I am in so much pain that I cry from the groin pain, hip pain and inmobility.
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I have been without insurance for over 10 years and I am finally getting insurance in a couple of days because of Medicare. I was told 3 years ago I needed a hip replacment. My leg was shorter by half and inch. I limped and in pain but kept going waiting for insurance. I am now where I cannot do anything, not even make myself a cup of coffee. The pain level is so high that even the pain medication of Norco 5-325 is not helping. Only making me consitpated. I try to get by with only 1-2 pills but hesitate to take more because of the costipation. And even that dosage only takes away about 10% of the pain. What has happened is that now my other good leg is in really bad pain too. When this all started i was having groin pain. But I just kept going. Now both legs hurt really bad and both legs have groin pain. I yell out because of the pain and I just rub the area and pray to God for the pain to go away. In the house I am using 2 canes. My back pops multiply times when I move getting up or out of a chair. My legs are so weak and I have to think to attempt to get up from the chair. My legs have inflamation and are so stiff. I just don't know what to do. I am no longer able to drive and have not been behind the wheel for 3 months. I cannot go out and do fun things and my house is a mess because i can't clean or cook. I sit on the computer, watch a little tv but then all this pain hits me again. What can I do? Why is my back popping so much? Why is my groin hurting? Medicare starts in a couple of days and hope I will be well again. I know the journey is long and hard, but I need my life back again. I want to go on vacation, go fishing with my husband and invite friends over to entertain. It all seems so far away. Can someone please give me their input? I cry everyday because of the pain and inmobilty. I need help.
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stella97565UK evelyn92771
Everyone here says don't put off taking medication as the pain will only get worse and it will take longer for the meds to work - it can take up to 30 mins anyway. I know the constipation is horrible. Can you get anything from the pharmacy to help? Drinking lots of water is also good and my dr suggested red peppers (bell peppers) are also good for constipation as they hold on to the water in the bowel and help it to move. All of us on here have suffered at some time or another, it's a by product of the painkillers.
I don't know why your back pops from time to time but it could be because of the pressure from your hips. Yours legs are probably stiff because you have become so immobile - it's a vicious circle.
I had my first hip replacements 20 years ago, when I was 40 and never looked back. Before then I was in constant pain and some days not able to get out of bed. I've just had to have a revision of the right one and am 8 weeks' post op and doing well. Obviously everyone is different but in the majority of cases hip replacement really is a life-saver.
I really hope you can get something sorted out very soon. You will find lots of friends on here to support you.
Just blast away whenever you want to - even if we can't stop the pain we can sympathise with you and you won't feel so alone.
Take care and keep in touch.
Stella x
evelyn92771 stella97565UK
My husband is retired and he is taking care of everything here at the house. But although I am grateful for him the cleaning is not the same. Today he did vacume and sweap the floor that was good. He is learning how to cook too. lol. I am grateful for what he is helping me. Without him I don't know what I would do. You mentioned getting someone to help me with a few things tidy and such. I did have a friend offer but I was so embarrased to get help and her see all the dust that I thanked her and said no. I am thinking now to call her and say I am ready.
On the constipation I will have to get something to help. Red peppers help hun? Well I like them alot....do they have to be raw or cooked ok?
Your right on the viciuous circle of pain, popping, limping etc. I can't do the big stores so I have to use their scooters to get around that helps.
So you said you had a revision of your hip dose that mean you got another hip replacement after the 20 years?
Thank you for your kind words and someone to be out here. I find comfort already.
Talk soon,
stella97565UK evelyn92771
Also glad to hear that you will get in touch with your neighbour for a little help too - will also be company for you and take your mind off things for a while.
Red peppers - cooked or raw I don't think it makes any difference. Hope it works for you.
I've recently had a revision of my right hip because it suddenly failed in July, after 20 years. The left hip is still OK and my consultant thinks the right one might have just been a bad batch as the polythene cup just disintigrated very quickly. Anyway, the new one should last me the rest of my life, or so he says.
I see lots of good post-op advice for you on here. I would add that I am finding a shopping bag which I can hitch over my shoulder is really good for carrying things around in - book, specs, mobile phone etc. I also manage to get most of the dirty laundry in mine and either sling it down the stairs or carry it down on my shoulder.
Tomorrow's the big day for your insurance so I hope you get sorted out really quickly - maybe even before Christmas - although your husband will have to cook the Christmas lunch!!!
Take care,
Stella x
joy47826 evelyn92771
joy47826 evelyn92771
ginger47520 evelyn92771
Also miralax
Back to the topic of constipation. There are also gummies that have fiber.anything with physillum sp
Works with just adding water and one brand iuse to use also has it in. Wafers..I like the one has apple flavor.I'm do happy your getting things going
I'm five months post op.
There are three ways the surgeon will do it
One posterior,lateral and anterior.
Posterior behind.latteral is along your side of leg.Those two have many restrictions.like cross your legs. Even when sitting and your feet on the floor.never across the knees..also no bending over because have to keep 90° angle.otherwise your hip can dislocate.
Now the anterior approach is from the front of the leg.One good thing is no restrictions. BUT I HAVE FOUND it it's for me more painful recovery.
Most people do better lateral approach and recover sooner.The anterior one requires a special table for the surgery.Lots of things to think about.hugs
eileen64__UK ginger47520
I find that easier to take....less hassle
Eileen UK
eileen64__UK ginger47520
Is lateral a long scar DOWN the side of your leg? {not along?{} I'm asking because thats where my 2 scars are.....one on either leg
Eileen UK
ginger47520 eileen64__UK
eileen64__UK ginger47520
Thanks for that.....in the UK they tend to talk about THR's but not the kind......never heard of anyone having one that hasnt been down the side of the leg
Thats not to say there isn't anyone
Eileen UK
ginger47520 eileen64__UK
My question is why in the world do the doctors in the uk does a second hip just 11wks apart? Hugs
eileen64__UK ginger47520
2 surgeons in the UK.......thats why I havent heard much about it LOL
11 weeks apart??? that is a short time.....who had that?
I was due for a second one 3 to 4 months after my first and I think that was quick or would have been if it had gone ahead LOL
Eileen UK
ginger47520 eileen64__UK
To me having them do close doesn't make since.
B/c the first isn't healed.
Actually Eileen some people in the u s had both don't st the same time. That crazy!!
eileen64__UK ginger47520
I've read the posts about having both done together.....thats mad.
As you say ...the 11 weeks....your not healed. UK has a 6 week restriction {very strict} so just 5 weeks after that.....no way
Eileen UK
ginger47520 eileen64__UK
Or sitting in a cramped bus would have such hard affects on my hip. Not alone lots of steps. I still can't two step it yet.
13 states and District of Columbia.
3986 miles over 14 days.whew.Not a good idea for me five months post op.lol
ginger47520 eileen64__UK
Or sitting in a cramped bus would have such hard affects on my hip. Not alone lots of steps. I still can't two step it yet.
13 states and District of Columbia.
3986 miles over 14 days.whew.Not a good idea for me five months post op.lol
ginger47520 eileen64__UK
Or sitting in a cramped bus would have such hard affects on my hip. Not alone lots of steps. I still can't two step it yet.
13 states and District of Columbia.
3986 miles over 14 days.whew.Not a good idea for me five months post op.lol
evelyn92771 stella97565UK
Your right about this all coming together at Christmas time. My doctor sid that by Christmas we would know everything we need to and then procedue. I really thought 6 weeks was a long time. You probably know why so long? A friend of mine said you may not want to be in the hospital during Christmas. I love Christmas but I actually thought I have waited so long I am willing to go in when ever I can. Do you have any ideas on decorating for Christmas? I can't do anything right now.
My friends are willing to help with what ever I need. So need to make a list.
Red peppers ok gotta get me some and I do like them so that will be cool.
Oh the shopping bag is a good thing. I sometimes just carry one thing in my pocket and that don't help. I can put things in the bag but then to put them away maybe my hubby can do that. Someone suggested a differnt bag for each room in the house. Don't know if that is just too much???
Yes tomorrow is the big day thank you friend for remembering. I go to the hospital to give blood. Later on in the afternoon were getting together with friends for my birthday dinner which is on the 4th. Will be fun.
Ok take care,
evelyn92771 ginger47520
I like prunes and prune juice...thank you. and is Miralax a lacative?
evelyn92771 ginger47520
evelyn92771 ginger47520
evelyn92771 eileen64__UK
I like prune juice...I like it and have some in the fridge. Yummy. But only had a half a cuip yesterday and was not enough.
eileen64__UK ginger47520
Yes I read that post........Did you end up in hospital for a short time?
I remember thinking I dont know how you can do it.....I've been away with a group......only for days but was shattered when I got back.
If there was a lot of walking involved I found myself a coffee shop for part of the time
How do you feel now?
Eileen UK
eileen64__UK evelyn92771
Just read your post and thought of something.
Shopping.....not a heavy shopping......I use a rucksack or backpack ....that leaves my hands free {in my case } for the crutches
In the UK after your THR you get a trolly along with the other stuff like raised toilet seats etc
Some areas over here you have to ask but they let you have one.
Its great to push things from room to room. Ideally its when you are recovering to push it into the kitchen, make a cup of tea and a sandwich and and push them back to where you were sitting but they are also good to just move things from place to place.
Eileen UK
eileen64__UK evelyn92771
I find that if I take it "off and on" its not a lot of help
You need to take it like one of your tablets.....regularly
You'll soon find how muuch you need each time.
Saying that I'm not very good at taking it regularly
but I know I should....its "do as I say...not as I do" 
Eileen UK
stella97565UK eileen64__UK
Stella x
ginger47520 eileen64__UK
I walked seven miles one day other days four to six miles. Couldn't rest b/c the room mate got up at,5:30 A.M.I'll not a morning Porto. Out bus left at eight do I didn't understand why she got up so early.
Also err walked in the train got soaked in wet.and err stayed that way until we got back to the hotel.
I did get sick with a slight fever.Do I stayed at the hotel that day. The hotel driver took me to a pharmacy to get Tylenol and decongestant.
So I missed going to upper New York city.and circle around the city by boat.
Do I did hurt a lot. But thankfully I'm all right.getting caught up with rest.
I'm going to write to the tour company telling them to put into the tour book that this tour required a lot of walking maybe say four to six miles.and loud off steps.
If they had said that then I would not have gone now
eileen64__UK stella97565UK
11 weeks seem such a short time....no matter what age you are. We have restrictions for 6 weeks and thats only shortly after it.
Rather you than me
Eileen UK
eileen64__UK ginger47520
I knew one day you were quite ill....That is awful having to walk those distances.
Did you ever get to the Statue of Liberty? you were planning that
Thankfully you are OK.
I do a lot of trips with our Arthritis Care branch and its great beause we are all in much the same boat so there is no long walking or there is a place halfway were some can stop off if they want to and have coffee and go at there own speed and the others {a few} that re more mobile will go on and then pick us up on the way back
Eileen UK
evelyn92771 ginger47520
Wow walking so many miles that is great. As you all know right now walking across the room is a choru.
evelyn92771 eileen64__UK
evelyn92771 eileen64__UK
evelyn92771 stella97565UK
ginger47520 evelyn92771
eileen64__UK evelyn92771
No we have those as well......take them outside as well as indoors?
This is a thing with castors on it to push it.......it has 2 large trays on it One above the other. Its inside only.
I tried to post a pic but couldnt......go onto google and google Sheba Kitchen Trolley .....3rd one down {when I google it anway
Our Occupational therapists or physiotherapists let us have the loan of one of those after a THR. Correction....not all hospitals.....ours does
Let me know if you find it when you google and tell me what you call it over there
I like to learn new words from other English speaking countries.
Eileen UK
evelyn92771 ginger47520
stella97565UK evelyn92771
evelyn92771 stella97565UK