I feel like I’m at deaths door
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Hello again to everyone . Really need reassurance today and at my wits end . I am 51 and haven’t had a period in seven weeks and the symptoms go on . Thoroughly depressed , tingling in chest , stabbing pains as if my period wants to start , aching back and shoulders , mind due I am a hairdresser and this could be respective strain from years of work and now for the cherry on top , a migraine . I even called a paramedic last week because of the chest pain and saw my doctor , but they’ve reassured me that I am completely fit . So why am I feeling this ill ? Is it all in my mind ? My husband has told me it is and that I have to believe the professionals . I think he’s getting seriously fed up with me and my whinging . Also , another recent symptom of a sensation that I’m going to pass out that came up through my legs even though I was sitting down . All this is frightening the life out of me . I really don’t think I can cope with this much longer and thinking maybe my husband and daughter would be better if I wasn’t living with them anymore . I am at a really low ebb . Please help .
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Guest jane63977
Hi Jane, I do not know if their is some shift in the universe or something...but I feel horrible too. I went to bed last night...I was surprised that I woke up. I felt so mummified. Feeling numb, but dizzy...weird head too. I scaled back on my AD because I think it makes me worse. My periods are hardly anything too...but getting walloped. I’m sorry you feel like hell. I feel for you too... I am a pet stylist, self employed ...I know the aches and pains too and I’m only 41. Hats of to you if you are still working...I had to stop a few months ago...hoping to get back. No fair to us ladies! 😩
Nettie261962 jane63977
I have had all of this and more. This past week, I have been experiencing heavy head pressure, headaches, buzzy feeling in my head followed by feeling like I’m going to pass out, fall over or something which sends my anxiety through the roof. Had a million scans, bloodwork, dr visits, etc all to say nothing’s wrong. It’s menopause... just stinks we have to endure this. My heart goes out to you, Jane. Hang in there! Nettie1962
Sassyr12a jane63977
Hi Jane
First advice would be to breathe. I completely understand what you are saying. I went for tears with the same kind of symptoms, only to get the all clear for anything major. Whilst that's good news, it just leaves you with a feeling of isolation and fear, that most people wouldn't understand. There is something wrong Jane, it may not be life threatening but menopause and hormonal inbalance certainly makes you feel like you may die. I think you should get your bloods checked, I'm sure they will show that your hormones are playing up. Noone would be better off without you, not your daughter or your husband. They may not understand how you feel at the moment, but they love you and need you. Try if you can to make a plan to get to the bottom of this (I always work better writing it down), get to the doctor, meditate, get fresh air and just breathe love. Hang in there Jane, you are important xx
michelle97919 jane63977
Firstly hang on in there!!!!
Ive been where you are trust me i have!!!
I had a 10 year peri hell and now im just post meno.
I had the same thoughts that my family would be better of without me.
Yes the symptoms do seem bizarre and strange sometimes which heightens anxiety.
We dont see them as typical hormonal symptoms.
Just take a breath. Im sure you will get plenty of advice from the other lovely ladies real soon.
You are not alone you are not crazy
Always here for you to chat x
As we speak ive just had a good shout at my husband for something that wasnt his fault and shut myself away in the bedroom to calm my irrational self down lol.
samantha48216 jane63977
lori93950 jane63977
So be grateful you have your husband and your daughter the alternative is just not going to change things ... you’ll then be alone going through this and believe me that is not a place you want to be .
susane84679 lori93950
hi lori,
I'm so sorry to hear of your troubles. my thought is that if he couldn't handle you at your worst, then he certainly did not deserve you at your best! you are right about having family during this time. my husband and son have been such blessings through all this and I can't imagine them not being here. my son told me that we are all going through this together because we have always been a team and will always be a team. it made me cry, but in a good way. he is 31 and I know he will one day be just as good to his wife. you have friends and support here, so never feel like you are alone. big hugs to you?🙂
lori93950 susane84679
Thanks Susane!
Yes this past 5 months have been one of the most difficult times in my life and doing it completely alone wow! So tough .
I know once I get through it that there will be good things for me I’ll be the strongest I’ve ever been ... I see a rainbow on the horizon 🌈 hope things turnaround soon .
susane84679 jane63977
hi jane,
it must be something in the air because I to have not felt right for a couple of days. head pressure with horrible whooshing in the ears and feeling off balance. these symptoms have not bothered me in some time and here they are again! starving so I eat and in the middle of eating I start to gag and am nauseous. I feel like hell and it upsets me terribly. I have not had a symptom one in several weeks and felt like my old self then..BAM! it hits again! hang in there hun, we're all in this boat together.💜🧡💛😕
Guest jane63977
Jane, it's not in your head, the symptoms are real, and they all go along with perimeno. Try your best to educate your husband and daughter. I remember when I was going thru the worse of it, and not knowing what on earth was wrong with me, I woke my husband one night because I was having such bad symptoms, and he really hurt me by calling me a psycho. After that I continued to get sicker and sicker, and he finally realized that all of it wasn't in my head. Two years later I'm having better days, or maybe it's just that I'm getting used to feeling this way, it's my new normal. When I get the really bad things, like chest pains, flu feelings, burning feet.. I just now chalk it all up to hormones so the anxiety doesn't take hold any more. It's just a rough time in our lives. It's got to get better.
Hang in there!
Guest Guest
Wow, psycho...that ranks up there with my husbands soothing words of “ you need to get over it” 😂
CarolKelso jane63977
CarolKelso jane63977
lori93950 CarolKelso
I’m a very tough woman and this ‘thing’ has made me into a ‘crumb’ never in my life have I experienced anything so debilitating . I was run over by a car 11 years ago very badly injured and this is on par with that ! At least then I knew there was light at the end of the tunnel.
... this ‘thing’ seems to be infinite ... like a black hole !!!