I feel like im dying honestly l have no overias . Hrt changes etc im getting worse.

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Please excuse the grammar. Im trembling my teeth n body tremble all over l sweat and shake constantly so weak even getting a bath im trembling. laying down doesn't stop it . l get migraines/ tremors / burning up and shivering my teeth and body chatter. l have like anxitey feelings all the time , noise and light makes me jumpy . sorry im confusing myself here. l read on the forum a few posts and comments and all that everyone as posted l am getting constantly with no ease ups . l try to focus on my breathing and calming my brain but its so hard while all the symptoms are happening . As l type my heads etc sweat and im confused as to what l have even written. My list goes on and on. l have been back and forth to the hospital now im totally housebound im at the hospital on Monday but even the thought of it makes me so so anixous having been under them so long. Sorry im straying off subject. I had my overias removed in 2012 numerous lots of hrt. My symptoms worsened over the past 3 years. Now im so so bad just started a new hrt 2 weeks ago . My teeth chatter my whole body shakes im jumpy , hot sweats cold sweats the list is endless l actually feel like im dying. l can't cope with the symptoms anymore. 😭😭😭. Anyone having the same issues who as any ideas etc please reply. sorry l know a lot of this doesnt make sense. Any advise l would greatly appericate. Thank you ever so much. x

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25 Replies

  • Posted

    Dear lisa ,you need some professional help.have you tried any antidepressants??i'm on Citalopram !its supposed to help with hot flushes aswell as panic attacks and depression.i'm actually on Hrt aswell .i hope you feel better soon lovely .

    • Posted

      Hi , l have POTS aswell so its not recommend that l go on anti anxitey medication. Got a call from g.p yesyerday my estrogen levels etc are vertuially non existent. New hrt attempt number 4 . Panic at the thought of it not working is an understatement. xxxx

  • Posted

    hi lisa..my periods stopped when i was 42..i went to dr yr later were it was confirmed i was post meno..i was put on hrt for my bones and stopped it six mths later after being admitted to hospital..drs at a and e were fuming as it was obviously not needed ..

    it gave me migraines with visual disturbances that made me unable to see.. depression and anxiety..it is not for everyone...ive been ok so far.im now 52 and with the usual aches and pains of aging..i had jaw tremor and body twitchs last year which was related to insomnia, anxiety and teeth grinding it has since resolved itself and i am well again..hope you find answer soon ♥️

    • Posted

      Agree with u mam Hrt Not for all ..my Dr told u had migranes issues..HRT mat increase them

  • Posted

    Don't give up!!keep on at your gp .I hate what the menopause does to us but there will be something for everyone to alleviate the symptoms .good luck x

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