I am forgetting things all the time..

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Hi I'm 47 and I think I'm loosing my marbles I'm unable to concentrate and I'm struggling big time in a job I've been in for 19 years..

My boss makes me feel totally useless which is making me feel worse and the mistakes are becoming more..

I'm so anxious all the time my sleep pattern is hopeless..

I am going through the menopause as I've lots of other symptoms..

Please can anyone give me some advice some days I can't even remember how to log into my computer lol...

Advice needed before my boss sacks me..

Thanks in advance...

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31 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi, i can really relate to you...I'm 55 and been in a job for 19 years also ..Yes some days my brain is really slow and my memory is awful often forgetting things ...I have been having hot flushes more frequently in the last few months frustrating at work and night sweats are keeping me awake so knackered at work...I've started to take sage tablets as some ladies on here recommended ...I've only been taking them for 9 days and apparently it doesn't kick in until around a month so I'm hoping they do something... My doctor says that forgetting things is part of menopause/ peri I'm avoiding going onto HRT but it's difficult!!Hope you find something that works

    • Posted

      Thank you so much for replying to me...

      I am at my wits end I'm so grateful that what I'm feeling is normal but I'm not sure I can cope much longer the way I'm feeling.. 😞

    • Posted

      I'm so glad I found this place. It truly sucks that we have to go through this but I find it a comfort that I'm not going crazy; at least I hope it's the menopause cos it seems to have been going on forever, apart from hot flashes.

      I'm have a hysterectomy soon. I'm going straight on the hrt.redface

    • Posted

      I think I'm going crazy my boss it also a woman shame on her the way she's treating me it make me more stressed and adgitated... I've never cried as much in all my life.. I understand I'm making mistakes but I feel totally humiliated and bullied by her...

      I must have 30 symptoms honestly lol...

      Good luck with your hysterectomy..

      Wishing you a speedy recovery 💐

    • Posted

      Gosh Vivien, I never knew there was so many symptoms.

      Your boss sounds a right charm to work for, not. She should be well and truly ashamed of herself, I hope she never has to go through the pain and humiliation you're going through right now; well maybe just a little. twisted Is there no-one you can talk to at work who can help you with the way she is treating you? No one should have to suffer like that.

      I get the crying thing, everything makes me want to cry, happy, sad, cute, everything.

      Thank you for your kind words, I wish it was over and done with so can I deal with whatever is next.

      I hope things get better soon. xx

       Oh and that was meant to say  *Having a hysterectomy not have cheesygrin

  • Posted

    Oh oh, yes on all counts. Do you sometimes struggle to think of words, simple words? Also for me, stringing a simple sentence together does my head in. For instance, writing this will probably take me ages cos I can't think of what I want to say or how I want to say it. Then when I do I realise I've wrote an essay and delete it, lol. Not funny at all. I think I'm over thinking things, maybe. ::Sigh:: sorry I've been no help but it's helped me a bit to know I'm not the only one. I'm 49

    Take care and I honestly hope things improve soon for you x

    • Posted

      Thank you so much for replying to me...

      You made me smile so that's helped...

      I feel so useless thinks I can do blindfolded I'm struggling to now remember..

      I feel ashamed and embarrassed x

    • Posted

      Sorry me again, I said yes on all counts but my sleep hasn't been affected that much, yet. If sleeping was an Olympic sport I could sleep for England.. Since I had some injections to shrink my fibroids which has apparently put me into a medical menopause I have started waking a couple of times a night feeling rather warm. How hot is a hot flash supposed to be? I'll settle for moderately warm if that's possible.

      Don't you be ashamed, you've nothing to be ashamed about. From what I've read on this site nearly every lady has suffered the same.

      Anyway, glad I could make you smile

      Take care m'dear xx

      P.S.I seem to have replied to you all over the place, lol..

    • Posted

      I do to Esmay im 54 and yes i have to write and rewrite, one thing I always excelled in was spelling but now even the simplest things I struggle to remember to spell I use spell check lol 
    • Posted

      Thank you Edmay and you can reply to me as much as you want makes me feel better..

      Take care of yourself x

  • Posted

    Yes me too...when I first started with the memory problems I started reading all I could on it coz I thought I was getting early dementia! Then I picked up a menopause book and turned to the "memory" chapter, and the first sentence was "don't worry you do not have early dementia " !!!!!! That was reassuring! I forget what I'm doing, can forget the names of things, forget that someone told me something....really distressing coz I've always had a great memory and a quick brain. Makes me feel like I can't depend on myself.

    I don't like your boss shaming you like that though! She is disgraceful! Any chance in changing jobs or taking a break?? I have heard ginkgo biloba helps memory? There are some specific herbal memory formulas out there....( haven't tried them coz I can't tolerate herbs at the moment!)

    • Posted

      Gingko biloba? That's good to know Lisk, thank you. If I take everything I've read about on here I'll be rattling, lol..

      My failing memory has been a cause of misery for ages but now I feel a little lighter

    • Posted

      Haha I'm feeling totally the same I think I'm going mental and my boss is a cow and making me feel totally worse.. 😘

    • Posted

      well maybe karma will come for Vivien's boss and she will have everything going that the menopause can throw at her lol 


    • Posted

      Thank you Sue...

      I've never wished anyone in my life a bad day but she's making my life a misery....

      I hope she has a bad day/wk/year in fact a whole life of misery 😂

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