I feel like I'm going mad!
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Does anybody on here suffer from dry eyes, sinus problems, ringing in the ears, and a weird feeling in your head? I mean like a every once in a while a weird throbbing? Sometimes I wonder if I have a brain issue or something. That sends my anxiety through the roof. I'm so glad I can vent on this site! Seems like there is always a new symptom and you freak, because you think somethings got to be wrong, because how can each new symptom be related to hormones and menopause! Then the anxiety about your health kicks in. You just want to take lots of drugs and crawl under the covers! Talk to me ladies! 😧
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maria_03422 juanita93228
Hi Juanita,
you are not going mad!!!! i had the same symptoms about 3 years ago for months, that was the same time my mother passed from a brain tumor..i was so scared i thought something horrible wrong with me..i went to every specialist i had scans done of the brain, blood work and they coudn't find anything..it went away eventually but is scary..the only thing i still get from time to time is the weird throbbing in my head and not always on the same spot!!!. and alots of colds and sinus problems that i never had before..
Now my thing are the aches all over my body and mostly when i first wake up...went to the dr she said it's from the anxiety and stress i'm in!!!!
hope you feel better xxxxx
juanita93228 maria_03422
Oh Maria, I'm sorry you're going thru this! And my condolences on the loss of your mother. But boy do I feel better hearing you had the same symptoms. Its crazy that hormones can cause all this isn't it?
maria_03422 juanita93228
Thank you so much Juanita..
i have a friend that she went through this years ago and she used to tell me about it when i was complaining about my menstrual pains!!! Boy nothing prepared me for this hell
the sad part is that we don't really know when is cost by hormones or is it something serious, and that's when anxiety kicks in...i'm tired of going to the drs and having tests done!!!
Last night laying in bed reading and out of nowhere my right shoulder my left big toe and my right breast start itching like i had bugs crawling under my skin..lasted for about 15 minutes and then stopped
it's crazy !!! I'm trying to take a multi vitamins but they keep upseting my stomach so i'm taking vit D it seems it helps and no caffeine i think that helps with my anxiety not as bad as before..
I need to get a job it might keeps me busy from thinking all this horrrible things
juanita93228 maria_03422
Maria, I'm still working and it's a blessing and a curse. It keeps me busy, but some days you just can't deal with the stress and stupidity of people and you don't want to go to work. I forgot I'm also dealing with achy shoulder joints. Been achy since November. Hot showers help and believe it or not Vicks Vapor Rub. Are you taking vitamin on an empty stomach? If so take it with food, that will help.
maureen12052 maria_03422
Hi Maria!
Omg 😲 I had the itchy right breast for about 4months it was horrible! I went back and forth to
the dr. because it scared 😳 me so much! It felt like
I had ants 🐜 crawling around inside my breast! Then out of the blue it just stopped! Now my hot
flashes have become worse I have about 20 or 30
a day! I can't take this peri menopause thing much
Sochima822 juanita93228
Are you taking any medication or supplements? For the ringing I was taking gingko biloba, which helped. For the throbbing I take 3 baby aspirin,j ust in case. I also, suggest you take a vegetarian multi-vitamin. It was pass with time. I hope this helps.
juanita93228 Sochima822
Thank you Sochima! I'm just glad to know I'm not losing it! When I was a young girl and I heard my mother, grandmother, and aunt talking about "the change" it was like it just mood swings and hot flashes, but it's SO much more than that.
I will get some ginko biloba, I'm taking a veggie multivitamin, but my iron is low and this multivitamin has everything but iron, so I will switch to a veggie with iron. I take a baby aspirin every day, my joints feel better if I chew two baby aspirin in addition to the one I'm taking. Thank you for the advice! The I know it will pass, because on the bright side, I know longer have hot flashes and my sex drive is back!
Sochima822 juanita93228
Juanita, see if you can supplement your iron with food, like spinach & beans & meat. New medical reports have come out that iron supplements aren't good. Even using an iron cast skillet will give you iron if you cook on it. Unless, your doctor or go recommended otherwise see if you can eat your way to more.
juanita93228 Sochima822
Sochima, I do have a cast iron skillet. I live in South after all. Lol! I take a tablespoon of blackstrap molasses every day, it has lots of iron. I had slacked off on eating my greens, but have started eating them again. My iron was just a little low, the doctor just told me to eat more greens. Beans have become my enemy since menopause, they give me the worst gas! Lol! I think just eating more greens will help with my low iron. Thank you for the advice. It feels good to talk and know I'm not alone.
maureen12052 juanita93228
Hi juanita!
I've had every one of the symptoms you mentioned!
The anxiety is the worst for me! About four months bac
I got a new symptom itchy breast not like itchy on the
outside but a crawling feeling as if I had ants 🐜 crawling
around in my breast! That set my anxiety through the roof.
Then one day it just stopped! Now my hot flashes are back
in full force I get them about 30 times a day! I get no rest.
I would love to pull the covers over my head and hide but
I probably would melt away from the hot flashes!
I'm so happy I have all you ladies to talk to!😁
juanita93228 maureen12052
maria101 maureen12052
Hi Maureen, I get that nasty itching in breast had now for few years but I think it's hormone related it's in the nipples most if the time my Doctor check and said it could be eczema related too, as soon as there no periods for months it settles down just hoping it will subside one day...your don't sound like mine though, my hotflashes stop since September last year but tend to go and come as they wish can't wait to be me again...hope you feel better soon.
natalie86711 juanita93228
Your absolutely not alone, I get werid feelings a lot, it comes and goes, every couple months I get different symptoms, this month I feel like my tongue is to big for me mouth, werrid feeling, I've been going once a week to get adjusted from my chiropractor that seems to be working.
juanita93228 natalie86711
I occasionally get that strange lump in the throat feeling. One night I panicked because I felt like I couldn't swallow. Menopause is not for the faint of heart!