I have had anxiety since lock down In march
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I was started on citalopram 10mg 11 days ago
and feel awful I have no appetite it is a struggle to eat and I have lost weight I also have no energy I just dont know how long I will have to feel like this before I start to improve
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horrible day today nausea dry mouth and anxiety its day 11 just cant seem to do much
Hope3578 angela39244
Youre in the thick of it right now and you need to just go through the motions. Allow yourself to feel the feels. Remember this is side effects caused by the citalopram and that in time it will subside. Anxiety has a very clever way of making us just catastrophise everything and make positive thinking difficult. But just try to look to the future and just know you will feel like your old self again.
angela39244 Hope3578
Thank you its been a tough day I have just been having milk and complan another day of not doing anything but I Know you are right and it will eventually get easier but it is hard to stay positive when you feel so awful
its so hard very little sleep last night as pain in stomach and nausea, day 12 and i feel so wobbly I am trying to stay positive but its so hard I dont know if my side effects are worse than others have experienced
any tips on how to cope with the nausea
Hope3578 angela39244
Ginger tea, or biscuits. Eat little and often and just let it pass. My nausea was extreme. The pain and nausea kept me up at night.
angela39244 Hope3578
thank you I do have ginger tea and biscuits it does help, less nausea today hope it stays away
catherine29011 angela39244
I got some Anti sickness tablets from the doctors Cyclizine i think they were called. They did help.
angela39244 catherine29011
Thank you i have those but they havent helped much they did make me sleepy I now have just started on lansoprazole as my stomach is sore which should calm it down I hope as i think it might be over acid production due to the anxiety I am also going to try taking the citalopram at night instead of the morning
catherine29011 angela39244
Yes i had both of them, i have always took Citalopram at night, that way you hopefully sleep through the side effects. How are you feeling today, any better?
Thank you for asking I am not too bad at the moment as I havent taken the citalopram until tonight and I think the lansaprozole is helping this morning I was nervous about taking it as it can increase the effects of Citalopram but spacing it out is probably good just wish I could eat normally
catherine29011 angela39244
How are you Angela
angela39244 catherine29011
after having quite a good day yesterday I have been very tense today with a tight knot in my stomach which makes my ribs ache. I am hoping it goes soon plus I am not sleeping well which doesnt help
thank you for asking
catherine29011 angela39244
That's fab news that you had a good day yesterday, they say it comes in waves, hopefully the medication is starting to work x
angela39244 catherine29011
I have the nausea back today but think
it was probably all the tension from
catherine29011 angela39244
yes might be. How do you feel mentally, has the depression and anxiety improved any.
angela39244 catherine29011
I sometimes think it has eased when it passes I switched to taking it at night to reduce the side effects but think it isnt helping with the insomnia at the moment, I feel a little breathless today but think its because I am fighting the anxiety, how long did you get side effects for and when did you start to feel better ?
catherine29011 angela39244
I had side effects for about 6 weeks, to be honest I havent felt many good days, I am 14 weeks in on Citalopram and I am thinking of coming off, as it's not done much for me.
angela39244 catherine29011
I did post a reply think it may have gone under a different name
angela39244 catherine29011
my GP said he would swap me to Duloxitine if I dont improve i will give it 6 weeks as they say you should he wanted to swap me this week but I didnt feel I had given it long enough, but maybe you should speak to your GP