I am in so much pain that I cry from the groin pain, hip pain and inmobility.
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I have been without insurance for over 10 years and I am finally getting insurance in a couple of days because of Medicare. I was told 3 years ago I needed a hip replacment. My leg was shorter by half and inch. I limped and in pain but kept going waiting for insurance. I am now where I cannot do anything, not even make myself a cup of coffee. The pain level is so high that even the pain medication of Norco 5-325 is not helping. Only making me consitpated. I try to get by with only 1-2 pills but hesitate to take more because of the costipation. And even that dosage only takes away about 10% of the pain. What has happened is that now my other good leg is in really bad pain too. When this all started i was having groin pain. But I just kept going. Now both legs hurt really bad and both legs have groin pain. I yell out because of the pain and I just rub the area and pray to God for the pain to go away. In the house I am using 2 canes. My back pops multiply times when I move getting up or out of a chair. My legs are so weak and I have to think to attempt to get up from the chair. My legs have inflamation and are so stiff. I just don't know what to do. I am no longer able to drive and have not been behind the wheel for 3 months. I cannot go out and do fun things and my house is a mess because i can't clean or cook. I sit on the computer, watch a little tv but then all this pain hits me again. What can I do? Why is my back popping so much? Why is my groin hurting? Medicare starts in a couple of days and hope I will be well again. I know the journey is long and hard, but I need my life back again. I want to go on vacation, go fishing with my husband and invite friends over to entertain. It all seems so far away. Can someone please give me their input? I cry everyday because of the pain and inmobilty. I need help.
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ginger47520 evelyn92771
Have you located one yet?
evelyn92771 ginger47520
ginger47520 evelyn92771
I met him one week had surgery two weeks. He wanted to do it the next week.But I needed time tomake arrangements for my dog molly and misty my cat.
He was recommended by a family at church who had a daughter and son in law.had an anterior hip replacement.
I needed to know that the surgen has done many this type surgery And does surgery several times a week.
Especially your surgery looks complicated.look carefully. Good bless.please let me know how things go.
beachbum1957 ginger47520
They just move it out of the way to get the hip and start the replacement.
I wish i had that Anterior approach in NY, they don't do that approach.
Post op recovery is 6-8 weeks. You have at least one week to get your pets to a kennel boarding or family member. You'll be fine with that Anterior approach.
evelyn92771 beachbum1957
Hi Beachbum,
Is the Anterior hip replacement cutting in the front? Someone told me that it depends how extensive the damage is that they go infront or side. But not cutting the muscel is so much better. Wow.
eileen64__UK evelyn92771
I'm in the UK so dont really understand the US medical system...sorry
It seems that you are getting close to getting started on some sort of recovery
As for pain killlers.....dont overdose but take as many as you need.
Stay on top of the pain.....dont play catch up with it...please
Eileen UK
evelyn92771 eileen64__UK
eileen64__UK evelyn92771
Being over 65 does have its advantages
I take codeine but not all the time.....when needed....its a fall back and constipation is the main side effect, I'm also on iron tablets at the minute and they have the same result.
I find prune juice regularly helps me.
Rather than taking sachets or whatever.....I quite like prune juice as well.
If you read other posts {other threads} about hip replacements you'll see that everyone is different and recover at different rates.
The UK......we have a 6 week limit where we cannot drive {illegal} cannot sleep on our side, it must be our back, and as for getting in and out of a bath we are told thats a no np be3fore 6 weeks is up. You wouldnt be allowed to lift your leg to get into the bath,
USA may have different rules. I had to have a complete wash down each day {because i couldnt get in the bath} with my hubby doing my legs and feet. Thats another thing....we cant bend more than a 90 degree angle.
No doubt others from USA will be on to tell you what their restrictions were ......Just think how much better you will be and how little you will have to give up for a while
Eileen UK
sue87388_UK evelyn92771
I have just read your posts and all the information you have to date. I am sorry you are suffering with all the pain but hopefully things will start to move soon - 1 November tomorrow
Go on the internet and gain all the information you can regarding THR's and also exercises following surgery it will help.
I know how you feel regarding housework and needing extra help. I initially turned down help from friends (again like you embarrassed that I needed to ask). We all give in to it and feel much better after, not only do we get help with housework but we get a friend to chat to while some jobs are getting done and that can be really therapeutic.
Like other people have said, take your pain killers regularly.
I wish you all the best with getting a speedy diagnosis and treatment commencing prior to Xmas. Stay strong and keep us informed.
Sue - UK
evelyn92771 sue87388_UK
And yes tomorrow is right now 2 hours away.....ahhhhhh!
carmen56984 evelyn92771
I do hope someone will be able to help you.
Keep us posted.
evelyn92771 carmen56984
What kind of help will I need? Will I be more inmobile then now? At this point I can't do anything.
sharon47216 evelyn92771
evelyn92771 sharon47216
I too love the outdoors and love fishing. I hope to fish again someday and enjoy the mountains and the trees.
Weight wise I have been working on losing weight and have lost 29 pounds. Hard to do with no excercise but hey better choice on my foods.
The Easter Seal pool sounds like a good idea but the one that use to be near me closed down. As I got older I did become alergic to chlorine but there is a pool that is saline that is about 15 milese from me. I was told they have a chair that lowers you into the water so you don't have to do staris. I will have to check it out. Except the walk from the parking lot to the pool is a ways.
I am using a mobility scooter when I want to do things. I have one that I bought a long time ago because I could not do the big amusment parks and was tired of paying $55 each time I went. After paying $220, I decided to buy my own I bought a pride travel mobility schooter that easly goes in a trunk of a car and is taken apart. You can take those on the plane and cruise ships too cause is a travel one so weighs under 100 pounds but like I said is taken apart into 4 pieces and is put together in 4 minutes. (Huggy work).
You mentioned a Tens unit do you have one? And is it working for you?
Have you had a hip replacement?
Thank you again for writing.
Evelyn USA
sharon47216 evelyn92771
Yes I have a Tens Unit it comes with four electrode pads you put two pads on each side of your spine lower back and turn the machine on pulsating or regular and you turn it up by numbers 1 being low and 10 high but it helps the blood flow to the area that is hurting, but you put it on a number that feels good to you and it's on a timer you can do 30 minutes to 60 minutes ask you doctor for one your insurance may pay for it, if not they aren't that much money starting about 39.99 up to 139.00. I Also put it on the front of my leg near the groin pain and it feels better the next day. If you look up Sciatica Nerve Pain some charts shows a red line where the pain starts at your lower back to the side of your buttock and to the front of your leg upper part at you groin and down the inside part of your leg to your knee sometimes it can ache down to your feet, but mine is my lower back, outer side if my buttock, groin area and down in enter leg to my knee, my injury was on the left side but with time you shift your weight to compensate for the pain now I hurt on the right side as well. I crushed my lower disc lifting 90lb barrels at my work when I was younger so my back went out but I dealt with it, two to three times a year it would go out for about 3 days but as time went on with driving heavy equipment (caterpillar tractor) all the jarring I started hurting in my groin area so they thought it might be my hip so I had x-rays it showed no hip problem, but in my back it showed a ruptured disc and it's pushing on the sciatica nerve so with time and no help within 3 years I went from walking to cane to wheelchair and out of work and do to injury I have moderate Arthritis. so the Tens is good for that. When I was going to therapy they used a therapeutic ultrasound which I loved it helped with the pain in my groin and leg and now they have a portable one and my doctor just got me one about a week ago it comes with blue jel and it's a deep heat and it cost 59.00 so that might help you as well it's called a "US 1000 3rd Edition" and the Tens Unit is a "BodyMed transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulator" I really think it would help you so ask about them. Hope this is helpful if you need anything don't hesitate I'll answer what I can.
beachbum1957 sharon47216
Got it two months ago.
evelyn92771 sharon47216
evelyn92771 beachbum1957
eileen64__UK evelyn92771
Mine is battery......you move about with it on. Dont drive LOL
I have been know to put mine on when driving but turned off.
Then when I gret to wherever I want to go....meeting or whatever I turn it on there.
I ilke it but sometimes it works better than others. {for me}
Same as drugs......different things help different people
Did you ever google the trolley {or whatever they are called there} and if so let me know please......I'm curious
Maybe nosey would be a better word
Eileen UK
sharon47216 evelyn92771
sharon47216 evelyn92771
sharon47216 evelyn92771
BodyMed 350 TENS Unit w/ Timer
TENS Unit are primarily used for managing chronic pain. Works by blocking the pain signal, and by increasing endorphins in the body. Can be worn all day or on an as needed basis. Device features include adjustable pulse rate, pulse width, amplitude (intensity, and timer. Placement of electrodes are usually at pain site or along the nerve channels, called dermatomes.
Key features:
• Highly portable TENS Unit can be used anywhere.
• Timer included.
• Dual, isolated channels with asymmetrical biphasic output, adjustable pulse amplitude and pulse rate.
• Three-mode operation: conventional, burst or modulation.
• Includes: caps over buttons, hard plastic case, 9-volt battery, lead wires, 4 electrodes (one pack) and manual.
• One Year Warranty - Satisfaction Guaranteed
• Technical Specifications Channels: Dual, isolated between channels.
• Wave Form: Modified square wave with zero net (DC) component.
• Pulse Amplitude: 0 to 80mA each channel, adjustable (500 ohm load)
• Pulse Frequency: 2 to 150 Hz, adjustable.
• Pulse Width: 60 to 250 microseconds, adjustable.
• Modulation Mode: Pulse width is automatically varied in a cyclic pattern over an interval of nominally 4.0 seconds.
• Burst Mode: 7 pulses per burst, 2 bursts per second, 100Hz internal frequency of burst.
• Maximum Voltage: 100 volts, open circuit. Maximum Charge: 16 Microcoulombs per pulse.
• Power Source: 9 volt alkaline or rechargeable battery.
• Battery Life: 70 hours average usage (alkaline)
• Size: 24 x 64 x 95mm
• Weight: 130 grams (including battery)
beachbum1957 evelyn92771
yes i like it better than the other machine i have which is the message type also battery operated.
The TENS 7000 is powerful to use so if you do purchase it use with caution. There is different settings. Physical Therapist in NYC use those tens unit.
evelyn92771 eileen64__UK
evelyn92771 sharon47216
evelyn92771 sharon47216
eileen64__UK evelyn92771
I'm hving problems with the site and am not getting any notifications in my inbox so I'm way behind.
Answer to our question about the trolley its neither LOL
It is a thing on 4 castors, with 2 large trays on it, one above the other, and you can push it into the kitchen when you are recovering, and still using crutches and not able to carry things.
Make some tea/coffe, sandwiches or even lunch......put it on the trolley and push it back in to wherever you want to eat your meal
Does that make any sense......Obviously these must be a UK thing
Google HOME HELPER TROLLEY......if that is not the exact one that we are allowed to borrow its near enough
Let me know if you find it...I'm curious and would love to know what you call them
Eileen UK
sharon47216 evelyn92771
evelyn92771 sharon47216
ginger47520 sharon47216
I also had that too several years ago.a and they were removed by laparoscopic surgery.
I felt soooooooooo much better after surgery.
eileen64__UK sharon47216
Many years ago....before OA, I had an attack, it was so bad they took me into hospital, did tests but didnt operate
They put me on a very strict diet........I began to think I couldnt eat anything
Eventually the pain went, I stopped the diet, it came back etc but eventually I managed to get back on a normal diet
Are you having an operation?
Scans recently for other things have shown up gall stones but they aren't hurting so they havent been touched
Will be thinking about you
Eileen UK
eileen64__UK evelyn92771
Did you ever google that Trolley.,.,,,,,?????
Home Helper Trolley??
I'm curious to know what it is called in other places
Eileen UK
evelyn92771 eileen64__UK
Ok I got it now. They are used to serve food here. I looked it up online and saw pictures. That is such a great idea. I actually need one now. Walking with a cane, in pain and limping its hard to have anything in your hand.
evelyn92771 eileen64__UK
I did burt from whatever reason I can't think of the name right now...ugh.
evelyn92771 beachbum1957
Sounds good to me will have to lolk it up
eileen64__UK evelyn92771
Glad you found it......yes some people here use it to serve food on....they are usually more fancy and delicate ones
but the same idea
This is a fairly sturdy plastic one but is excellent to help you.
The one I had for my THR I still have because now being on ccrutches permanently its ideal.....I keep it upstairs and when I'm sorting out or tidying rooms.......shove the things on it push it to the room you want to put them in or where they should live
I know I started clearing out one room......a real clear out, drawers wardrobe etc. it took a few days at the speed I go now but at least when I was stopping for the day {example} half the wardrobe emptied and on the bed......instead of having to keep going.....I put the things on it...shoved it into another room and into a corner so that room was clear for that night....then brought it out and started again the next day
Eileen UK
evelyn92771 eileen64__UK