I have had PHN for five months and am barely coping. What else can I do?
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I have had PHN for five months. I have stopped hoping that the pain will somehow go off and I am trying to face up to the prospect that is may be years before it does, and that I may have it for the rest of my life. I dread the start of every day when I wake feeling comfortable in bed but after a few minutes the agonising pain starts up and I don't know whether to try to get up and about which is like having a demon with a pitchfork stabbing me and making it impossible to think. If I get a phone call that I have to answer I can't be sure I am answering sensibly. I take Naproxen with Omeprazole and Lyrica (pregabalen) three times a day, and Versatis (Ludocaine) patches applied either in the evening and taken off late morning, or in the morning and taken off at night. The only things that really work, I am sure, are the Naproxen and the Ludocaine, but the best I can get from all these is a period of calm in the afternoon and early evening, and then I feel exhausted and sleepy, so the amount of the day when I am functioning properly is just two or three hours. I work from home so I must somehow do better than this. I have been prescribed first an anti-depressant (amytriptiline) which simply knocked me out so that I slept in a drugged haze, and an anti-convulsant (Mirtazapine) which was similar in effect. My GP says that he wouldn't want to try opiates (I agree!) and that maybe I should go to a pain clinic. I thought this might involve having nerve-numbing injections, but apparently it is likely to be just talking about how to live with the pain.Another problem is that eating comforting warm and sweet food seems to bring a bit of relief. My weight has gone up by 20 lbs in three months and I find that hard to control.
I feel I ought to be able to cope somehow by structuring my day but I can't make that work. If anyone had similiar problems and has found better ways to cope than I have, please tell me!! Whatever I do leaves me too little time between agonisingpain and exhaustion and sleepiness
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croft4Penny donald29
jim66082 croft4Penny
noddy_9 croft4Penny
tim70769 donald29
frontdesk donald29
On June 2014, I was diagnosed with the Shingles virus, and although the rash cleared within the first two weeks, all the
other painful symptoms of soreness, pain spasms and aching,
I now know to be PHD, have remained.
While my condition is not as bad as many, I mirror their frustration with their conditions, painkillers and patches, GP’s and lack of information etc.
I am not a stranger to pain, but the sleep depravation and constant painful throbbing has brought me to my knees on quite a few occasions
Unfortunately, I’m between the rock and the hard place! The reason I mentioned COPD is that after a severe bout of pain, my breathing became affected in that I started to hyperventilate? Which in turn, increased the pain? And so on.
I am averse to taking subscription drugs to mask the pain, and would rather address the cause
As an ex- professional diver, I am familiar with Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, and what it can do for nerve repair, and now investigating whether or not it could help in our current condition.
I have had very little response because it has never been tried, and would have to be taken it on as an experiment without guarantees! Everything takes time because I have to follow protocol with current GP and Specialist. And it may not work anyway, should they give their permission. But it’s worth a try.
They ran a test it the states Undersea Hyperb Med. 2012 Nov-Dec
CONCLUSION: HBO2 can significantly enhance therapeutic efficacy, relieve pain.
I’m still waiting for their response to help my case here
tim70769 frontdesk
I'm thinking you could be on to something with the Hyperbaric Oxygen Therpy absolutely it's worth a tried. Your thinking outside the box and I'll that's how eventually this puzzle will get solved. As you said medical science isn't getting it done. Is your Doctor concern with possible complications with COPD. Who do you even approach to do this? Please keep us informed on your progress. Hope you get some sleep. Tim
jim66082 donald29
All of us on this site are looking for any type of medical intervention that can help reduce the pain. Please let us know if you do have access to this therapy and the results. I hope it works.
frontdesk donald29
croft4Penny frontdesk
jim66082 frontdesk
daune91734 donald29
jim66082 daune91734
anna38464 donald29
jim66082 anna38464
anna38464 jim66082
I did get the live shingles vaccine after two bouts of serious shingles. The vaccine actually gave me the 3rd and worst episode of shingles. It may have been because I have a low immune system already.It is a live virus and there are conflicting views about whether you shoud get the live vaccine or not, two schools of thought. For me, it obviously did not work Just a bit of information from experience. That does not mean it may not work for someone else though.
jim66082 anna38464