I am in so much pain that I cry from the groin pain, hip pain and inmobility.

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I have been without insurance for over 10 years and I am finally getting insurance in a couple of days because of Medicare.  I was told 3 years ago I needed a hip replacment.  My leg was shorter by half and inch.  I limped and in pain but kept going waiting for insurance.  I am now where I cannot do anything, not even make myself a cup of coffee.  The pain level is so high that even the pain medication of Norco 5-325 is not helping.  Only making me consitpated.  I try to get by with only 1-2 pills but hesitate to take more because of the costipation.  And even that dosage only takes away about 10% of the pain. What has happened is that now my other good leg is in really bad pain too.  When this all started i was having groin pain.  But I just kept going.  Now both legs hurt really bad and both legs have groin pain.  I yell out because of the pain and I just rub the area and pray to God for the pain to go away.  In the house I am using 2 canes.  My back pops multiply times when I move getting up or out of a chair.  My legs are so weak and I have to think to attempt to get up from the chair.  My legs have inflamation and are so stiff.  I just don't know what to do.  I am no longer able to drive and have not been behind the wheel for 3 months.  I cannot go out and do fun things and my house is a mess because i can't clean or cook.  I sit on the computer, watch a little tv but then all this pain hits me again.  What can I do?  Why is my back popping so much?  Why is my groin hurting?  Medicare starts in a couple of days and hope I will be well again.  I know the journey is long and hard, but I need my life back again.  I want to go on vacation, go fishing with my husband and invite friends over to entertain.  It all seems so far away.  Can someone please give me their input?  I cry everyday because of the pain and inmobilty.  I need help.

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118 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Evelyn, I forgot to tell you if you have you husband do the messages put a little pressure when doing that and rub top to bottom of the sidebar. If you are having any buttock pain on the side and you have no help you can get a tennis ball and sit on it where it is hurting you it sounds funny and it hurts at first to sit on it but believe me after about 30 minutes the pain in the groin feels better. The therapy was having me put the ball on the wall and lean against it with your buttock area and roll it around but I found that to be hard to do when your legs hurt so I sit on it instead and it really works. And I also hurt on both side now as well because you are compensating for the pain so you are shifting you weight to the other side which makes that side work harder.
    • Posted

      Sharon that may be risky for some type of surgeries.That much pressure could cause the hip to pop out.leaning against it is lot less pressure on the joint than full body wt sitting on it.Just thinking.
    • Posted

      Ginger I was only talking about sciatica nerves pain that's what they have you do in therapy, she may have more than one thing going on to talk to the doctor about. And yes to much presser if it's hip problems may not be a good idea for the tennis ball. But the heat, message and icing would not hurt a thing if it happens to be sciatica nerve pain she may have a pinched nerve because she said her back was bothering her. I should of said aboutthe ball if the doctor was okay with it that's why they have you do the wall you put as much or as little pressure as you want, sitting on it straight in achair with a hip problem would not be a good idea, but I sit on it reclined in a chair and not by my hip area more by med buttock area. But glad you made it a point so she wouldn't hurt herself more by doing the wrong thing. Thank you.
    • Posted

      thank you....I am using a tennis ball by rolling it on the groin area in the front part of the leg.  I found a youtube from a therpist showing that and it dose help.  Breaks up the tight muscles.


  • Posted

    when i was 13 years old i was in the same spot you are now, i was just starting middle school and i couldn't even move. i had emergancy hip replacement and imedatly felt better now i am 21 and i am back in the same spot i was in 8 years ago and the doctors wont do anything about it. i have a 14 month old son that i can't even hold because i hurt so bad. i recomend if you are going to get your hip replaced do some research on the different kinds before you do it, getting rid of the pain is worth it   i just pray that for you the pain is gone longer then eight years for you. 
    • Posted

      Thank you for writing and I am so sorry that you are now having troubles again.  I pray that you also will find relief.  Thank you for sharing with me.

    • Posted

      Hello ridowney21, your situation is a little different than others some in this forum can relate to your situation.

      In your case your hip replacement was since the age of 13 yrs old, now that you're 21 you're feeling the pain again. You may need another hip replacement or a revision depends on your hip condition.

      Why doctors will not do anything about it?

      I mean they have to tell the reason why they won't do another operation.

      There is a reason behind your ordeal.


    • Posted

      Hip replacement is not permanent they have to be replaced every 10 years so they don't like doing it on a elderly person until they feel your at the age to have it done once so for a younger person they would have to replace it numerous times so maybe an issue after so many times having it done or insurance has a problem with it who knows. but a person shouldn't have to live that way it sucks.
  • Posted

    Happy Birlthday Evelyn!  Hope you get your hip problems sorted out very soon and that you will be out of pain.  Have a good day.  x
    • Posted

      Thank you so much Stella, how nice of you to notice when it was.  I don't know how you did it but thank you again.  So sweet. smile

    • Posted

      Haha!  I'm not so clever - I think you mentioned the date in one of your posts!  Anyway, hope you had a good day and are moving forward with your hip replacements.  x
    • Posted

      Hi there it was a quite day.  My husband had to work the voting polls today...but I was ok alone.  Can't run away...lol.  I played on the computer on my facebook page and looked at Ebay.  I was going to do some woodcarving but ran out of time.  A friend of mine stopped over in the evening and brought a bite to eat and a present so that was nice. Even a little cake.  Now ready for bed and get some shut eye.  It is right now 2:45am.  I am overdue.  Ok well nitey nite from across the world.  But also good morning on your end.  See ya. wink

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