i can't remember BEFUDDLED Mrs Merm
Posted , 6 users are following.
Bonsoir mes amis
I know I've asked this before but what strength magnesium should I take to combat Peri symptoms,
Mrs M
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Posted , 6 users are following.
Bonsoir mes amis
I know I've asked this before but what strength magnesium should I take to combat Peri symptoms,
Mrs M
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jayneejay MrsMerm
get a calcium and magnesium in one they work well together
jay xx
fancygoldfish jayneejay
I've been following everyone's posts, but I haven't replied much, even though I have wanted to. I am concerned about posting private information on a public forum. Since you have been so active for such a long time, and so very, very helpful to me and the others, have you had any negative consequences from it? For example, has your name or address ever gotten out?
FancyGoldfish, 57, U.S.
jayneejay fancygoldfish
you can always private message people if you want to keep it off the main screen..
jay xx
Emis_Moderator fancygoldfish
Please see http://patient.uservoice.com/knowledgebase/articles/427522-is-my-information-private-in-the-forums
If you have any concerns then please let me know via the Private Message service.
Emis Moderator
jayneejay MrsMerm
Nutritional Information
Product Information
Each caplet contains: %EC RDA*
Calcium 500mg 63%
Magnesium 250mg 67%
*RDA = Recommended Daily Allowance
MrsMerm jayneejay
bonne nuit (sorry trying out my French again)
jayneejay MrsMerm
and also this one at holland and barret
BetterYou Magnesium Oil Goodnight Spray £12.65
Can be applied to any area of the body.
Apply 5-10 sprays every evening and gently massage into the skin for optimum absorption.
Apply at least half an hour before retiring.
Can be re-applied if sleep is disturbed due to muscle discomfort.
Magnesium Oil Goodnight spray is suitable for anyone from 12 years of age.
BellaRubia jayneejay
It looks like the amount recommended of each vitamin is not the same in every place. I got a pack of Citracal from USA and 500mg is 50% of the recommended amount. So the total would be 1000mg and I learned from a very well recommended book about menopause (written by a gyno in the 90's) that we should take 1/3 of the dose of Calcium in Magnesium, that means 333.33...mg of magnesium,
Instead, I take the whole recommendation of Calcium (+ D3 + other vitamins) but only 250mg of Magnesium for I could not find anything in the right proportion and for someone that has never taken even aspirin, all those vitamins make me feel like I am overdosing
And FancyGoldfish, I took days to decide to sign in this forum, scared with privacy issues
Regards, ladies
mrsd64 jayneejay
Can the Magnesium oil be used alongside the tablet magnesium and calcium supplements, also what are the benefits of it?
Hope you are well in sunny Spain.
Mrs D xx
jayneejay BellaRubia
i think every different manufacturer of vitamins all say different recommendations..
and the experts all do that too.
i just try them and if they are strong in my mind i split them . i split my b6 as they are 300mg here and i only want 150mg
its getting what feels right for your own body and what makes you feel good with in yourself for me ..
jay x
jayneejay mrsd64
Health specialists have always emphasized the importance of including adequate amounts of vitamins and minerals in our daily diet. Zinc, calcium, and magnesium are three of the most important minerals essential for good health. Magnesium aids in the absorption of calcium by the body, while zinc actively supports the body’s immune system.
Women of all ages benefit immensely from the intake of magnesium. Besides keeping osteoporosis at bay, magnesium health benefits in women include relief from symptoms of menopause and premenstrual syndrome (PMS). It also minimizes the risk of premature labor.
The other crucial health benefits of magnesium include protein synthesis, relief from bronchospasm (constricted airways) in the lungs, and improvement of parathyroid function. It boosts the bio-availability of vitamin B6 and cholesterol, improves muscle functioning, and prevents osteoporosis, insomnia, constipation, heart attacks, hypertension, constipation, migraines, kidney stones, and gallstones.
Good dietary sources of magnesium include nuts (especially almonds), whole grains, wheat germ, fish, and green leafy vegetables. As with most nutrients, daily needs for magnesium cannot be met from food alone which is why magnesium dietary supplements are recommended as well.
Which Form of Magnesium Should You Take?
The top five health benefits of magnesium are:
1. Magnesium may reverse osteoporosis
Multiple research studies conducted have suggested that calcium supplemented with magnesium improves bone mineral density. Magnesium deficiency alters calcium metabolism and the hormones that regulate calcium, resulting in osteoporosis. Intake of recommended levels of magnesium is important because it averts osteoporosis.
2. Magnesium prevents cardiovascular diseases
One of the most important benefits of magnesium is that it is associated with lowering the risk of coronary heart diseases. Dietary surveys have suggested that sufficient magnesium intake may reduce the chance of having a stroke. Magnesium deficiency increases the risk of abnormal heart rhythms, which increases the risk of complications after a heart attack. Therefore, consuming recommended amounts of magnesium dietary supplements may be beneficial to the cardiovascular system.
3. Magnesium regulates high blood pressure (Hypertension)
Magnesium plays a key role in regulating blood pressure naturally. Magnesium supplements and a diet including plenty of fruits and vegetables, which are good sources of potassium and magnesium, are consistently associated with lowering blood pressure.
Discover How Much Magnesium You Really Need
4. Magnesium treats diabetes
Studies show that individuals with a magnesium deficiency have a risk of developing type-2 diabetes and severe diabetic retinopathy. Magnesium aids in carbohydrate metabolism and influences the release and activity of insulin, thereby controlling blood glucose levels. It has been proven that for every 100 milligrams of increase in magnesium daily intake, there was a 15 percent decrease in the risk of developing type-2 diabetes.
5. Magnesium treats migraines, insomnia, and depression
The numerous magnesium health benefits also include the treatment of migraines, insomnia, and symptoms of depression. Magnesium is also known to cure severe forms of psychiatric dysfunctions including panic attacks, stress, anxiety, and undue agitations. Magnesium supplements considerably reduce the severity of such attacks and may also help in reducing the rate of recurrence.
...Which Form of Magnesium Is Best For You?
Because magnesium is so essential to body energy production, common symptoms of magnesium depletion include fatigue, along with headaches, insomnia, and muscle pain, cramps, and spasms.
Unfortunately, the solution is not as easy as walking into your local drug or grocery store and picking up a bottle of magnesium pills. Magnesium comes in many different forms, and quality is also a big issue. While magnesium is one of the safest nutrients you can take, you need to know what you’re doing to optimize your magnesium levels for better health.
Magnesium oxide is a non-chelated type of magnesium, bound to an organic acid or a fatty acid. Contains 60 percent magnesium, and has stool softening properties
Magnesium chloride / Magnesium lactate contain only 12 percent magnesium, but has better absorption than others, such as magnesium oxide, which contains five times more magnesium
Magnesium sulfate / Magnesium hydroxide (milk of magnesia) are typically used as a laxative. Be aware that it's easy to overdose on these, so ONLY take as directed
Magnesium carbonate, which has antacid properties, contains 45 percent magnesium
Magnesium taurate contains a combination of magnesium and taurine, an amino acid. Together, they tend to provide a calming effect on your body and mind
Magnesium citrate is magnesium with citric acid, which has laxative properties
mrsd64 jayneejay
Oh WOW that's information overload, i will print it off and read it easier to digest that way
at the moment i take simply supplement own brand Calcium 400mg | Magnesium 200mg 1 in a morning and 1 30 mins before bed. Could i use the magnesium spray alongside this or would that be too much magnesium.
Mrs D xx
Magnesium deficiency is related to factors that promote headaches, including neurotransmitter release and vasoconstriction.
People who experience migraine headaches have lower levels of serum and tissue magnesium than those who do not.
jayneejay mrsd64
magnesium and calcium.... ( magnesium oxide)
Calcium Carbonate
... providing Elemental Calcium
Magnesium Oxide
... providing Elemental Magnesium
your own personal choice if you want the spray oil in addition
mrsd64 jayneejay
this info seemed the best so far and more explanatory ..
i get upset tum with mine .. as not using the best one, the magnesium spray oil is good for me..
There are different types of magnesium:
Oral supplements
Magnesium oil
Magnesium shots
The best forms of magnesium are magnesium taurate, magnesium glycinate, magnesium citrate, magnesium malate, magnesium oratate and magnesium oil.
Oral supllements
I will mention some of the oral supplements. Magnesium is available in chelated (bound to) combinations such as alpha-ketogluconate, aspartate, glycinate, lysinate, orotate, taurate and others.
Chalated magnesium is far better absorbed than magnesium oxide but is more expensive.
Complementary medicine practitioners rely on chelated magnesium, such as magnesium glycinate, taurate and oratate (magnesium plus amino acids) to treat serious cases of magnesium deficiency.
*These kind of magnesiums have less laxative effect on the intestines than magnesium citrate, so they are recomended if you tend to have loose stools.
Magnesium taurate is a combination of the amino acid taurine and magnesium that has special properties for the heart.
Taken together in this combination, magnesium and taurine have a synergistic effect, stabilizing cell membranes, making this form of magnesium highly absorbed.
Magnesium taurate does not have great laxative effect and is the recommendend form of magnesium for people with heart problems.
It appears that the amino acid taurine is important for hearth health and may prevent arrythmias and protect the heart against the damage caused by heart attacks.
Magnesium taurate requires oral supplemetation for six to twelve months to restore intracellular levels.
Magnesium citrate is probably the mostly widely used magnesium supplement because it is inexpensive, easily absorbed and only has a mild laxative effect. The best form is magnesium citrate powder mixed in water that can be taken everyday.
Magnesium malate combines magnisium with malic acid, a weak organic acid found in vegetables and fruit, especially apples.
The weak bond with magnesium makes it readily soluble in the body. Malic acid is a key component of several energy making chemical reactions in the body. Researchers have used magnesium malate succesfully to treat the chronic fatigue, pain and imsonia of fibromyalgia. Dimagnesium malate increases the amount of magnesium available to the body; it has the same properties as magnesium malate.
Magnesium oxide appears to have high amount of elemental magnesium. One 500 mg capsule of magnesium oxide contains 300 mg of elemental magnesium. But little of that amount is available to the body beacause it is not absorbed and therefore not biologically avaialable. One recent study reported 4 percent absorption rate of magnesium oxide. This means 12 mg of 500 mg capsule are absorbed and 288 may stay in the intestines, acting like a *laxative. Imagine how much favorable the result would be if a more absorbable form of magnesium were used.
Magnesiums to avoid
Avoid magnesium glutamate; it breaks down into the neurotransmitter glutamic acid, which without being bound to other amino acids is neurotoxic. Glutamic acid is a component of aspartame, which should also be avoided.
Avoid magnesium aspartate; it breaks down into the neurotransmitter aspartic acid, which without being bound to other aminoacids is neurotoxic. Aspartic acid is a component of aspartame,which als should be avoided.
How to take magnesium
Take your first dose of magnesium when you wake up in the morning and the last dose at bedtime. Magnesium is most deficient in the early morning and late afternoon. Most people find magnesium as good as a sleepin pill to help them get a good night’s rest.
Magnesium can be taken with or without meals, but it is preferable to take it between meals for better absorption.
Magnesium requires stomach acid to be absorbed. After a full meal, your stomach acid is busy digesting food and may not be avaialable to helpl absorb magnesium. Also magnesium is an alkaline mineral and acts like an antiacid: taken with meals, it may neutralize stomach acid and impair digestion.
if you develop loose stools while taking magnesium, it does not necessarily mean you are absorbing enough and losing the rest; it may mean you are taking to much at one time. NEVER TAKE YOUR DAILY MAGNESIUM ALL AT ONCE. Spread it out through out the day; four times a day is best if you have been experiencing diarrhea. If that does not do the trick, you probably need to cut back the amount you are taking or switch to another type or brand of magnesium.
If you are taking a multivitamin-mineral supplement, remember to check the amount of elemental magnesium on the label and count it in your daily total.
The safety of magnesium supplements
For the average person, oral magnesium, even in high dosages, has no side effects *except loose stools, whichs is a mechanism to release excess magnesium and an indication to cut back.
Excess magnesium is also lost through the urine.
mrsd64 jayneejay
Thank you again for all this info! the magnesium/calcium supplement i take at the moment is the one you describe above and as you know it contains oxide which could answer why i keep having tummy issues
Im going to carry on taking them as i dont want to waste money then again if there are better ones that may be more beneficial to me i dont see it as a waste of money!
im going to read through all the info you have provided me with and see what may be better for me.
You are a start Jay
thank you
Mrs D xx
marlene21102 jayneejay
Give that a go ,can but try will let you know how I fair .
No word from Taz and how she's doing ?
My tinnitus up high today ,drives me nuts .xxxxxxxx
jayneejay marlene21102
nice one... Spray it and rub it in see how it goes..
does my back wonders that spray..
oh no.. Tinnitus ... Poor yoi
my teeth are the same and left ear.. Get some answers hopefully tomorrow .
no ... No word from Taz .. Hope shes okay
bless her
jay xx
marlene21102 jayneejay
I've had ear infection ,I end up putting cold compress on it to take down inflammation ,think mine is blocked Eustachian tubes my problem with having tinnitus,that gives you balance problem .does me .
Look up T M J if you got teeth and ear problem .those 2 run together .miserable that can make you .
Be spraying as soon as I get it .
I suffer from eczema ,been told that can be sign of coeliac disease .look into that now ,never bloody ends,now wonder is that been root cause of my IBS ? xxxx Mar
jayneejay marlene21102
no i dont have TMJ
think i have an inlay problem ...in tooth..
jay xx
mrsd64 marlene21102
Im thinking of venturing to the shops after work to pick up some too
I will give anything a try
BellaRubia jayneejay
marlene21102 jayneejay
That's white coat syndrome for you.been same for more years than I can remember .xxxx
jayneejay marlene21102
dentist doesnt bother me..
i use to be manager of a dentist corperate in Uk ..
i had about 8 root canals hahaha no fear ..
i broke a tooth before i left uk and had to have an inlay ..
and its always been sensitive that wasnt root canaled ..
i may have an implant instead and get it out,,
cant have a crown as the tooth snapped off and not enough to support crown .. I will see what she says ..
i domt think its sealed properly and i think thats the problem
jay xx
marlene21102 mrsd64
How old are you ? No fun any of this carry on ,about time this condition was shown consideration,after all were not in the dark age ,but feels like it .xxxx
marlene21102 jayneejay
No1 is super saturated absorption Mag 800 sprays
No2 same with glucosamine and menthol.
There was a 3rd ,but woman said these 2 were most used .
Some said there Tinnitus began after dental visit ,one said dentist drill set her T off ,so tell dentist you have an ear issue Jay .xxxx
Where's Mrs Dottie ?
jayneejay marlene21102
don't worry the dentist will know more about me than i do in the first 10 minutes .. 😃
Dottie been on and gone again 😃
think i will habe a squirt of my magnesium now ..
jay xx
mrsd64 marlene21102
Jay is amazing! so much knowledge its great for us and i for one appreciate it so much.
I was 50 in January. My Dr is pretty good she's late 30's so got it all to come. It was her who first told me about this site.
I will definately be calling at H&B
jayneejay marlene21102
had four squirts of my magnesium and rubbed in the arch of my back..
and now i am break dancing all over the house 😊😊😊😊😊
as if .....
jay xx
marlene21102 jayneejay
Going to put some on my old fella ,he's still got bad shoulders .
Wish it would work on my Tinny .
Smiled at you and your dentist ,all things in life are connected up one way or another Jay .xxx
marlene21102 mrsd64
I know Drs refer a lot on to these sites .Sad state of affairs ,but there you go ,got to be better than in my mums day ,they had nothing ,but again word of mouth from one female to another .
Let's know when you try Mag spray .i will in couple days .xxxx
mrsd64 marlene21102
I nipped to my local centre last night and got some. I got 2 of the super saturated absorption sprays!
I will keep you posted on how it goes
marlene21102 mrsd64
Think I'm well out of whack like we all seem to be .go on day after day .
The ones you got ,yes good offer .keep us going fair bit to .xxxxxMar
jayneejay marlene21102
how are you today 😃
just been to dentist, found the cause .... so just had my nerves taken out the tooth ... 😀
blimey ... she said, i can remove the nerves now for you if you wish..
i couldnt of been happier... got some meds in the empty root, and a temp filling and back on wednesday 😃
jay xx
marlene21102 jayneejay
That was good she done it there and then .will it take away ear pain ,all related .
My tinnitus is up both ears ,husbands been up high to .Happy bloody days
I've got bit of jippy tum ,nothing I've eaten due to bland diet .see how day goes ,always something . So stick to water till tonight .xxxxx Mar
jayneejay marlene21102
maybe the cause of the ear yes.. in my case ..
sorry you have jippy tum 😏
blimey do we ever get a day where we feel good ...
i am trying to get all the niggles put right... still abit numb so drinking my coffee may be interesting.. 😁 better get the mop on hand hahahaha
jay xx
mrsd64 marlene21102
How you going with the spray? I had an amazing sleep on Wednesday 7 hours solid
think it may have been a coincidence because last night was not as good! i am thinking of exchanging one of the ones i got for the night one!
I do think my sore knee and shoulder are feeling better though
Take care
Mrs D xx
marlene21102 mrsd64
I've had knee aches for yrs ,age related I think ,
Never had any troubles sleeping ,even having tinnitus and rhinitis running with below menopause.
What a carry on all this is ,makes you wonder if it's environmental that's adding on to all of our illnesses,along side this meno .Cant believe how many people say these days,they just don't feel well ,makes you question things a lot does me .
Let's know how you fare ,good to chat ,wish you more better days xxxx Mar