I feel like I'm not me anymore

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Hi I'm new on here - I read some of the posts and realised that some of my symptoms were the same or similar.  I'm 49 and over the past 4 months or so I've noticed a change in me that I can't put my finger on.  I've been making mistakes at work and can't concentrate . I work on a Reception and kept forgetting what somebody had just asked me.  Even if I try harder to concentrate, it's  no good.  I've been feeling drained and taking deep breaths - a feeling I had when I had anaemiaBlood tests were all fine for anaemia and thyroid but my doctor said that a blood test for hormone balance wouldn't prove anything so she didn't test me for that. So I'm left feeling that I'm either losing my mind or it could be menopausal.  I just feel miserable and I've got nothing to feel miserable about. I'm having mild hot spells in my face but I didn't connect this with anything. I don't want to go into work for fear of making more mistakes. I simply don't feel like me anymore and I've lost my 'get up and go'.  Whatever this is, I feel like I'm losing control. Does this sound menopausal?  Thanks for reading this.

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    Hi Jan,thanks for your reply to my earlier message.  I thought I'd just let you know that having tried two different prescriptions for HRT, neither of which suited me, I have given that idea the heave-ho, and decided to start taking vitamn and mineral supplements designed for menopause. I am taking Healthspan Menoserene which seems to be helping, I have also given up wheat as I noticed I felt a lot better about 4 years ago when I went on a complete 4 week detox, nothing processed, no dairy, wheat, sugar or caffeine. Sounds hard but well worth the effort. I then realised I was dairy and wheat intolerant. You might be wondering why I'm banging on about this, but when I read a book called 'Lose wheat, lose weight' it goes into the effects wheat intolerance can have on your body, and brain fog is just one of the numerous things mentioned. I have started a no wheat or sugar experiment, and after only four days, I can feel a difference. Again, this may just be coincidence, but who knows. If it seems to be working, I intend to keep it up! (and hopefully lose weight again, as I did when on the detox smile

    Best wishes, I hope you overcome all the negative feelings,


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