I feel like I'm not me anymore

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Hi I'm new on here - I read some of the posts and realised that some of my symptoms were the same or similar.  I'm 49 and over the past 4 months or so I've noticed a change in me that I can't put my finger on.  I've been making mistakes at work and can't concentrate . I work on a Reception and kept forgetting what somebody had just asked me.  Even if I try harder to concentrate, it's  no good.  I've been feeling drained and taking deep breaths - a feeling I had when I had anaemia.  Blood tests were all fine for anaemia and thyroid but my doctor said that a blood test for hormone balance wouldn't prove anything so she didn't test me for that. So I'm left feeling that I'm either losing my mind or it could be menopausal.  I just feel miserable and I've got nothing to feel miserable about. I'm having mild hot spells in my face but I didn't connect this with anything. I don't want to go into work for fear of making more mistakes. I simply don't feel like me anymore and I've lost my 'get up and go'.  Whatever this is, I feel like I'm losing control. Does this sound menopausal?  Thanks for reading this.

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18 Replies

  • Posted

    Hello Jan. Yes it does sound as though you are definitely menopausal. It's a shame you're GP didn't do that blood test as it probably would have helped to put your mind at rest to a certain extent. You need to decide what you would like to do now. If there's a GP you feel comfortable talking to go and see him/her and talk through your options. You didn't mention whether you were still having normal periods or not. Either way you can still be menopausal and have periods.

    There are a lot of threads on this forum which I'm sure you've read that you may find a useful such as alterative therapies etc.

    But no you're not going mad. There are thousands of us out there feeling the same

    • Posted

      Hi Matron and thanks for your reply. A couple of my periods have been a bit late but my last one was very late and extremely heavy.  This is unusual for me.  I think I might take your advice and see another doctor. My sister is a year younger than me and she had her hormones checked and she is now on HRT. I don't know why the doctor didn't do the test at the same time as my other blood tests. Anyway, thanks for your support. Nice to know there are others out there going through the same thing. xx
  • Posted

    I agree with Matron's reply. I have recently had surgery for a bladder prolapse (beginning of August) and not sure whether this is having an effect on me, apart from finding that it's left me feeling a lot more tired than I thought it would, I have trouble concentrating, and now finding I do something, get distracted, then turn round, see I must have started something but don't remember doing it. I'm hoping this isn't going to be permanent, but fear it might be.I am older than you, nearly 59, still working full time, but also don't feel like my old self any more having gone nearly two years now without a period. There is a similar discussion going on here at the moment, 'Temperament after menopause' which you might like to read.

    Don't panic, we're all in the same boat!!

     Best wishes, Kathy

    • Posted

      Hi Kathy, hope you are ok after your operation.  I think after any op, its common to feel exhausted and this in turn will have an effect on concentration etc. But it must be difficult for you to establish if the op is the cause or if its the menopause.  I'm having similar issues at the moment - I'm not happy at work and making mistakes and my boss has had words with me about it.  So I'm not sure if the job is the problem or if it's the symptoms of the menopause causing me to make mistakes etc.  (who would be a woman)?  I will have a look at the other discussion you mentioned.  Hope you feel better soon and thanks for your reply.

      Take care.  Jan

  • Posted

    Welcome Jan you definitely sound like you are in the peri stage so many of us are wandering around in.  Do you still have periods? Have they changed at all?  My dreadful memory is a family joke now and like you I just don't feel myself but I am starting to realise that is fine, I need to take time to find the new me on this journey.

    B vitamins help so many of us, B12 for energy, B6 for stability, read lots of the threads on here and you will find so much help.

    You are not going mad, you are not alone, welcome to our gang.

    • Posted

      Thanks for your reply middlemuddle.  A couple of my periods have been a few days late but my last one was 10 days late and extremely heavy (not normal for me).  glad to think that  my symptoms seem 'normal' . I know that the menopause is inevitible but I didn't expect to have these feelings. They seem to have come on all at once.  I will certainly look into getting some of the B vitamins. Thanks so much for your advice and support and making me feel ok. x
  • Posted

    It all sounds very familiar Jan. You're not losing your mind. It sounds like it's the hormones. It's very difficult when you've been able to cope in the past, that feeling if being so lost and uncomfortable in your own skin, even though nothing around you seems to have changed. You'll find lots of tips and support here. Welcome. Xx
    • Posted

      Thanks so much Mooma28. The hormones are looking like the favourite culprit at the moment. I have been really pleased with the feedback from everybody in such a short time.  I'm really grateful.  Hopefully I will be able to help somebody else in time.  xx
  • Posted

    Yes, it indeed does sound like some perimenopause symptoms. I am 40 and had to have one my ovaries removed at age 26. I have since then had peri symptoms off and on and didn't know it. I had my son at age 35 and my daughter at age 39. I had some peri symptoms after I had my son but thought that my PMS symptoms had just gotten worse because of my age. But then after I had my daughter, I went straight from post partum symptoms into full force peri symptoms. I have difficulty concentrating and or remembering things. I used to have an impecable memory. I could recall stuff in detail. I find it hard to express myself verbally and I used to be such an eloquent speaker; able to easily express my thoughts. I haven't felt like myself in about a year. So believe me I know how you feel. Hang in there. Any support you need we are here for you. All of the women on this forum have something to contribute usually that is very insightful and helpful. So you came to the right place.
    • Posted

      Thank you for your reply. Sound like you have been through the mill a bit.  I too have been finding it difficult to explain things, especially at work. I've also lost a lot of confidence.  As I said in one of the previous posts, I am stunned by the support I've had already and yes you are right , I have come to the right place. Take care and thanks again. x
  • Posted

    Hi Jan

    sounds like peri .. or start of..

    there is a blood test an FSH blood test, but this is usually only in menopausal range when peri is well and truly set in..

    its only accurate when periods have declined to say 3-4 per year and when a person is not using HRT or combined pill as this boosts the hormones up. so result is not true.

    during early peri hormones are too erractic to say whether menopausal FSH range, as fluctuate all the time, spiking etc, no two tests are ever the same result ..

    this doesnt mean you are not in peri..

    jay x

    • Posted

      Thanks Jay

      It makes sense then that my doctor didn't feel it necessary to do blood tests.  My periods aren't that far apart yet. 



  • Posted

    Don't worry jan i'v been the same, i work full time in an office and i find im not as methodical as i was and if i am to take a message i will of forgotten what they have said before the conversation finishes, i sometimes get suck on the most simplest word as if i cant spell it and really worry if iv to be in a meeting cos i'm hopeless.  its our hormones jan your not losing your mind but i know it feels like it cos i've been through those dark depressing days thinking i was but i now realise this is just another peri symptom.  I have only recently had a couple of very mild warmish face spells but never had a hot flush.  I know how your feeling and we do lose our get up and go for a while but you'll turn a corner and just accept it.  sending you a comforting hug, things will get better x
    • Posted

      Thanks so much for your post.  It sounds like we are very similar.  You seem to have come through a patch fairly ok so I feel better knowing I will too. i think once I've accepted that this is how it's going to be for a while then i will probably be able to laugh about some of it (hopefully). Thanks for your kind words.  x
  • Posted

    Perhaps try calling your doctor and telling them what is going on and what you're experiencing. What you're describing sounds like what my mom went through just before she was diagnosed with depression. I don't want to say that your situation is exactly the same because it may not be. She started forgetting things, crying over small matters, and doing poorly at work. This may not be depression, and it may just be menopausal. In either case, you should contact your doctor and ask them about the possibilities of either of these. You may need to contact a psychiatrist about the possibility of depression if your doctor cannot confirm or deny it.
    • Posted

      Thanks for your reply. I am due to go back to the doctor next week.  I'm feeling a bit better at the moment but that seems to be what happes then I go on a downwards spiral. I will have a good chat with her.  Thanks again. x
    • Posted

      Hi Jan, yes I seem to have that too. A few days feeling a bit better then a downward spiral and wait to improve again. That's why I think it must be hormonal fluctuations. Have you noticed any pattern to it?

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