I am in so much pain that I cry from the groin pain, hip pain and inmobility.

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I have been without insurance for over 10 years and I am finally getting insurance in a couple of days because of Medicare.  I was told 3 years ago I needed a hip replacment.  My leg was shorter by half and inch.  I limped and in pain but kept going waiting for insurance.  I am now where I cannot do anything, not even make myself a cup of coffee.  The pain level is so high that even the pain medication of Norco 5-325 is not helping.  Only making me consitpated.  I try to get by with only 1-2 pills but hesitate to take more because of the costipation.  And even that dosage only takes away about 10% of the pain. What has happened is that now my other good leg is in really bad pain too.  When this all started i was having groin pain.  But I just kept going.  Now both legs hurt really bad and both legs have groin pain.  I yell out because of the pain and I just rub the area and pray to God for the pain to go away.  In the house I am using 2 canes.  My back pops multiply times when I move getting up or out of a chair.  My legs are so weak and I have to think to attempt to get up from the chair.  My legs have inflamation and are so stiff.  I just don't know what to do.  I am no longer able to drive and have not been behind the wheel for 3 months.  I cannot go out and do fun things and my house is a mess because i can't clean or cook.  I sit on the computer, watch a little tv but then all this pain hits me again.  What can I do?  Why is my back popping so much?  Why is my groin hurting?  Medicare starts in a couple of days and hope I will be well again.  I know the journey is long and hard, but I need my life back again.  I want to go on vacation, go fishing with my husband and invite friends over to entertain.  It all seems so far away.  Can someone please give me their input?  I cry everyday because of the pain and inmobilty.  I need help.

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118 Replies

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  • Posted

    You tried to ease the pain and having both hips that's painful and your mess is not helping. Until you get that coverage there is really much you can do except apply ice to both of your hips to reduce inflammation and this will reduce pain for the moment. But at least, pain is lessential for the moment.Praying will help ease the pain. Trust in the Lord.

    wish you well God Bless. 

    • Posted

      Hi Beachbum,

      Thank you for the tidbit on using ice.  I have not done that except a couple of times.  Guess I better get those ice bags and put them to good use.  lol.

      Thank you for your prayers.  And trusting the Lord is what I have each day to help me with. 

      God Bless you too.



    • Posted

      Morning Evelyn

      I discovered that i have had to drop my standards a little bit, It used to annoy me the bits my husband didnt see when cleaning but I am so grateful for his help and if there is a bit of dust now that I cant cope with {down low or up high} or the vac. isnt done the way I do it.....I think well I cant do the vac at all so thank goodness for him. He loves to cook so thats a good thing.

      I also had to learn to accept help from friends.....so many people have" "so called friends" that just disappear when they have a THR and aren't as mobile as they used to be.


      Eileen  UK

    • Posted

      Thank you Eileen,

      You are so right.  I am grateful my husband is helping me so much.  He washes my clothes, goes with me to buy groceries while I ride the little mobility cart.  Loads the car, unloads puts the groceries away.  The floor had not been sweeped in a long time and today he did it.  It feels better already. 

      You are right mine does not see the little tidbits either but hey he is already doing so much.

      Thank you for the reminder. 

      And thank you for also reminding me to accept help from friends.  I need the help now.  I am going to make a list and make small things for my friends to do.  Little things that will help a lot. 

      A BIG Thanks,

      Evelyn smile

    • Posted

      Hi Evelyn

      I needed reminding when I had my first THR.....At the beginning of the post op recovery you maybe aren't doing much so you have more time to notice the little thingsbiggrin

      Its not easy to accept help from friends {or i didnt find it easy} but they want to help and feel better when they do and I did help me


      Eileen  UK

    • Posted

      Funny you said that Eileen.  At this point I can't move or walk too much because of the pain.  So little things mean so much more to me.  Things that would go unnoticed before. 

      I will ask for help now...thanks.


      Evelyn cool

  • Posted

    At 65 Medicare was a true gift....in a populated country like the U.S. it's a tough one to give everyone govt health care....nothing is free and govts are broker than ever.... the U,.S. spends way too much on guns and wars and we  help everyone around the world.....well enough of that.

    Groin mess was my MAIN reason to do the hip replacement at 72, this was 4 yrs ago....groin pain is gone, but I do have a lot of other complications.....

    Get on magnesium and get that constipation under control.  I take 500mg of a quality mag thee times per day and many take to bowel tolerance....way better to be loose than constipated.....   I deal with OA over most of my body and Fibro, so I'm used to the popping.....it almost feels good to pop the back.

    I count on ME for help and gave up on a god helping me....hasn't worked for me.   J

    Even with Medicare I had some copays but all manageable,,,,,docs wait for payments to pay off your balances.....one has to be smarter than them....

    • Posted

      Hello Joy,

      You said that your main reason for a hip replacement was the groin pain.  Can you tell me what causes the groin pain?  Also is magnesuim helpful for constipation?




  • Posted

    Very very sorry to hear of your anguish.  Are you in US?  I thought obamacare had kicked in by now.  But hold on because it sounds like you are going to have insurance soon.  When I came home from hospital and rehab, I had visiting nurses come and they were fantastic.  Especially the physical therapist.......but that's down the road for you.  I am sorry that I can't offer you any relief and pray that you get your hips done soon.
    • Posted

      Hi Kathryn,

      Thank you so much for writing.  Insurance starts on Nov. 1st.  So only 1 more day to go to start getting help.  I am glad to hear nurses come to the house to do physical therpy.  I did not know if that was the case or had to go to them but then how I thought?  So right now one day at a time.  I do have a bath with a shower head and right now really difficult to get in and over the bath wall.  Don't know what later I will need with that.



    • Posted

      Hi Evelyn

      You should get a list of do's and dont's after your op.....restrictions for a certain length of time....it varies country to country......but even if you think you can get into the the bath after your op.....DONT....not for a certain length of time. With the uK its 6 weeks

      Lots of things we CAN do but are not supposed to do in case the hip pops out


      Eileen UK

    • Posted

      Thank you Eileen....ok no going in bath tub to shower.  So now got to come up with something creative.  We have one bathroom and the shower is in the bathtub.  Oh boy.  May have to make a shower curtain area in our patio with a hose with hot and cold water.  Oh boy. 

      Here is another question....what about stairs?  I have 3 steps to get in the house from the front door.  And two steps from kitchen to den?

      Got to make the list just like you said.

    • Posted

      Hi Again

      I think I said in a previous post I washed from top to bottom each day with hubby doing my legs and feet.

      Stairs or walking with crutches or two sticks.

      I dont know how they teach you in the USA but I was told for going upstairs to remember........The good leg goes to heaven and the bad leg goes to hellcheesygrin

      The good leg {believe it or not is the one that hasnt been operated} bad leg is the operated one that you are saving at the minuteeek

      So going up, I found that easy to remember......Good up to heaven and bad down to hell LOL The same coming down, unoperated {good} one goes first....down to hell  LOL

      This is a flight of stairs from ground to bedrooms...maybe you dont have those...Do you just have the coupple of steps? Do you have rails on either side?

      Getting in to your house it will be the same only not as many to think about

      My second THR I was told to remember GBS???????

      George Bernard Shaw {poet}

      That works out at  G...Good     B ....bad.          S .......Stick  LOL

      Same thing.

      I asked why it had been changed?

      The original one had offended a lot of people so we had to change it was what I was told.confused


      Eileen  UK


    • Posted

      Wow lots to remember when I get my hip replacement.  Sounds like the good leg always gets to go first.  Guess we let the elderly one as respect to go first.  lol

      Oh and what is THR?

      Well don't know what time it is in the UK here it is 3am Friday moring.

      Goodnight to me and Good morning to you....smile

      Evelyn USA


    • Posted


      I weas judt going to ask you what on earth time is it there LOL

      Its 10.00am Friday here.

      Sorry.......THR = Total Hip Replacement

      You'll see that a lot on the fourms here.

      I have to keep asking things like that......thefact that the UK and US even though we both speak English we use different words for some thingswink


      Sleep Well


      Eileen   UK

    • Posted

      Hi Eileen,  I was told 'good football teams go up the table and bad ones go down'!  For the same reason, that going up to heaven and down to hell had offended some people - for goodness sake!!!!rolleyes
    • Posted

      Hi Eileen,  I was told 'good football teams go up the table and bad ones go down'!  For the same reason, that going up to heaven and down to hell had offended some people - for goodness sake!!!!rolleyes
    • Posted

      Hi Eileen,  I was told 'good football teams go up the table and bad ones go down'!  For the same reason, that going up to heaven and down to hell had offended some people - for goodness sake!!!!
    • Posted

      Hi Stella

      I wonder how many other ways are people told to go up and downstairs.....I've got 2 and you have one cheesygrin

      Some people are so easily offended aren't they!!!!!


      Eileen   UK

    • Posted

      Hi there, gee just got to my mail so right now it is Friday 9:26pm.  Don't know who is ahead in time.

    • Posted

      M Evelyn

      Its now 7.30am Saturday in the UK

      Hope you slept well last night.


      Eileen  UK

    • Posted

      Haha!  I had a problem sending the above reply yesterday then it ended up going three times!!!  S x
    • Posted


      This site can be so weird.  It freezes on me quite a lot or if it doesnt completely freeze it lets me type some letters but skips others and it turns out as rubbishcheesygrin  Well more so than my normal posts wink


      Eileen UK

    • Posted

      Hi Eillen,

      Still don't know the time diffence.  But got to be a lot...lol.  It was a hard night sleeping because of the legs.  Then today had to hit the prune juice hard.  Not fun.  tomorro I see the doctor to see what he can give me for the constipation cause I can't take the pain medicine like this.

    • Posted

      Hi Evelyn

      Just gone back to the two posts and we are approx 10 hours ahead of youcheesygrin  I agree with you....you need something...so do I. I've got some sachets from the doctor but try not to take them very often.......sometimes need to take one then in between times if I take it regularly the prune juice is enough.......



    • Posted


      Laxido orange ...powder in a sachet which is mixed with water

      As fro prune juice....welll about a quarter ofa glass every day if thigs are normal LOL I dont know exactly

      Love Eileen  UK

    • Posted

      So glade you explained about the powder.Did you get it from herb store or perscription?
    • Posted

      Wow I wonder if it is what the dr. told me to get today.  It sells in a big store here called Costo if that is the one.  There are 3 bottles shown together. the dr forgot to write the name for me but this sounds familure.

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