I am forgetting things all the time..
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Hi I'm 47 and I think I'm loosing my marbles I'm unable to concentrate and I'm struggling big time in a job I've been in for 19 years..
My boss makes me feel totally useless which is making me feel worse and the mistakes are becoming more..
I'm so anxious all the time my sleep pattern is hopeless..
I am going through the menopause as I've lots of other symptoms..
Please can anyone give me some advice some days I can't even remember how to log into my computer lol...
Advice needed before my boss sacks me..
Thanks in advance...
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didi0613 vivien64752
Don't feel bad. I just switched jobs cause I've been doing the same job for almost 9 years, and thought I just couldn't handle all the increased volume. Truthfully, I did handle it and quite well. Just couldn't get caught up on filing and compliance review. So instead of sticking to what I knew so well, I jumped ship to take a different job in the same company, but so different and I know nothing about this area. Needless to say, its been a difficult first week. My computer kept losing access, I don't have any of the programs I need to do my job, no phone hook up. Just awful. So my advice to you is stick it out, ignore your hating boss, and others cause the grass is not always greener elsewhere and don't quit. He won't fire you. He needs you more than he leads on to maje you think otherwise.
vivien64752 didi0613
Thank you didi...I am a nightmare at the moment but I'm normally bloody good at my job.. I will try and keep my head down and get on with it.. 😘
maddysmom2015 vivien64752
Vivien, I could have written your post myself. Brain fog is by far my worst symptom of peri! And I too fear that every day I'll do something at work that will lead to a sacking. I've had my job for 17 years and the thought of looking for another one when I can't even find my boots is terrifying.
However, I have been taking Evening Primrose Oil (1000mg--or 2 pills) for about 3-4 weeks now and I am really noticing a difference in my ability to concentrate. Today, I ran errands without a list! And I remembered to buy things I didn't write down at the grocery store. That is huge for me.
The EPO didn't start to work right away. It took a few weeks. But my period is due in about 3 days and normally I would be completely useless, but I am feeling pretty functional. (Seriously, I would have to plan for 3 days of no work and no driving. The dog went to daycare and the "schoolbus" brought her home.)
The EPO must do something for estrogen because I've also been feeling a little 'in the mood' as well.
Haven't felt like that in months and months.
My sleep is still crap. But I have been having a ton of caffeine....
vivien64752 maddysmom2015
Hiya maddysmon thankyou so much for the EPO tip...I'm shopping tomorrow so I will pop it on my list to get some...
I am so amazed that people are really feeling and having symptoms the same as mine..
I want to shout from the roof tops I'm not bonkers well not at the moment anyhow lol...
I really do appreciate you sharing whats helping you have a much better day with me... 😘
sue58256 vivien64752
anon68 vivien64752
Hi Vivien,
Sorry you're going through a difficult time. I've read through what I've written and it sounds a bit cold and unfeeling - it's not meant to be. You asked for advice and I've come up with some suggestions that might help you get through this (allegedly this DOES pass), they are NOT meant to be patronising at all!
I know brain fog is itself on the list of symptoms, but I would suggest that you would find it makes a difference if you manage to get some decent sleep.
I would really recommend trying to get some fresh air and exercise, both of which are mood enhancers and might help with the sleep too. Also when you're out walking/running (you can work your way into running gradually), your brain kind of drifts all over the place and it really doesn't matter which is very liberating since normally when my brain is drifting all over the place I'm actually meant to be doing something important. I like to think that letting it do what it wants now and then might mean it'll do what I need to to more often... well I can hope!
Anyway, you're obviously not useless at your job, so try to keep a record of the positive things you accomplish each day. Sometimes it might only read something like "I got to work on time and turned the computer on" (don't bother with the "I couldn't remember how to log on bit). But every day there WILL be positives, and you'll be surprised how many little things you DO manage to achieve every day.
Perhaps it might also help if you keep making lists.... not just a general to do list (I'm sure your boss is great at helping you create those), but little "how to do" lists, so you remember the steps you need to take to actually finish any of those jobs on your list.
I'd also suggest you make sure you keep a good supportive group of allies around you at work. They will all have good and bad days for different reasons and if they know you are there to support them through, they'll be supporting you through this too and will be wanting to help you through those moments of "I really can't remember what I'm meant to be doing" or quickly check through something you've done before any mistakes become more widely known.
I hope some of this helps and that you have a really relaxing weekend and then a GREAT week at work next week - don't worry about it, just go for it when you get there!
vivien64752 anon68
Hi thanks for taking the time to give me your advice..
A lot of it sounds good and hopefully will help me I'm going to give it a shot anyway...
I find the hardest thing is im a profectionist hate it but that's the way I am and it's driving me crazy.. And when people are on my back it making me feel much more edgy and out of control...
anon68 vivien64752
I can understand the bit about people being on your back. If people start reminding me what needs to be done, I'm most likely to move their tasks to the bottom of my to-do list!
Hope you're having a good weekend, and hoping that you manage to feel a bit more in control of things at work this week.
vivien64752 anon68
Hi thank you so much for your lovely comment...
My weekend has been pretty good so far.. Not been at work helps me relax more..
I probably p*ss them off at home I'm sure but they let me get away with it and I feel comfy in my own home...
I've decided I'm not thinking about Monday till it comes as it totally stresses me and wastes my Sunday...
I hope you enjoy the rest of your week end and listen thanks 😘
maxinecarla vivien64752
It was like I had Altzeimers over night, I forgot to pick up the same dog 3 times. I had no patience no memory and couldn't cope. Thank the universerse for HRT!!!! Works instantly, life back. Good luck!
sue58256 maxinecarla
maxinecarla sue58256
vivien64752 maxinecarla
Thant you someone's very kindly suggested evening primrose old so I'm going to give them a bash.. x
maxinecarla vivien64752