I am finding shopping malls seem to exacerbate my symptoms.
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I know this sounds wierd but whenever I'm in a shopping mall I feel terrible.I feel dizzy,confused and sweat profusely. My legs feel like they are going to give out on me. I can't wait to get out. Has anyone else experienced this.
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patty818 karen_23982
Hi Karen
Sorry this is happening to you. It sound like anxiety. I have dizziness almost everyday all day. Mine is migraine associated vertigo, it feels like I'm rocking/swaying, falling and leaning sensations, feel as if I'm being pushed forward at times, bending is awful for me. I have anxiety with it. I'm post meno in the 4th yr. I have dizziness when I have hot flashes. This MAV began a year ago sbd came out of know where, they it's silent migraines but sometimes I get headach, neck and shoulder pain with it. But when I started in peri meno I had anxiety and panic everyday, it was awful. This MAV makes me wonder about meno tho coz mostly women have it and it begins in the 40s and 50s.
Have you spoken to a doc about it? Do you have dizziness at any other time?
karen_23982 patty818
Hi patty. I was period free for 10 months then out of the blue had one that lasted 3 weeks. Saw doctor and gyno. My blood pressure was very high but under control now. All tests ruled out anything sinister. When I was period free I felt fine but now I feel all over the place. I do get dizzy from time to time but it's horrendous when shopping
I am on anxiety tabs as i feel so worried all the time. It's wierd because I do feel calmer but these wierd attacks take over. Gyno said im in perimenopause. She said I'm lacking progesteroneprogesterone .2 weeks spotting I'm back to bleeding again.
Scou karen_23982
Yes. I've been like that for a year. But actually having it at other times too. Visual issues. Being I'm 54 still having periods and bad peri menopause although dr say it's not related I'm beginning to think otherwise Menopause just seems so confusing to me. I don't know if there's something over the counter I could do to help balance my hormones someone said progesterone cream others say no. Anyone try over the counter stuff that worked I'd appreciate any advice
karen_23982 Scou
Hi scou. My doc said I'm lacking progesterone and wants me to have artificial progesterone. But I'm worried about taking that. I'm going to see my pharmacist on Monday about some thing like the cream. So will let you know what he says
mary18003 karen_23982
maria101 karen_23982
Hi Karen it all happens to us I use to be so scared I would run back home I'm a lot better for now, but I heard symptoms can back with vegence
i will make the most, hope you feel better to soon hugs xxx
karen_23982 maria101
sebrina3123 karen_23982
I'm with you I get the same feeling when I go to the mall or in stores I start having anxiety I just don't feel go at all until I leave
karen_23982 sebrina3123
It's such an awful feeling. Xxx
bobbysgirl karen_23982
Shopping Centres/Malls have ALWAYS had that effect on me!
I've walked in the mountains and forests with nothing more than paint splodges on trees to mark the way - no problem. But a shopping centre 'you are here' map, agh!
It is worse now, but I find shopping WITH someone or a shopping list to hold on to does help.
karen_23982 bobbysgirl
Yes. I will only go if hubbys with me. I'm the same I can go for an outside walk but as soon as I hut the shops or malls my body goes very strange
jane50560 karen_23982
karen_23982 jane50560
CCinCal karen_23982
Yes I get that way at shopping malls. Have had it for about 10 years now since anxiety started. For me I think it's combo of all the loud noise, overstimulation of senses especially sight. And psychologically the fact that I don't need to be there and that I am avoiding doing something I need to do because for me shopping is my escape. I don't drink, do drugs, etc but shop. Have ever since I was a teen. at its worst I'd get severe panic attacks and barely made it back to my car. But once in car started feeling the anxiety start coming down. Haven't been to mall in ages now but sometimes grocery stores I start feeling it again and in the checkout lines.
karen_23982 CCinCal
This sounds exactly what I'm going through.