I have had anxiety since lock down In march

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I was started on citalopram 10mg 11 days ago

and feel awful I have no appetite it is a struggle to eat and I have lost weight I also have no energy I just dont know how long I will have to feel like this before I start to improve

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    Hi there. I have started Citalopram 10mg today. im suffering anxiety and some ocd issues after having the virus. I was started on Mirtazapine as I had insomnia but they didn't suit me although they made me sleep!

    I'm scared of never feeling myself again. I need to go back to work and drive on my own confidently again.

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      poor you having the virus, I only started on Citalopram just over 2 weeks ago so I dont think I am getting any benefit just yet but i am hoping it will make me feel like my old cheerful self they all say it does, its not something I have ever suffered with so I have struggled but am trying to stay positive about the future

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      I have never taken anything like this before either. I have had anxious times but always got through them.

      Really hoping this works. Starting some talking therapy on Monday aswell.

      Have you had any side effects from the Citalopram?

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      just read through the thread. I hope you start to feel better soon. Having side effects is awful on top of the anxiety.

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      yes I have had the nausea and shakes plus felt tired at first not quite so bad now mornings are my worst time, I just started talking with a counsellor last week going through things I hope it will help, I tried clinical hypnotherapy via Zoom and he was very good but it didnt seem to help much in fact it seemed to intensify it.

      I hope you get on ok today

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      I hope you have a better day today. It would be good to keep in touch for support.

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      yes I will keep this thread going until

      I feel better keep me updated how you are getting on

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      I will. Its good to have support from others travelling the same journey

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      Hi Angela. Feeling very spaced out and nauseous. Anxiety is higher today as well. Don't like feeling like this but I know that I need to persevere. It's hard though. I've just been for a walk and went to church this morning. I am trying to keep busy but sometimes haven't the strength.

      I've got an appointment to start cbt tomorrow. Not sure what to expect but willing to try to get back to being 'me' again. Thank you for thinking of me. How are you today?

    • Posted

      thats how I felt last week hopefully it will pass soon you have done well to go out I didnt go anywhere, how many days have you been on it ? I have had a pain in my stomach today between my ribs and dont feel like eating so will just have a complan milkshake, my anxiety has been less today but cant work out if its the anxiety causing the pain or something else

      CBT is good I have just done an online course

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      It's my 2nd day. I was on mirtazapine until 2 weeks ago. They didn't suit me so had to stop.

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    you could try something else there are different ones my GP suggested Duloxitene he said it has a similar action but does something else as well I will give it 6 weeks and change if I dont think I am improving

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      I meant to send that reply to Catherine sorry

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