I feel like im dying honestly l have no overias . Hrt changes etc im getting worse.
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Please excuse the grammar. Im trembling my teeth n body tremble all over l sweat and shake constantly so weak even getting a bath im trembling. laying down doesn't stop it . l get migraines/ tremors / burning up and shivering my teeth and body chatter. l have like anxitey feelings all the time , noise and light makes me jumpy . sorry im confusing myself here. l read on the forum a few posts and comments and all that everyone as posted l am getting constantly with no ease ups . l try to focus on my breathing and calming my brain but its so hard while all the symptoms are happening . As l type my heads etc sweat and im confused as to what l have even written. My list goes on and on. l have been back and forth to the hospital now im totally housebound im at the hospital on Monday but even the thought of it makes me so so anixous having been under them so long. Sorry im straying off subject. I had my overias removed in 2012 numerous lots of hrt. My symptoms worsened over the past 3 years. Now im so so bad just started a new hrt 2 weeks ago . My teeth chatter my whole body shakes im jumpy , hot sweats cold sweats the list is endless l actually feel like im dying. l can't cope with the symptoms anymore. 😭😭😭. Anyone having the same issues who as any ideas etc please reply. sorry l know a lot of this doesnt make sense. Any advise l would greatly appericate. Thank you ever so much. x
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sara97862 lisa78546
Hi Lisa,
OMG I am so sorry you are suffering this way!!
Can you reach out to the doctor who prescribed the HRT for advice?
Was it a family Dr, a gyno, or an endocrinologist?
lisa78546 sara97862
Unfortunately not, since hospital closures l was pretty much left without any advice. My g.p eventually checked my oestergen levels and l had nothing running through my body ( I also have POTS newly dianosed which is a awful illness and mimics these hormone like issues other POTS patients report they're really bad just before and after there cycle. lm yet to come across a POTS patient who as had thier overias removed. ( Had l known how bad l would get after surgery in 2012 l would never of had my overias removed). Im 45 now and l said from my early 20's something wasnt right on the hormone front but no one would listen was mis diagnosed with alsort. All that aside l know due to no supply of Estelle in the uk my body is suffering and im just hoping the new hrt will kick in soon ( the others didnt). Was nice to read some comments on another thread who experince the same kind of reassuranced me im not going mad. x
sara97862 lisa78546
I think it's just horrifying what happens when the powers that be decide to make unavailable treatments that have been working for people!!!
You are not alone in your symptoms, for sure. I have had hormonal migraines since my daughter was born 11 years ago. I get the teeth chattering shakes /alternating sweats and chills/horrid anxiety and digestive issues often when a migraine attack is coming on.
Praying you can get this sorted quickly!!!!
lisa78546 sara97862
l also get extremely bad migraines too l used to get them not occasionally now they're consistently with me . l got dianosed with an all year round migraine he said its always there just takes a trigger and of late anything triggers it . l was on preventors didnt work l stopped eating certain foods etc. l so wish l knew before my overias were removed what l was going to experience l got no information at all, no way would l have had them out if l had known. God the anixety is a massive thing right now lm a jumpy shaking mess and the teeth chattering and constantly shaking l actually thought l was going insane , dying even . If im not making much sense l apologise my heads like mush atm . Thank you for the reasurrance that l am not alone. xxx
Guest lisa78546
Sounds like the HRT has your system hormonal wise all mess up..Can you ask doctor about stopping it completely to see if things get better maybe a much lower dose.
lisa78546 Guest
Its all been changed due to Estelle not being in stock in the uk im actually on a lower does of yet another alternitve. My g.p came yesterday and as taken bloods to check my oestergen and magnesium levels . x
Nettie261962 lisa78546
I have the internal tremors, hands feel shaky, muscles tight, sweating, anxiety, heart racing, migraines both (regular and silent), dry itchy skin, dizziness, weakness in legs, arms, chest and hands and soooo much more. Just had an MRI of my brain and all clear. I see an endocronologist in 2 weeks. I have an enlarged thyroid with nodules in it and labs that are off so perhaps I will get some answers and help with my symptoms. Hormones can cause so many issues when out of whack. Hang in there!!!
lisa78546 Nettie261962
l get all the above its awful isn't it , the teeth chattering and body trembling is a newer symtom honestly l thought l was going mad until l read a few posts purely by chance about others having the same teeth chattering tremors constant sweating and more. I have POTS which is often mistaken for numerous other things , l knew that this ( well kind of 90 certain is not my POTS) but hrt related. Oh the joys of scans mine always came back clear which was so disheartening because l just knew something was amiss. l have a blood clot back for another scan on monday but l dont think its causing the teeth chattering and trembling if that makes sense. l so hope you get the right treatment for your thyroid crossing my fingers gor you. xxx
Nettie261962 lisa78546
I think the anxiety and the shaking ans tremors are absolutely the worst. Makes me sad and mad. Miss my old self. I bet you do too!
sunaina1983 Nettie261962
same symptoms me too facing mam
lisa78546 Nettie261962
l most certainly do . Ive never had the best of health but always pushed through life etc . Now im just existing. Xx
Ella23ps lisa78546
You have Dysautonomia. It sounds like you could be having Adrenaline surges or maybe an adrenaline storm? Progesterone Cream will help. Your autonomic nervous system sounds like it is hyper? Breath deeply and slowly 4-7-8 Breathing is best. Valiums are what you need if you are having an adrenaline storm. Loss of hormones can cause this. POTS is a form of Dysantonomia the body looses the ability to regulate blood pressure and temperature. You're hot one minute and cold the next your blood pressures is high one minute and low the next. It can cause your thyroid to go hyper so keep a check on your heart rate. DO NOT STRESS I can't say that enough. Stress will make it thousand times worse. By the time your autonomic system gets like this you need to take action and Valiums can help (start with small amounts and use only when you really need it). Metoprolol and Progesterone will block the adrenaline and Progesterone can help with POTS. What ever you do DO NOT TAKE SSRI's like PROZAC they can make things worse if your Adrenaline is high. What you need to do is get your Adrenaline down. Remember, I do not know you and I am not a doctor. I am going by what you wrote, so I am only guessing. You need to go to your doctor.
PS - I am also sending PRAYERS your way : ).
mel65197 Ella23ps
Great response Ella! This is such important information. Stressing makes it all worse. Gentle exercise - especially walking and yoga will help. Please also try some meditation. I suspect that I also have Dysautonomia although no doctor has diagnosed me with it. I find that when I get anxious about my symptoms they get much worse. I also agree with Ella about having something like Valium on hand when things are really bad. I have a low dose of Xanax (.5 mg) that I take on occasion. It will calm your nervous system down when nothing else works. I am so sorry that you are dealing with such horrid symptoms. It can be hell. A compounding pharmacist can help you get the hrt in check and get you the right doses that work for you. Hang in there. xo
lisa78546 Ella23ps
Your absoultley spot on in everything you say l have everything you wrote l have tried everything to no avail, l do breathing exercises alsorts but no atm nothing is working. ( valium here is diazepam which im allergic to as with morphine which they found out during operations. Xanax etc is a massive no no here in the UK ive begged my doctor and hospital but no way will they sign off on it theyve been pulled here. The one thing that helped some of my symtoms is Nitrazepam 5.m.g ( a benzo). But you got it thats being pulled too . l called it my last resort help if that makes sense now they are stopping them full stop no arguments they say. sorry hope that makes sense. x
lisa78546 mel65197
hi my responce above is to both you and Ella . xxxx Sorry for the short reply next zero sleep in 7 weeks now. x
Ella23ps lisa78546
You have to take all stresses off your body. Stay away form all chemicals, allergens, and anything that will cause you emotional stress. Lower your Adrenaline levels. Anytime you experience stress of any kind the sympathetic nervous system, fight or flight system, is activated. If you are under stress all the time, then the stress response system never turns off. Menopause causes a lot of stress on the body and it can all become too much. You have Dysautonomia so you have to lower your stress load.
lisa78546 Ella23ps
Thank you so much l really am trying . Got a call from g.p yesterday virtually no estrogen etc pumping through me attempt number 4 to ricity it but yes l am really stressing atm l know your right im trying everything to stop feeling so paniky etc. Sorry for the short reply..xx
christine66659 Ella23ps
totally agree with you on that one...cortisol and adrenaline take over were ostrogen leaves..i had the chattering teeth for a while and it is anxiety..i had no symptoms whilst going thru meno as i didnt know..my periods just stopped at 42..hrt made me very very ill and now im ok..i sterr clear of all sugar and caffiene that can trigger anxiety in a lot of people on its own without hormonal problems ❤️
christine66659 lisa78546
sleep deprivation can cause anxiety in itself and trigger the fight/flight mode..can cause hot/cold flushes and tremors..please just rest if you cant sleep.and stay in bed..getting in and out tells the brain to stay awake..insomnia can cause low mood as well...i know excatly how you feel..my sleep is great now..i kept away from pills and spoke to a sleep coach..also had cbt ♥️