I can't take it anymore!! Perimenopause horrible..HELP!
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I am 48 years old, stay at home mom with two children. They are in school, I try to keep myself very busy. I have had OCD and anxiety, I have been fighting it for years. But, now the Perimenopause is really terrible..depressed, mood swings, tension headaches, dry and itchy skin.
I have spoken to my sisters who are all past Menopause, they tell me their stories but I just cannot believe that hormones can cause all this havock. I do not feel myself at all, my PMS is worse and the week of my period I actually feel like I have a disease and I am dying. Feel like I am going crazy!! Please tell me if this is normal to feel this way at this time, because I am obsessing and cannot get my mind off of it. Need Help!!!!
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mommaof6 jennifer85396
Reading this forum has been a godsend! Perimenopause has been kicking my butt and I feel like I'm falling apart. It's been coming on gradually but the last year has been AWFUL! I turn 48 this fall and I'm started on bioidentical progesterone cream because I need to try SOMETHING... ANYTHING... to see if it helps. I'm so thankful that I'm not alone and that everything I'm experiencing, while awful, is normal. I'm having stomach issues (gastritis and/or acid reflux) what feels like gallbladder issues, foggy brain, NO ENERGY, and tired beyond belief! I don't sleep well and I just don't feel right physically. I'm not "just tired" like I would be when I was younger, I'm almost physically sick from fatigue and have weird physical symptoms that are hard to explain. I have roller coaster emotions and never know each morning when I wake up how I'm going to feel or what mood I'll be in. It's truly miserable. Then, I'll have a "good week" and feel like myself again and wonder what's different and how can I stay that way? Then bam, it's over, and I'm right back to feeling awful. I really don't want to go on an anti anxiety or anti depressant med but if the progesterone cream doesn't help, I may have to consider it. I just want to feel normal again.
mary27278 mommaof6
Bellaboo1 mommaof6
I was reading your post and wondering if you could try and explain your other ‘weird symptoms’. I’m having allsorts going on including terrible stomach issues like reflux, indigestion, horrendous constipation, difficulty swallowing sometimes, bizarre pains everywhere, nerve pains in my elbows and knees, burning sensations in my throat/oesophagus, sometimes pain in my mid back when I swallow food, heart pain, the list is endless and I feel like I’m literally on my way out. I’m sure the docs are sick of me and I don’t want to go back for the fact that one has said fibromyalgia and others think I have health anxiety which I’d basically hypochondria. I’m pretty fed up and I’m only 48. Until recently I was taking utrogeston and using oestrogen gel but I stopped as I need my periods to stop because I pee blood every period and I’m sick of the bladder pain that brings. Anyway I hope you can let me know some more of your symptoms.
Take care
LCat Bellaboo1
I feel so sorry for you. I know it’s hell. I have exactly the same symptoms like you. Yes they are ‘weired’ symptoms and that’s what makes it such a hell. You’ve described those symptoms in detail. I’ve been reading forums for a long time and there are many many people with exactly those horrible symptoms. I’ve had so many tests like the other people. In the end, nobody seems to be able to help us. There are also many doctors who have no idea what a nightmare these symptoms are and how they destroy your life . I’ve been tested for lungs, heart, sinus, pancreas etc : all negative. Don’t let anybody tell you that you are a hypochondriac or that you have fibromyalgia or that you need antidepressants. This is what doctors say if they don’t understand what causes this nor how to treat it. You WILL get through this! And you found this forum : you’re not alone. Once you also get stomach issues like you do, and I do, you may have gastritis which can be very very painful and can cause also all these ‘weired’ symptoms. In this case the GI Consultant may say ... you have ‘only’ gastritis. The problem is though that there seems to be no medicine that helps. I’ve been prescribed so many drugs that I tried and they made things even worse for me. Medicine is not very advanced enough in this area. However there is hope because I understand that it will go away on its own and doctors don’t consider it as serious. I know that’s not much help whilst we all suffer so badly. But it’s good that this forum exists .... so you know at least that we are not crazy because we all suffer from the same symptoms. Together we will we will be able to overcome this . It’s only a matter of time . Don’t give up. What I found helpful is trying to relax .... easier said than done .... but whenever I succeed I feel somewhat better.
LCat Bellaboo1
I forgot to say I had all these symptoms before, I got antibiotics and other drugs and probiotics and was on the FODMAP diet etc, nothing helped but, in the end , it went away and I was super fit for almost 2 years. So it can go away. I have no idea what made it go away. Sadly it came back and I’m back into this hell ....... but I surely hope that it will go away again.
mommaof6 mary27278
Thank you! You are so right... some things help, but only short-term. It's so frustrating!
mommaof6 Bellaboo1
I think that's why I call them "weird symptoms" because I just can't explain it. I was tested for Fibro and it was negative. I'll feel achy I guess? Tingly? Just... weird and funky. Not all the time... but the bad days are really, really bad. I wish I had the right adjectives but it's really hard to explain. I have some light-headedness sometimes. I feel like a hypochondriac, too, so I completely get that. I know my doctor thinks I need to be on an anxiety med but I know that's not the problem.
mommaof6 LCat
Yes, same! I've been tested for so many things. My bloodwork is "perfect" I'm always told. Fibro, H Pylori bacteria, and celiac disease is all negative, HIDA scan is perfect, ultrasounds (abdominal, vaginal) all perfect, and the rest of my blood work shows nothing but a healthy 48 year old woman. I'm not on ANY prescription meds, I exercise regularly and am normal weight, don't drink or smoke and eat fairly healthy I guess. So, when I go in to the doctor in tears and tell them that most days I have to push through and many days I feel like crap, they don't know what to say, which I understand. The gastritis does come and go, and they want me to come in for an upper GI so I guess I'll do that just to make sure all is well there?? I'm going to go ahead and try the progesterone cream and keep up with my other supplements and keep praying. I continue to be amazed at how much hormones affect. It's really crazy. Oh, add in heart palpitations and shortness of breath in there, too. Oy.
LCat mommaof6
I have of course also heart palpitations and shortness of breath. Which supplements are you taking? Are they any good or is it just out of desperateness that you take them? I had H Pylori and took the mega antibiotics. H Pylori is eradicated but my GI Consultant says that was pointless. I still have the same symptoms. I had also the upper GI Endoscopy. There is Gastritis but they are not worried about Gastritis. It’s called ‘only Gastritis’ . I understand many peoples have this and it’s hell for many people and it causes all these ‘weired’ symptoms (thanks to the Vagus Nerve). But they’re not worried as Gastritis is not considered to be anything ‘sinister’. And there is of course no help.
julie54379 LCat
HI Lcat,
What kind of symptoms are caused by the vagus nerve from the gastritis?
Do you the weird head symptoms? Bc I sure get a lot of those too that are hard to explain. Internal tremor like symptom, especially when I lay down to go to sleep, and it feels like I'm going to pass out. And breathing feels like it's pausing or stopping. Or, my head feels like it's going before my body, like it's not in sync. Again, weird.
I get told same. Docs see me once, get the normal bloodwork, then tell me I need to see a psychiatrist and take whatever they recommend before they'll do further testing. Yes, they really said that. Can you believe it? Or, that I need to go to a university hospital 4 hrs away bc my hormones/symptoms are too complicated. Really??
annette27370 julie54379
Julie, sorry you're having such a hard time. I think we all go through times that are harder and times and everything comes down when everything started for me it was back in October where I really started noticing your things anxiety attacks anxiety help and I've also experienced weird trimmers tingling in different ones at different times vibrating if you want to call it back like an internal vibration just strange things all going through the same thing we get different types of feelings of different times and emotions we can all probably say we told the doctor all sorts of weird things as far as symptoms are concerned and they all look at us like we're crazy so at least we have each other to talk to to help ease some of the anxiety
pam90720 annette27370
mommaof6 LCat
LCat - I take a vital B complex and extra B12, Magnesium, omega 3 (fish oil), Juice Plus, iron for the few days I’m on my period each month (my iron level stays on the low end of the normal range), and Vit D/K2 in the cold months. I think they help? Who knows really.
mommaof6 julie54379
Guest mommaof6
rebecca_68782 Guest
I love Susan Weed's book New Menopausal Years : The Wise Woman Way. Helped me a lot. Best wishes.
rebecca_68782 julie54379
I too have that breathing thing, especially when I am just going to sleep. Has happened 4 or 5 times in the last 6 months. Freaks me out. Researched it, and it is a larynx spasm. Great, a new symptom. Hope you are feeling better. I have been seeing a psychologist for a year now because I was told the same thing. Go see a psychiatrist. It helps, when you find the right person to talk to.
Many blessings to you. Thanks for posting.
Alissa73500 Guest