I am worrying because I still cant sleep in bed. If my torso is on the
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same level as leg, it is agony. I can only sleep in a chair, which is causing a painful rear end as in this chair most of the time. Pain level is high even with two tramadol and two paracetamol and oramorph. Cannot put anywhere near full wieight on leg. Had GP to see me and he said everything is normal, and i suppose i am only five days post op. The other odd thing is that the op. leg now seems longer than the other leg. I was told that they they had lengthened this leg because it was shorter, just hope they have not done it too much! Anyone else similar please.
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carmen56984 helen09386
So sorry to hear of your sleeping situtation.
How long were you in Hospital for?
Did you sleep in a bed?
Is your bed at home low? ( you could ask for it to be higher)
Try and get into bed you'll have to sleep on your back for a while.
You will need to have the leg flat on the bed.
You'll have to keep untop of the pain tell your doctor of the pain leavel.
It's very early days still.
Keep us posted!
Good luck
hope4cure carmen56984
hope UR well.
Lynn195013 helen09386
Jodi-France Lynn195013
This is why you are anxious and can't sleep. I couldn't sleep either without pain meds.
I took (2) 400mg paracetmal+25mg codeine at noght.
During the day early on like you are, I would take (1) 400mg paracetamol+25mg codein 2 times during the day.
Your life will change for the better once your pain is controlled.
I had psychotic suicidal thoughts on Tramadol so watch out for that. If they give you Tramadol and you have bad dreams ask for codeine.
If you do get codeine remember it is highly constipating so drink a full glass of prune juice every day and I also took a stool softner.
I hope Ross comes on and tells you about how necessary pain medication is, he really talked me into it and that was the point I started to get better, once my pain was controlled. I have codeine tablets which can be cut in half for a lower dose once healing really takes off. t is your body and your pain you have to be your own master and take enough pain medication. One day I felt woozy, light headed and weak, that is the day I cut back on the codeine. My body didn'y need as much and instead of simply relieving the pain and leaving me clear headed as I had been experiencing, the codeine more or less went to my head. Pay attention is all, your body will let you know when to cut back. It is highly addictive so just be aware of that.
The hardest thing for me further along after a few weeks was deciding at night if I should take a small codeine dose or 2 non prescription naproxen. If I guessed wrong and took the naproxen I waited at least 6 hours until I then took the low dose codeine. No one can tell you exactly what to do, you have to feel your body and make good decisions. But especially in the first 2 weeks even 3 weeks you MUST control the pain and have sufficient pain medication to do so. You have to ask your doctor for stronger pain medication, just come right out and ask for it. Yu HAVE pain, there is nothing wrong with asking for stronger pain meds, it is the right thing to do.
davidintheUSA Jodi-France
I was wondering how long post op were you taking codene and the like?
It surprises me how wildly different not only our experiences are, but how our post op recovery is handled. In my case, the hospital basically handeed me a piece of paper and said ADIOS. Worse yet, I never even saw the surgeon. And they call this healthcare?
Jodi-France davidintheUSA
patricis Jodi-France
Jodi-France patricis
You have the name and phone number of your local pharmacy on hand and call the doctor. The doctor should be able to phone in a prescription to your pharmacy. (at least in the US it is like that hopefully in Canada they can do the same thing, to check call your pharmacy and ask them if they take callin in prescriptions from physicians) Or your doctor can fax over a prescription (have the fax number handy) to your pharmacy.
You are going to feel amazingly different after 2 nights of full sleep.
Also anxiety makes pain meds not work as well. It is kind of like a viscious circle, you have anxiety because of pain and then the pain pills don't work as well becasue you have anxiety. Untill you get that pain relief don't be surprised if you need the full strength prescription. Once your pain gets knocked down your anxiety will get knocked down as well. Your anxiety will be lowered once you have something in your hand that you know will dimish your pain, that you are now in control. Best of Luck Hon.
patricis Jodi-France
hope4cure Lynn195013
as lond as u do not cross UR legs or ankles. Or turn UR ankel in toward the opposite toe, or cross the op leg past the center line od the pelvis UR implant will not dislocate. They are more sturdy than u realize. Most precautions r set in place for the bones to heal and nit to the new op implant.
practice the hospital PT went over with u getting up and down and potty seat riser with all many aids available it takes time te depend on them and they r a big step to independence.
hope u sleep well and UR journey to recovery go well and improves UR quality of life.
marey helen09386
davidintheUSA helen09386
Folks, what is wrong with this picture? Hellen is 5 days post op, can't walk, is in terrble pain and has gone to see a GP. What happened to the surgeon? Were u given any post op instructions?
helen09386 davidintheUSA
davidintheUSA helen09386
Why aren't you getting PT as a matter of course?
Best of luck to you.
Lynn195013 davidintheUSA
davidintheUSA Lynn195013
Jodi-France Lynn195013
Lynn, I could do that right away perhaps on the 3rd day after the surgery.
Well at least you have internet Lynn. At the French Hospital I was at no internet. It about drove me nuts! How is the food? I know you went to a private clinic which if I had to do it all over again I would do also. The hospital food was literally inedible.
Lynn195013 Jodi-France
Jodi-France Lynn195013
Does your foot hurt?
Lynn195013 Jodi-France
Jodi-France Lynn195013
This is not like you from what I remember. I would go home and have your GP come and see you, I truly think one of your meds is having a bad side effect and giving you anxity. Your GP can straigten this out for you. Also one more thing Lyn as my surgeon told me and my PT Disclocation is very very rare. It's rare, it's not going to happen to you. You will feel better after 2 weeks. About Two weeks and a few days. Things WILL GET BETTER. I promise you. What you are going through now is temporary.
Lynn195013 Jodi-France
Jodi-France Lynn195013
Actually that feels really thick for quite sime time, like over a month. Little by little it will thin out and not be such a big hump. Like nothing for a month, then little by little it thins out.
patricis Lynn195013
Jodi-France Lynn195013
I wish Ros was here, s/he is in the hosptal getting his/her knee replaced. Ros was my lifeline, I totally listened to Ros. Ros was a big emotional help to me when I really needed it and was on this board. I'llnever forget my first topic, "Oh Lord Help me with this Pain" I was on the message board until like 4 or 5 in the morning, not sleeping just feeling so much in pain and depressed. Ros (and others) pulled me through that night and the next day mmy doc made a house call.
I am here for you Lynn, I'm not Ros but I am here for you, I'm a night owl anyway.
Lynn195013 patricis
Lynn195013 Jodi-France
Jodi-France Lynn195013
I hope this is a comfort to you knowing at the exact same number of days post op you are, I was getting help to get off the bed. Me to I was insecure. When I got home my husband would help me up, kind of pull me up by my arm. Once you get into about 10 or 12 days you will manage this yourself.
patricis Jodi-France
Jodi-France patricis
The thing is, once you get home and get some decent food in you right away, I mean like right away you feel stronger/better. And for me it was getting my regualr Latte, not that powdered coffee.
If at all possible I would have a bed on the first floor. I would think it would be safer and eaiser for you to get into and out of bed by yourself with a walker instead of with crutches. Just my opinion.
patricis Jodi-France
hope4cure Lynn195013
healing prayers sent UR way.