I have had anxiety since lock down In march
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I was started on citalopram 10mg 11 days ago
and feel awful I have no appetite it is a struggle to eat and I have lost weight I also have no energy I just dont know how long I will have to feel like this before I start to improve
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I have a pain in my stomach today does anyone else suffer with this ? its my 3 rd week on citalopram
rachel52795 angela39244
Hi Angela. How are you today?
angela39244 rachel52795
hi Rachel I am better than yesterday the pain in my stomach eventually went, I am trying to eat today but feel very shaky I have anxious feelings which I am trying to ignore how are you getting on ?
rachel52795 angela39244
Hi Angela. I'm glad the pain went. Perhaps it was unrelated to the medication.
I'm feeling quite anxious and lethargic today. I take the citalopram with breakfast and feel sick shortly after. I still feel dick now.
Slept until 1.30 then woke on and off until time to get up. Very anxious waking up. Im really hoping it's all down yo the nefication and it passes.
I seem to have a ringing in my ears and strange taste - did you get these?
angela39244 rachel52795
Hi Rachel sorry you dont feel so good today I also woke at 1.30 it seems to be a pattern I listen to mindfulness audios on you tube with headphones so I dont disturb my husband it passes the time and i do sometimes drop off to sleep listening to them. I too have ringing in my ears and I get a horrible taste which doesnt help
with the eating, but they are listed as side effects. I was taking my tablet in the morning but switched to the evening last week and think it is slightly better hope you feel better tomorrow
rachel52795 angela39244
I hope you have a better day tomorrow too. We'll get there.
I feel cold and shivery this afternoon. Have you felt like that?
angela39244 rachel52795
yes even when its been hot I have sat with a fleece blanket over me, I hope you have a better night tonight I will check in tomorrow with you take care
rachel52795 angela39244
Hi Judith. How are you feeling today?
angela39244 rachel52795
I am not too bad today and have managed to eat not huge amounts but the anxiety in my stomach is less, how are you feeling ?
rachel52795 angela39244
I am glad you've managed to eat something. Little and often is good.
I slept fairly well. Woke a couple of times. The anxiety is awful first thing. After breakfast I felt a bit better but now feel quite nauseous again and keep going very hot. I feel spaced out which is horrible and haven't much energy today.
I did manage to sleep this afternoon. I haven't slept in the day for a long time. Put on a meditation app and that helped.
angela39244 rachel52795
glad you slept well it does help but as you say the anxiety is always worse in the morning. I hope your nausea goes soon its horrible, the meditation apps do help I have one I like its the mindful movement on you tube and they have lots of different ones the ladies voice is soothing. you are right to rest when you are feeling tired hope you sleep well tonight
rachel52795 angela39244
I hope you sleep well too. I have a horrible taste in my mouth and everything smells strange. Not sure if this is a symptom or not.
Take care x
angela39244 rachel52795
yes it is another symptom I get a horrible taste and the food doesnt taste right so hoping it will pass soon. I have just had some reflexology the first time for me I heard it was good for anxiety and it was very relaxing so hope I can sleep tonight
you take care x
rachel52795 angela39244
Hi Angela. How are you today?
angela39244 rachel52795
not too bad we did go out this morning i feel more anxious this afternoon but I am waiting for a call from my GP so it could be that, I am trying to eat snacks more often, I had reflexology foe the first time yesterday as they say it is good for anxiety it was lovely and relaxing. How are you today ?
rachel52795 angela39244
reflexology sounds lovely. I had some when i was pregnant. Are they practising again now then?
I feel very weak and sick today. Can't eat much. Didnt sleep great last night even though i took a tablet. i really hope things settle soon.
I did manage a sleep earlier I think for around an hour.
angela39244 rachel52795
I have posted a reply not sure where it went !
angela39244 rachel52795
think it is below this message it seems to have gone to me !