I have had anxiety since lock down In march

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I was started on citalopram 10mg 11 days ago

and feel awful I have no appetite it is a struggle to eat and I have lost weight I also have no energy I just dont know how long I will have to feel like this before I start to improve

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    I have been researching the effects of taking magnesium and I have ordered it in the form of magnesium bisglycinate (glycinate). It is said to be the most absorbable form. I have been keeping up on this discussion and I feel it may help you both with your symptoms. i wish anxiety and depression on no one, and if a natural mineral vital to our health can help alleviate symptoms, then its a worth a try. Take care of yourselves, I will update any changes i may feel when I start incorporating magnesium.

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      I have decided to order some to try after reading up on it thank you for sharing the information it was not something I was aware of

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      Youre welcome. Sometimes I wonder why we arent informed of this sort of thing by our doctor. I am trying to think positive and Ive read it increases serotonin - now Im trying to ensure it wont cause too much serotonin. Calling a pharmacist...

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      I will check with the pharmacist, yes its a shame we dont know about the natural things before we get started on medication

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      Thank you for the information Mary.

      Can you use it as well as the citalopram?

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      Hi Angela, Did you manage to speak to a pharmacist about taking the supplement. Im just interested to know whether this works and whether its ok to take along the Citalopram.

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      I feel ok I always feel the anxiety is just below the surface although I havent got the tight knot in my stomach it has been easier the last couple of days I have been on it for 4 weeks now

      how do you feel?

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      Im 2 weeks into the increase to 30mg, so still going through some side effects, i seem to be better towards the evening.

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    I got the okay to take it. Im on 40 mg citalopram but haven't reached the 6 week mark yet since the dosage increase. For years i did very well on 20mg and this is my 3rd time restarting this med. its been a tough go but i can say things are slowly getting better, namely the anxiety has improved. I am hopeful this depression will lift and im truly trying to make efforts rather than solely relying on a pill. Fingers crossed magnesium bisglycinate helps show improvement. I want to laugh and feel joy again.

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      it will be interesting to see how we get on I have ordered some, I am only on 10mg and its my 4th week, I am less anxious the last couple of days but cant wait to feel normal in the mornings I still feel shaky and it takes me a while to get going, I was always laughing and want to feel that way again

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      Its arriving in the mail today and its 200 mg capsules. I'm going to try two a day, one of them being an hour or two before bed as its supoose to calm our nervous system and aid in sleep. I dont want to take zopiclone forever so here's hoping.

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      I think thats the same as what ive got. I was going to take one in the morning and one before bed and see how i go.

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      I'm the same with the zopiclone. I have tried without but cannot sleep. I took nytol one night but it made my heart race and i stumbled to the toilet. I did take 2 though so maybe 1 would be enough.

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      we definitely do! Before I had the virus I was working lots of hours, ferrying my children everywhere and didn't even think about doing anything. I'm determined to feel better. Just wish the medications didn't take so long to get going! Oh, and that they didn't make you feel worse first!

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      Yes. I was ill for 6 weeks and left with this anxiety from not sleeping and all the worry.

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      Hi Mary, I am too on the 40mg now and just starting my 5th week since the increase. before this I was doing very well on the 30mg for the last 2 or 3 years. which week are you now on? do you feel you still have any side effects? I can feel a little dizzy and light headed when I'm up and about but fine when I'm sitting or lying down. I'm wondering if this could be a side effect plus I also still feel quite tired a lot of the time. I think I too will look into getting some magnesium supplements to help with the anxiety.

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      Hi, I'm almost at 4 weeks on 40mg and when the increase happened i hadn't yet hit the 4-6 wks on 20mg to see if the pill was working. I was desperate as I've never felt this depressed in my life. I have seen some improvement but still no joy, or desire to socialize, I don't laugh etc. This to me is very difficult. This pill worked before I can only hope it works again.

      I'm sorry you get those symptoms and that they ease soon. I suffered loss of appetite and insomnia. Awful feeling.

      Trying to stay positive. Please take care of yourself and I will do the same.

    • Posted

      its so annoying just over 4 weeks on 10mg and I have had quite a few good days with low anxiety until yesterday and today when I have been very tense feel like i have gone backwards

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