I had another migraine aura

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I am still in full panic mode. My last (and first) migraine aura happened in October 2018. I have had wonky vision and menstrual migraines since then, but no auras. Tonight, I was watching Taskmasters on my iPad and the faces seemed a bit off. I instantly went into panic mode and within a few minutes an aura started. It was zigzag and colorful and formed a large C shape in my left eye. I tried to calm myself, but admittedly it didn't work. I cried as my bp skyrocketed and stood outside in 40 degree weather trying to take deep breaths in the dark. I am so upset. I thought what happened to me a little over a year ago was a one-off thing. Or, at least I had hoped it was. It took me months to try to overcome my constant fear of an aura. I went back to work amd was being independent again. Now, I feel like I am at square one again. I just want to sob. I feel defeated,afraid, and alone.

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24 Replies

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    Hi staci, awful I know but keep in mind it was probably more than likely triggered from the movie you were watching on your iPad tv lights computers also that time of the month a combo of it all will and can induce all these migraines with auras.. Honestly I'm just waiting for the month they become less and less still hoping for that day.. My worst part isnt the auras but rather during the actual migraine attack I experienced the feeling of being paralyzed in one side of my body and the feeling of not being able to move or talk or communicate for help all at the same time it lasted as long as the attack and I for sure thought stroke.. But it wasnt I was fine took a few days after I felt worse than normal to where it felt like I couldnt think clearly for a few days after.. Also my power went out last night for about an hour and I had flameless candles going around the house so I could see and it was awful I kept seeing gold big swishy c shapes in my vision don't know what the hell that was all about but I just laid down closed my eyes and power came back on shortly.. I am now waiting to see if I some how triggered a migraine they usually come a day or 2 after ive been exposed to something.. Well I went to see a neuorologist a few days ago, he was nice but not much help really for being such a proffessinal.. But he tried he says for me to take magnesium that it helps 2/3rds of his patients, his wife included as well as his daughters guess he lives in a house full of woman who suffer from menstrual and menopausal migraines.. Well I hope you feel better soon as long as youve been to the doctor and all checks out ok with you then its hormones can't really be anything else.. You just have to take each and everyone as they come.. Hopefully they will get fewer and farther between I know how scary this all can be., also I hear these migraines last for around 5 to 8 years. Betweencl age 42 ish to 50 ish

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      Also if you haven't already put the filters on your phone ipads computers where the glasses thera specs when watching tv and baseball caps dark sunglasses always when using any of your devices its important to keep these migraines and auras at bay

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      Wear not where... And the filters you download right out of the play app stores they are life savers

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      And one more thing those gold dancing c shapes in my vision last night had to have been triggered by the lights going out and me being in a very dim lighted room my brain and vision just could handle the darkness must be a trigger for me..

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      Thanks Gypsy. I am so upset. It took so long to get my confidence back. I can't believe it happened again. I wrongly assumed it might never happen again. What helped convince me is that eight other people at my former work also had their first aura within the last year. I foolishly thought that maybe it was environmental and since I am no longer in the environment, it wouldn't happen.

      I can't be sure what triggered it. I have been eating like garbage during xmas break and my period app says today is ovulation day. I know I have logged in a bit too many iPad hours the past two days, but didn't think that was a factor.

      I haven't been to the neurologist in a few months because I lost my health insurance and my new jobs has a 90 day grace period before the insurance kicks in, I guess I will call tomorrow and make an appointment. I tried magnesium, but I think I was getting a rebound effect, It would make me feel so calm and relaxed, but then I would have heart palpitations.

      I am just depressed now. I don't want to live a life of panic, but I also cannot control the panic when the aura starts, This year has been absolutely awful.

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      I agree gypsy, that is a trigger for me too, light to dark or vice versa, even opening the fridge gave me one

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      pinkcatfairy I also have issues started in my 20s with it turning from light outside to dusk I don't get the migraine or the aura I just feel weird in the head and my vision changes at that time (dusk) almost like a thick fog outside I'm trying to see through

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      Didnt you say about the gold dancing c shapes? Arent they the aura? I get those and zig zag patterns x

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      Yes yes yes definitely me I get bad bad migraines with auras .. Sorry maybe I worded it wrong what I meant was that when it turns from daytime to evening ( dusk) I don't get a migraine or an aura from that, but do get a weird head feeling with blurry vision at that time of day

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      Oh i see yes, I just get the auras but they are bad enough, it must be awful to get a migraine also, my eyes going into early menopause used to be really light sensitive, i still get that sensitivity now but not as much, my eyesight also deteriorated after the age of 50 too! X

  • Posted

    I am so sorry this is happening to you I will say a prayer for you. Try to calm yourself down by breathing 4-7-8. The calmer you remain the better it will be for you and the symptoms that follow will be less severe. I know it can be scary but relax and focus on the Lord He will see you though this. You need oxygen when this happens the second you see the zigzag remain calm and get oxygen and breath it in until it passes and no other symptoms will appear. My doctors prescribes oxygen for me. It will work by making it go away faster and no other symptoms will follow. This will work also go to the tub and lean your head under the water like your washing your hair. Let the water get as hot as you can stand it for 3 minuets and then turn the hot water off and turn the cold water on for 1 minuet the back to the hot water for 3 minuets then cold of a minuet keep doing this for 6 times and you should feel better this hot and cold therapy can work 100% like the oxygen if done soon enough and you stay calm.

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      Thanks Ella. I tried my best to remain calm, but it didn't work in the least, It has been two hours and I am still full of anxiety. I just wish I knew why it happened, I am so sad, Thank you for the tips.

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    idk what i been having never in all my life had vision weirdness then a headache this morning makes the third time ive had it happen if its same as yours then tour not alone. this morning i felt dizzier then usual and then all if a sudden my left eye had this shiny metal liquid zig zags in my vision lasted 10-15 min freaked me out my heart started racing and i thought i was gonna have a stroke or seizure. it went away but have had a headache all day. the first two times this happened it was in both eyes. i went to er very first time at the end of September they of course focused on the panic attack and sent me home then it happened again end of oct in both eyes. now today but in one eye i posted about this on another board and well now im scared to death as some say increases stroke risk having occular migraines. where does this even come from ive never had this but i have had blurry vision for a few years now

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      Same here, Pamela. I don't know why I go into instant panic mode, but I do. My heart was pounding out of my chest. I just want to cry. This year has been extremely difficult. I just want to be normal. I am so exhausted from being afraid all the time.

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      this year has been the worst year for me since i started this journey end of September i had this eye headache thing then oct things started getting worse nov two periods then everything just got so much worse anxiety off the charts, burning skin head to toe lightheaded and feeling floaty more then ever. head pressure tightness in face and head vision blurriness now this scary Arora or whatever it is i was 10 days late gor dec cycle things has gotten alittle better since i started except this eye headache thing i got to find a dr to figure all this out i just cant understand how hormones doing all this hope you feel better

    • Posted

      It is all so scary and depressing. I am sorry you are having a rough go of this too. xo

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