I have had anxiety since lock down In march
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I was started on citalopram 10mg 11 days ago
and feel awful I have no appetite it is a struggle to eat and I have lost weight I also have no energy I just dont know how long I will have to feel like this before I start to improve
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mary61597 angela39244
My order of magnesium bisglycinate came yesterday. I only took one 200mg tablet since it was later in the day. I can say it made me feel calm and less restless at bedtime. I got some good deep and REM sleep according to my fitbit. Im going to take these twice a day.
angela39244 mary61597
thats good mine came today and I have just taken one so I will see how it goes may take another one later as 2 is recommended dose they are 200mg
mary61597 angela39244
Good luck
angela39244 mary61597
And to you lets hope they help
angela39244 mary61597
Are you taking citalopram ?
mary61597 angela39244
yes 40mg
Lady1990 mary61597
I have some magnesium vitamins just a little bit from Superdrug, do you think these will be any good or should I get some better ones from Amazon? The ones I have bought say they are for fatigue and give you energy. I have been reading up on the ones you buy from Superdrug or boots etc and it's saying they aren't very well absorbed and are quite cheap etc.
angela39244 Lady1990
it needs to be the magnesium glycinate as apparently it is better absorbed than the citrate
mary61597 Lady1990
Angela is right, magnesium glycinate (bisgylcinate) is best absorbed and isnt suppose to make us run to the bathroom which magnesium is known for. So far I have found it makes me drowsy. and less restless.
angela39244 mary61597
I had a much better nights sleep I dont know if its just coincidence or the magnesium
mary61597 angela39244
That is great to hear. It aids in sleep so I'm happy to hear something positive.
angela39244 mary61597
how was your night did you sleep ok ? I am a bit shaky today I have only taken 1 will take another one this evening
Lady1990 mary61597
Thank you Ladies. That's great it seems to be having a positive effect for you both!
Lady1990 angela39244
Hi Ladies,
Can I ask you all what time you take your citalopram? I've always taken mine when I get up in the morning, usually by the evening time the anxiety has lessened and I find it easier to relax so I'm wondering if I swap to taking it at night I would maybe feel calmer during the day? I have a friend who is on a different antidepressant and she has just swapped to taking her tablet in the evening and says she has noticed she feels more calm in the day.
angela39244 Lady1990
I initially took mine in the morning for the first 2 weeks but swapped to bedtime to avoid some of the side effects and I think I prefer it
mary61597 Lady1990
Morning for me. If you switch I hope it helps.
angela39244 mary61597
I had another good nights sleep, I did have reflexology in the evening so not sure if that helped as well
mary61597 angela39244
Glad to hear.
angela39244 mary61597
how are you getting on ?
Lady1990 angela39244
My order of magnesium glycinate has arrived this afternoon. I'm having a particularly anxious day today, even got myself a bit worked up just popping out to the shop. I'm not sure but I think it may be a combination of a very bad nights sleep plus due on my time of the month.
angela39244 Lady1990
I have also been anxious today dont know why either but I didnt sleep that well from 3.30 so maybe tiredness and the fact you cant go out much! feel free to text me as I dont get alerts on this site