I have had anxiety since lock down In march

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I was started on citalopram 10mg 11 days ago

and feel awful I have no appetite it is a struggle to eat and I have lost weight I also have no energy I just dont know how long I will have to feel like this before I start to improve

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    oh I am sorry you are feeling bad today thats how I was last week but this week the nausea has gone although I still havent much appetite. hopefully it will pass soon I am week 3 now, I also didnt sleep well I drop off quickly but wake about 2 and dont really go into a deep sleep after that. Its not easy getting through it I hope you have good support my husband us very good some people dont seem to get any side effects they are so lucky let me know how you are feeling later x

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      Yes, my husband is brilliant. I'm not feeling so nauseous tonight so hoping I can get to sleep as I'm so tired. I found the youtube meditation you mentioned and tried one this afternoon, thank you. I use an app called Relax Melodies. I hope you get a good nights sleep x

    • Posted

      Hi Angela. How are you today? x

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      Hi Angela.

      wasn't too bad first thing. Not too anxious waking up. I took a sleeping tablet last night so slept better. Always feel very nauseous about 2 hours after taking the citalopram. Have felt nauseous and headache and spaced out all afternoon. I've eaten today but everything tastes strange. Did have a brief nap this afternoon. My doctor phoned to see how things are going and she said that everything I described are normal side effects.

      I hope you're ok. I did leave a message this morning x

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      Glad you had a better night and its good your GP phoned to reassure you, the nausea is horrible I woke about 4.30 and felt slightly nauseous but it went off after breakfast and I have managed to eat better today, also I have felt less anxious today. Hope you have a good night tonight and a better day tomorrow x

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      Hi Angela.

      I took nytol last night as don't want to get used to the prescription sleeping tablets.

      I woke around 1.30 heart pounding and very unsteady on my feet. Not sure if its because of citalopram or just needed a smaller amount. Ive called dr for advice as she said I can take nytol if i need to.

      Still feeling nauseous this morning, and spaced out and slow.

      I hope you're ok today x

    • Posted

      Hi Rachel there are a lot of drugs herbal and otherwise that react with citalopram it increases the effect so maybe thats what you felt, I took Nexium for my stomach in the beginning and it made me pass out and my head was all fuzzy my GP said it was a panic attack but it wasnt then when I looked it up it says its not recommended there are loads of drugs contraindicated so I try to take the minimum now.

      I am not too bad today I do feel calmer and I am able to do more, just a fuzzy sort of feeling inside instead of the awful tightness so maybe they are starting to take effect, just hang on as I felt like you last week I hope you feel better as the day goes on I will check in with you later x

    • Edited

      Been quite anxious all day. Didnt take a diazepam this morning. Trying not to take them too much. Feel so spaced out too.

      spoke to dr (not my usual one) who said the effect I had in the night was probably anxiety. I dont think so as its never happened before. I feel it was the nytol.

      She told me to use the zopiclone if i need to.

      Also told her about the smell and she thought it might be to do with having the virus but my taste and smell came back weeks ago! So still none the wiser. Hopefully its because of the taste thing to do with the citalopram. Thank you for the message.

      How are you? x

    • Posted

      I lost my taste it is the drug but it seems to be slowly coming back and I managed to eat my dinner tonight which is a big improvement, I agree with you and think it was probably the Nytol so probably best not to take it at the moment. I hope you have a better night just think you are a day nearer to feeling better x

    • Edited

      Hi Angela. I tried to sleep but couldn't so ended up taking a zopiclone. Slept well although did wake a few times but not for long. The morning anxiety is horrible and I have a headache today too. Had porridge which didnt taste great but i know i need to eat. I'm wondering if the smell in my nose is a sinus infection as i suffer with hayfever and constantly have post nasal drip. If it is still there when I speak to dr on thurs ill see if she can check.

      Still very nauseous. Going to get some ginger ale today to see if it helps.

      Thank you for thinking of me.

      How are you today? x

    • Posted

      Hi Rachel how are you this afternoon? I have been quite anxious but I dont know why maybe its the weather x

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      Hi Angela. I've been quite anxious today too. Did manage to go to supermarket earlier but didnt drive today. I did have an hour earlier where i felt less foggyheaded. I have discovered that sweet things taste ok as my sister brought some chocolates over and they tasted good! Shame I cant live on chocolate!

      I hope you're ok x

    • Posted

      Glad you are feeling slightly better I had some chocolate tonight as well, I am feeling calmer now but it has been an anxious afternoon and evening hoping tomorrow will be better for both of us

      sleep well x

    • Posted

      how are you today did you sleep ok? I feel very anxious again today I dont know why I was hopeful that the tablets were starting to work as I had felt better but now I am not sure but it isnt 4 weeks until wednesday so I suppose I am expecting too much x

    • Edited

      Hi Angela. Ive been quite anxious today again too. Have had a bit more energy though. Didnt sleep great. Woke quite a few times. The anxiety in the morning is awful isnt it. How are you? Not been hungry today but have eaten cause i know I need to. How are you? x

    • Posted

      hi Rachel I had anxiety this morning but it has eased this afternoon my daughter made a bbq for us and it was nice to see the children, I didnt eat much chicken kebab and salad, I am not sleeping well either just cant wait for these tablets to work. Glad you have more energy that is a good sign xx

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      Hi Angela. I've felt tired today and have a headache.,I had a counselling session today so thats tiring too. I have some antibiotics as the dr thinks i have a water infection. Oh the joys! Still no appetite but trying to eat. Got some complan to help.

      How are you? x

    • Posted

      Hi Rachel hope the counselling helps i have a session tomorrow, what a shame you have a urine infection on top of everything else I hope you feel better soon. I have complan when I cant eat the strawberry is good like a milkshake. I have had less anxiety today but have felt very tired and not felt like doing much, its week 4 on wednesday and I am hoping its going to start working although I had a better nights sleep. I hope you feel better tomorrow x

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