I got a dignosis from the GAS & BLOAT finally!
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OK At my own request I paid for a hydrogen breath test for SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth).
You get fed lactulose drink then spend 3 hours giving breath samples to measure gases.
As it turns out I had excessive high readings of two gases. So all my gas/pain/bloat/sinus IS IN fact caused by sibo!
PLEASE DONT ACCEPT AN "IBS" AS A DIAGNOSIS and continue to suffer like I did.
How owe peri plays into this I don't know... I started my cycle again , Day 21 instead of 27. The ND didn't seems to think menopause played into this but she was VERY interested that my immediate fam started peri meno at 40. So MAYBE the slow motility has caused thus, but she thinks it was the antibiotics and my wine addiction that has.
IF IT HELPS ANYONE.. if you are suffering from excessive belching and have a high processed diet or sugar intake then please consider a sibo test, the pain it's caused me, and walking around BELCHING like a beer drinking maniac has been a pretty horrid experience and I'm kinda MAD I didn't demand this test earlier. I realise gallbladder and many other conditions mimick excessive belching but by process of elimination I'm offering this if it helps even one person get to the root of their gas problems
My Symptons tied up SIBO
Sinus congestion!
Blocked ears
Brain fog
Cramps and abdominal pain
Bad breath
Itchy skin
"Some" achy joints
Goh I'm sure there
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michelle50768 ellacraig
Thanks for posting. Very interesting. What is the treatment for this and how do you get tested? X
Guest ellacraig
Zigangie ellacraig
I always make sure to take them after a course of antibiotics these days because they mess my digestion (which is so slow and sluggish as it is) up for so long.
I have some good quality ones in my fridge and if I it starts playing me up I take them for around a week and they seem to get it back to some kind of normal.
Research says they can help with the other stuff too foggy head can even be helped with them.
michelle50768 Zigangie
What probiotics do you use?
If your allowed to say x
Zigangie michelle50768
michelle50768 Zigangie
I will get some tomorrow x
jamie50513 ellacraig
Glad you got to the bottom of your stomach issues. I am going to request that test as well. Im almost certain I have that and the hospital thought I may have something going on with that as well. I have terrible excessive gas, passing wind all the time, gas pains and stomach rumbling, bad breath, and itchy skin. So now you can get treatment and on the path to feeling better. Good for you!!!
Thank you for the replies
The test I elected to get done myself, the Drs and even GI didn't think to investigate this.. My relentless researching and finally finding a lady online with a blog who also had sibo made me decide to check.
So if you find some one in the area who offers it then your good.
Jamie I thought of you too when I got my results.
Im being careful what I write as this post initially was "checked" , I didn't think I mentioned any names or links etc...
But yeh these medical conditions can cause erratic hormones such as candida and sibo, this may well be the case for me so time will tell..
PROBIOTICS: apparently if you take them and they DOnT make you feel better or they make you worse then do stop . This happened to me... Turns out if you have SIBO probiotics can very well feed and make it worse ! I was taking LOTS of them
you already have an abundance of bad bacteria around which has migrated to the wrong places in your gut so you need to kill those off first and THEN repopulate with good bacteria.
Hope this is helpful to anyone suffering the same. I can say my high stress and my love of wine has been a major contributor and YES by all means take a full month long course of PRObiotics after any ANTIbiotics.
Im not saying everyone who burps has this but I've heard so many ladies here complain of it like myself so it's just an avenue to explore cause hormones CAUSE this disruption to our digestive systems, slow things down, leaving food on our systems longer etc
jamie50513 ellacraig
ellacraig jamie50513
Do some research online on it too and see if anything jumps out at you too! That's what tipped me off. FYI if it says sibo causes diarrhoea then don't let that put you off cause I don't have D and I've got sibo.
jamie50513 ellacraig
ellacraig jamie50513
jamie50513 ellacraig
Zigangie ellacraig
I spent a few years with fluffy poo in peri but now since about 4 years before becoming post so very constipated.
Quite worrying as they always go on about changes to your stools with regard to cancer.
ellacraig Zigangie
i was googling last night to the causes of sibo and slow motility is right up there and of course hormones can cause this, she actually didn't seem that phased at all that I thought I was going through meno but il press it further at my follow up. yes changing bowels is always scary but geez Louise I know know just how many other digestive disorders are involved in bowel changes. It's exhausting!