I am still exhausted 8 weeks after gallbladder removal
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Hi, I was wondering if anyone else is still so tired after their gallbladder surgery? I had my bloodwork done and only low D so taking suppliments. B12, multi with iron, D, enzymes and a probiotic. I am nit having the dreaded diareah, eating healthy just exhausted. Thank you for any replies.
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ali70806 wendy32505
I am 13 weeks post-op and still exhausted. I had always heard this was an "easy surgery" and I would bounce back within 1-2 weeks. I am finding anything but to be true. I would give anything to feel like my old self again.
wendy32505 ali70806
Sorry to hear you are also having difficulty Ali. I do fine and feel as thou I have passed the "tired phase"and bam! I feel like I have been hit by a truck!!! It can last an hour or a day. I spoke to my Anesthesiologist, and he told me to load up on protein. Also, I am 55 and so is he and teased me that we are not 21 anymore. This was my first time getting put under so didn't know what to expect. Are you working? I work from home so I feel lucky that way I would have lost my job by now. How do people do it????
ali70806 wendy32505
I am having good days and bad days, too. I am still in a lot of pain; doctors suspect I have some muscle or nerve damage from the surgery and I do feel like that pain is adding to my exhaustion. This was my first time having anesthesia (and surgery), too. I had two allergic reactions (to nausea meds) prior to surgery, so I wasn't in the best shape going in. I am lucky, like you, and work from home! I got called for jury duty (first time in my life) starting Sept. 1 and I'm really stressing about how I am going to make it through.
wendy32505 ali70806
Where is your pain? My one insicion furthest right side has always bothered me. Ice packs help but it comes back. Feels like a balloon in there sometimes. Also after I eat hurts around right side of back.
What happened with nausea meds? That must have been scary! Are you exercising or walkng at all?
sam02621 wendy32505
Wendy I too am 8 weeks post surgery and am permanently knackered. I also still get pains when I eat even though I'm following a low fat diet. I'm only 37 and just over 8 stone now thanks to the diet. I'm glad it's not just me. My consultant did say it will take up to 6 months to feel right but I'm so Fed up x
wendy32505 sam02621
I feel a bit better knowing I am not the only one. Glad you posted thank you xo
ali70806 wendy32505
My pain is mostly from my upper-most incision, centered below my breast bone, and it stretches along my ribcage - even on my left side! The two incisions down my right side haven't bothered me too much, although my entire gallbladder area is still sore. Ice packs are the only thing that helps! I don't get any relief from Advil - do you? That balloon pain you describe sounds awful! Have you looked into SOD? My understanding of it seems to fit your symptoms.
I am walking on the treadmill a few days a week. It seems to aggrevate my pain. I was very active prior to surgery, lifting weights 6 days a week. Not being able to get back to that has been very hard mentally. Have you been able to exercise yet?
ali70806 sam02621
"Fed up" is my exact sentiment! After 3+ months, I am out of patience.
wendy32505 ali70806
Ali, i have been lucky I really dont have "pain" at incision sites.Just the far right one is still sore. Ice packs do help and I have only had to take Motrin from day one, no pain killers. My biggest scare is center under breast bone, surgeon told me that was where gallbladder was taken out from that hole 🙃
I use small weights once a day and walk around block, do squats for leg muscles. I have never been a big exercise person, I envy you, that you miss it at all!
I hope I dont have SOD, if that feeling continues will call GP.
My biggest complaint is the exhaustion. Gets scary
And so unpredictable! Never know when it will hit me so afraid to really venture out.
What can you get done in a day?
ali70806 wendy32505
I walk around the block, too - as soon as I get up in the morning. In the afternoon, I go to the gym and walk on the treadmill for 30 - 40 mins., then run errands if I need to. I find that any more than 2 or 3 stops wears me out. I usually have to lay down for an hour before dinner to rest and recharge.
I need to start with small weights, like you suggested. But I'm scared because walking on the treadmill aggrevates my pain, so I worry what weights would do...
I understand the scary feeling you describe. On days when I'm not feeling well, my mom and I head to the mall and walk there. There's lots of benches to sit and rest if it gets to be too much. Maybe that is something you could try to help you feel more comfortable getting out...?
Are you able to sleep through the night or do you find the pain to be bothersome?
wendy32505 ali70806
Wow you are doing great then! Getting on treadmill improves lung capacity and muscle weakness
I really should do that too. I live in Florida so it is so hot and humid here right now, I have no interest in being outside until weather cools down.
That is a good idea to go to the mall😊 I think I will try that this week with Mom or a friend. So far today I did not hit the exhaustion feeling. Trying to eat as much protein as I can and also nibble throughout the day to keep energy going.
I usually do ok sleeping through the night. I sleep best on my back or left side.
Another thing that has happened that freaks me out is when I take too hot a shower, I am then drained for the whole day and maybe even the next. I have tried cooler showers and is better but even taking the time to wash my hair takes energy. I now wash hair in sink different time of day take a shower. Weird, husband says my showers are too hot maybe. Lowers my Blood pressure.
Looking forward to being back to myself running all over the place and keeping busy. I am so glad to have found you and the few that have responded so we dont feel alone in this. I so appreciate the feedback and reassurance that what we are feelibg is normal.
Have you been back to Dr about the pain you speak about? Have you had ultrasound or any tests? It sounds to me like the incisions healing. You are doing more than me I can tell you with exersice... I am babying myself and should probably push more.
ali70806 wendy32505
wendy32505 sam02621
wendy32505 sam02621
K8river ali70806