous enough that must have been horrid for you :-( good luck for Monday hope all goes well and you have a speedy recovery :-) xx
  • Posted

    Hi Vanessa,

    I had my first surgery on my left hip on June 30th, it is doing wonderfully, rehab was a breeze, the first 2 weeks is the worst, tightness, stiff, sore, don't get discouraged, walking is difficult the first 3 weeks, I was playing golf 7 weeks after surgery, my second surgery on my right hip was done on October 28th, again, doing wonderfully, went to doctor 2 weeks post op, x-rays looked perfect, started out patient therapy 2 weeks post op, be strong, be confident, everything will be OK, it'll be fine, I was in the hospital 2 days, then released and able to be in my comfy home, you will need some assistance the first week to 10 days, so plan accordingly, keep in touch with the forum, best of luck, you'll be thankful you had the surgery, take care....! 

    • Posted

      Aww that sounds great well done you :-) I can't wait to get rid of this nagging pain really getting me down x I'm fine about after the op to be honest I am just so petrified of having the actual op you know being out of it spinal block all that never had an op or anything like this so I guess its the unknown x
    • Posted

      I feel just the same, worried about the actual operation...it will be over in an hour and a bit we can relax after that! 
  • Posted

    Hello all, it is my husband who has had a hip replacement, a week and two days ago.  He was told all went well, the staples are coming out on thursday, but it was a long operation, the surgeon says the stiffest joint he has done!   Anyway I am concerned about the swelling, does everyone have bruising and swelling all down the leg, particularly the knee?  He mobilises okay with 2 crutches, but has pain when he sits down so is inclined to go back to bed which worries me...
    • Posted

      Lynne, i had my operation last friday, out last monday not alot of bruising or swelling, but friday boom you could not tell one bit of my leg and it was all swollen, taking advice from previous hippies i used a ice pack on my knee still swollen today but gone down alot,  think swelling goes with the rule xx
    • Posted

      Hello Lynne

      I my hip replacement almost three weeks ago, I have had no swelling or bruising but feel exhausted from the operation, and I spend most of the day in bed resting or sleeping, and I also get up to go the physio 3/4 times a day. Yesterday and today I walked outside for 40 mins. I have been reading this forum for ages and have constantly been told to take it slowly and really look after myself, so I am. Encourage your husband to rest, do physio and walk,


    • Posted


      Oh yes, the swelling and bruising varies from person to person.

      I had some swelling for a couple of weeks, and my operated leg was black. I still have some bruising under the TED stocking at 3 weeks.

      He must keep up with the physio's instructions, keep doing those exercises in bed, and out of bed.



    • Posted

      hi lynne,

      a lot of pulling and manipulation probably took place during the surgery, hence the bad swelling. ..

      is the pain in his knee when he is sitting? is it red and hot? can he bend it at all?

      bruising and swelling are normal however a lot of pain not so, I think....

      maybe you can call your gp. ...

      Big warm hug

      Renee ❤

    • Posted

      Hello Renee, no the pain when he is sitting seems to be a spikey pain his his buttocks!  I have given him a small piece of foam to put in the side of the chair which seems to help, and also he feels a lot more confident having read all these helpful comments on here .  It really does help to read other people's experiences.  The knee is very swollen but then it is bruised so as per above helpful comment, to be expected with all the manipulation.  It just helps to know that it can vary from person to person.  Thank you all who responded
    • Posted

      Its thAt toothache in the bum its so painful i actually cried. I found if i stand and walk a bit every 1/2 hour its not so painful. 

      Anyone got any idea i have disovable stiches, which are covered and are itching like mad i am hoping that means its all good .

    • Posted

      Mine was itching like mad - with clips in.

      Once they were out, so much better.

      I did find that going to sleep in our spare room which is cooler than the main bedroom was beneficial, also as I was on my own I could roll the covers back, flex my legs, and keep it cooler all without disturbing my wife.



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