I have had anxiety since lock down In march

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I was started on citalopram 10mg 11 days ago

and feel awful I have no appetite it is a struggle to eat and I have lost weight I also have no energy I just dont know how long I will have to feel like this before I start to improve

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153 Replies

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    It varies from person to person, some take a few days, some take weeks.

    If you're still suffering, particularly side effects, after 2 or 3 weeks then let your doctor know.

    If the side effects subside, it can take several weeks longer before the medication really begins to help - there's no way to predict how long it will be for you but this medication does, eventually, help a lot of people.

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      (sorry, just realised this wasn't aimed at me - will leave the reply here anyway in case it's useful!)

      Yes, little and often.

      Just graze on healthy snacks if that's all you can manage and if you're seriously struggling to get enough calories in (and risking your health) then consider using some of those 'meal replacement' drinks that some people use when on a diet. (make sure you're getting your vitamins too)

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      Thats okay. I also was going to say eat even though the appetite is not there. B vitamins and D3 are also important.

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    I am less nauseated today but more anxious but trying to eat more snacks

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    I was exactly the same the first 2-3 weeks. Forced myself to eat little and often and just tried to accept the fact that I probably would have to take a few days/ weeks to allow this to work and recover. I'm now 10 weeks in, started to feel better around week 5 and now I can't stop eating.

    Tiredness and nausea and loss of appetite are very common. Just try and tell yourself this is only temporary (it is) and just plough on through. You won't feel like this forever.

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      thank you it is reassuring to know that other people felt the same way when they started on it, today has been slightly better just hope it wont return tomorrow

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      Hi hope,

      your comment has reassured me as well as Ive been on citalopram for years but almost 4 weeks ago was upped to 40mg as I started to feel very anxious every day again but as of yet I haven't felt that much improvement so I'm really hoping there is still time for it to settle in and kick in. I also feel very tired all the time. Im so pleased for you that you're feeling better.

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      It should definitely work if you've had an increase, and yes it'll likely take just as long as it would if you've just started out. But time will help and this horrible feeling will subside. The tiredness is a killer isn't it.

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      thank you for your reply. your positivity and reassurance is honestly so helpful! I have even screenshotted some of your replies to others so I can look at them when im feeling really anxious. this evening I went over to a friends garden that I haven't seen for a while and I knew there was going to be 5 people there, ive been so anxious overthinking it all day getting myself really worked up but and very nearly didn't go. I wont lie I found it quite hard at first feeling very uncomfortable and anxiety was high for probably the first couple of hours and I wanted the evening to hurry up so I could leave but after the first 2 hours I started to settle in and could enjoy myself which was nice. i just wish this anxiety would go away permanently so i could have enjoyed my day instead of spending it dreading this evening and then only being able to enjoy half of the evening. i miss my old care free self so much.

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      its so hard I used to love going out but not lately with these horrible side effects, it sounds like you are doing well

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      I used to do that too. There was a lady who used to speak such sense on another group I was on and I used to screen shot her replies, it really got me through, so I'm glad that I can help you somehow with my words.

      Hey, you did it, you went to your friends with anxiety in full swing. You never let it beat you. That's amazing. Keep doing the stuff that makes you feel anxious, it's the best way to overcome it I promise. I never once allowed myself to stop doing the things I always loved before anxiety, I refused to allow it to win. That is a massive achievement, don't dwell to much on how you felt and the fact you couldn't enjoy yourself as much as you would have before, because it doesn't matter. What you did was a big step in your recovery and each time you do it now it'll get easier and easier.

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      thank you Angela and I hope you dont mind me jumping on your thread. yes I guess I did do well and it was an achievement but I woke up today with anxiety again. and I've had negative thoughts wondering if anybody noticed I was anxious or acting strange last night. how are you doing today?

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      thank you those are really kind words. although today I woke up with anxiety again and also wondering if I made a fool of myself last night or if anyone thought I was acting weird noticing I was anxious, id be very embarrassed if they did.

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      its difficult in the mornings I am always worse then, it has eased a little this afternoon but still very shaky. it sounds as though you coped well and they probably didnt notice and even if they did they should have sympathy for what you are going through

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      Morning anxiety is the worst isnt it. I'm glad its eased for you this afternoon. today my partner sprung going to the pub on me, I was very anxious and worried but I did say yes and went along. however I felt quite anxious while there dizzy, worried, felt weak and shaky and on edge worrying I may have a panic attack and was also very hot sat down in the sun with no shade but I did get through and had moments of feeling relaxed but they were short lived as the anxiety would come back so didn't manage to enjoy myself.

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      I know just how you feel its all you can think of i am the same I havent been anywhere for over a week since I started on citalopram although I did sit in the garden for a while this afternoon and that relaxed me, just hope I can sleep tonight.

      sounds like you coped well today maybe its the drug in the early stages as it makes me shaky

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      thank you for saying it sounds like I coped well. I think you're doing the best thing just taking it easy. so far I have just been using up my old tablets so have been taking 4 10 mg tablets but tomorrow I will start taking the 1 40mg tablet, I'm wondering if it will make any difference at all. I can say I am getting to sleep so much better, that probably happened about 2 weeks after the increase so im sure it will happen for you too. last night my partner said I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow but I have found that the increase has caused alot of fatigue so I wonder if thats why.

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      i never had any problem falling asleep but started waking in the night a few weeks ago and couldnt get back to sleep and last night i didnt sleep at all just listened to mindful meditations on my phone so hope tonight is better it will be good if the tablets do help with sleep. its good you can sleep well it does help with your mood I just cant wait to feel better and be able to eat a meal again its such a struggle i dont fancy anything much

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      I can TOTALLY relate to all of these feelings. It's horrible that detached unwell anxious feeling constantly. It's a overwhelming feeling isn't it.

      But just so you know, this is probably the worst you will feel now and the only way is up.

      Your energy, appetite, sleep, will slowly improve and then your detachment, anxiety and physical symptoms will subside. Well done for getting out again.

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      I can relate to the eating part. before the increase I couldn't really eat much and would heave when trying to swollow sometimes which would get me even more worked up with worry. Im not exactly where I want to be with eating but I have defining improved alot and hopefully we both improve with that some more.

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      yes it is very overwhelming at times. I dont necessarily suffer with depression, I take citalopram primarily for anxiety and panic but having that can make you feel quite down and sometimes like crying out of frustration. it will be 4 weeks of the increased dosage for me tomorrow and im just feeling worried that im still not back to how I was before and thought I would be by now.

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      Yes same. I'm taking it for anxiety and panic. You will get better. This is my second time on them and they do help. I'm not in a rush to come off them this time though.

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      No I won't be in a rush to get off them when they start working either. can I ask you when the tiredness and grogginess got better for you? I feel like I could happily sleep all day today and have no umph to get up and go if you know what I mean.

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      Around week 5/6.... That's when I saw improvements and it slowly started to get better. By week 8 I felt almost normal again.

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      thats amazing! I cant wait for the day I feel normal again. you should be so proud of yourself that you got through this and came out the other side!

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