I feel like I'm losing my mind and no one has answers for me

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Ever since June of last year my life has been a mess and I've been struggling with severe depression. January of this year I got extremely high one night after trying to convince my friend to calm down all night, so it was a stressful night to be begin with. I suffer from severe anxiety so I smoked pot to take the edge off. I got so intensely high I had a panic attack the entire night and was terrified of everything. I didn't sleep that night and when I finally slept it was only for 2 hours and I had to go to work. As soon as I got to work it felt like I was still sleeping or in a dream everything was so foggy and it was so scary. The feeling of being in a daze has lasted till now March 12th, I feel like I'm going to snap and lose my mind. I feel like I'll never be normal ever again. At least when I was depressed I felt in touch with reality, and now I feel like I'm losing my touch with reality. My anxiety gets so intense at night that I feel like I'm losing my mind, and I feel like I'm back to the same panic attack in January that started all of this. I feel this is severe depersonalization, or just a mental breakdown? But I am so extremely terrified. I tried talking to psych about it and she really gave me no answers, I am on Risperidone right now, and it really hasn't brought me back the reality feeling. I just want answers or advice on what to do, I am genuinely so terrified that I am losing my mind and will have to be put away. I feel like I'm a robot ignoring every emotion besides feeling so scared all the time stuck in an awful scary daze. Help.

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17 Replies

  • Posted

    I'm sorry u have to go thru this my anxiety came out of nowhere u don't smoke I don't drink every since covid started its been really bad medication didn't work for me it made me even more out of it therapy, yoga being active helps alot getting out the house for walks anything to keep your mind busy

  • Posted

    hi you could request your gp to do a 24 hour urine metanephrines or catecholamines test. your symptoms could be caused by way to much adrenalin in your system. its caused by a tumor of the adrenal gland called a pheochromacytoma its extreamly rare so doctors do not think to look for them the other tumor that can do this is a paraganglioma. they pump out hormones a pheo os always in the adrenal medulla but a para can be any where else between eyes and thighs so if your levals did come back high you would then need a ct or mri with contrast but needs to be eyes to thighs not just abdomen.

    the reason I know this is because I have pheo and it took years for them to diagnose previous to it I was fobbed of as depression and anxiety most pheo patients are. these episodes at night are a big symptom of it it's to do with ether lying on the tumor and compressing it so it pumps out more or the sleep wake cycle. there is a very good support group on face book for this I am one of the admins on it.

    if you read on line about it you will find it just gives you the basics it dosent shoe all the symptoms and a lot of the info is wrong and outdated one of the websites to look at is the pheo para allience they work with endocrinologists from all over the world. if your leavals did come back high you need a referl to a endocrinologist and it's important that they are experienced In pheo.

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