I feel like I'm not me anymore
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Hi I'm new on here - I read some of the posts and realised that some of my symptoms were the same or similar. I'm 49 and over the past 4 months or so I've noticed a change in me that I can't put my finger on. I've been making mistakes at work and can't concentrate . I work on a Reception and kept forgetting what somebody had just asked me. Even if I try harder to concentrate, it's no good. I've been feeling drained and taking deep breaths - a feeling I had when I had anaemia. Blood tests were all fine for anaemia and thyroid but my doctor said that a blood test for hormone balance wouldn't prove anything so she didn't test me for that. So I'm left feeling that I'm either losing my mind or it could be menopausal. I just feel miserable and I've got nothing to feel miserable about. I'm having mild hot spells in my face but I didn't connect this with anything. I don't want to go into work for fear of making more mistakes. I simply don't feel like me anymore and I've lost my 'get up and go'. Whatever this is, I feel like I'm losing control. Does this sound menopausal? Thanks for reading this.
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Jan999 jan22884
There are a lot of threads on this forum which I'm sure you've read that you may find a useful such as alterative therapies etc.
But no you're not going mad. There are thousands of us out there feeling the same
jan22884 Jan999
kathyc85 jan22884
Don't panic, we're all in the same boat!!
Best wishes, Kathy
jan22884 kathyc85
Take care. Jan
middlemuddle jan22884
B vitamins help so many of us, B12 for energy, B6 for stability, read lots of the threads on here and you will find so much help.
You are not going mad, you are not alone, welcome to our gang.
jan22884 middlemuddle
Sandy07 jan22884
jan22884 Sandy07
sharcerv52408 jan22884
jan22884 sharcerv52408
jayneejay jan22884
sounds like peri .. or start of..
there is a blood test an FSH blood test, but this is usually only in menopausal range when peri is well and truly set in..
its only accurate when periods have declined to say 3-4 per year and when a person is not using HRT or combined pill as this boosts the hormones up. so result is not true.
during early peri hormones are too erractic to say whether menopausal FSH range, as fluctuate all the time, spiking etc, no two tests are ever the same result ..
this doesnt mean you are not in peri..
jay x
jan22884 jayneejay
It makes sense then that my doctor didn't feel it necessary to do blood tests. My periods aren't that far apart yet.
anxiousface jan22884
jan22884 anxiousface
Redbird972 jan22884
jan22884 Redbird972
Sandy07 jan22884