I just wanted to say hello
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A good friend of mine had me crying on her shoulder today. She sent me a link for this forum. I feel scared, I'm 48 years old and ny periods are still monthly but weeks early or late. I feel anxious about my life, lost virtually all of my coping mechanisms, feel angry and otherwise like a lump of concrete some days where feeling anything at all seems impossible. I can't talk to my husband and he's lost for words watching me sit feeling desperately empty and crying. Worst thing is my kids don't deserve a mum like this and these days are coming indiscriminately and without warning. How can you put into words that you can't think straight and you feel dead inside without him thinking it's his fault.
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lana07071 r43318
steve75571 r43318
Hand in there and good luck x
maria____a64048 r43318
Get help, hang in there.
kelly55079 r43318
I feel the same.. I'm 47 and just had my labs done.. No thyroid, no diabetes, all vitimin levels look good! I still have my periods but they are longer-- like 7 days... People keep telling me I'm too young for menapause but I don't think so. I feel like I can't do anything right. Kids want me to cook but lately just not in the mood.. I have no idea what is wrong. I'm forgetful at times and I can't seem to get things done-- like projects around the house. Holloween is here and I usually have the house decorated!! I have a few things but I just don't feel like dragging the sh*t out just to pack it away.. UGH I'm dreading X-mas-- OMGoodness what am I going to do?? I really just want to go away and vege for awhile. I just feel BLAH!!! I went swimming this morning to see if that would help.. still feel like crap. But I think many women feel like this--- and it's so nice to chat here..
ImagineOneDay kelly55079
michelle46271 r43318
I felt exactly like you for a good 8 months. I just didn't know what was going on and it frightened me so much. I went to A&E, saw my doctor continuously for weeks and weeks etc. It will get easier,try to accept the different you while you are like this. I know this is such a horrid time xx
lynda20916 r43318
Hi, I think you tell your family just what you said. That your hormones are out of whack and driving you crazy. That it's not their fault. If you haven't already gone, go to the doctor and find out what's going wrong and come back and let them know.
This is real life; your husband and definitely your kids will understand from this that every person has challenges and set backs and that you can do your best to overcome them, together. Every kid needs to see that--real life in a family. That's what makes families strong.
Best of luck to you. Let me know how you do! xx
victoria94811 r43318
Hello and welcome, You are not alone. It's hormones because I know when they are right and balanced I can do anything, when they are imbalanced (eg. I'm estrogen dominant) I have endless food cravings that never satisfy, I can't sleep properly, I fly off the handle while driving in rage or I cry at anything. I could sleep for days when I'm not working (on a 24/7 rotating roster) without a schedule for my off days. I know going for a walk everyday is what keeps my mind functioning and my bliss happy state as well as progesterone tablets. I used to wait for my period to come for 2-3 weeks and have the horrid painful breasts and wind for all that time, just waiting and when they finally came it was so long that my hormones were messed up. Going off the pill was the worst thing I ever did (was on it for flooding) but I had way too much estrogen in me. I'm still balancing every day. It's just life. Make sure you get them right before you venture into anti-depressants, although Lexapro is an SSRI that just a small dose gets rights of hot flushes - the doc said I was clever for working that one out myself. We are all here if you need to talk. BTW I'm 48 too and finally feel my age, not 78, as the progesterone got rid of the bone and mucle pain in my hips, feet and shoulders.
kelly55079 victoria94811
This is me now!! I can eat anything in site and never feel satisfied. This makes me upset because I don't want to eat!! I also sleep ALOT which was scary to me as I never was like that. Even after I slept all night, I would wake up tired and then take a nap late morning. I should be out having a great time at my age not TIRED all the time. I get angry but it tends to be when I'm in a rush and I can't move fast enough. Or that my clothes are feeling tighter and I'm hungry for tacos and doughnuts.
victoria94811 kelly55079
Kelly get your levels tested pronto and don't take it laying down. Get yourself balanced and proper REM sleep so you wake up refreshed. A week of that sleep and you can take on the world. Read about the balence required for progesterone, estrogen and testosterone. When I started on the progesterone, I finally got a flat stomach because I stopped craving bread and carbs generally. I ate cleaner and was satisfied. How old are you?
kelly55079 victoria94811
I'm 47 and still have my periods. I had a blood test thinking it was thyroid, diabetes, or even a defiency in something. The test came out great and all in normal ranges. No red flags at all. I will have to do more research and get hormones tested..
ImagineOneDay r43318
I feel exactly the same. I feel worse in fact. Spoke to husband many times but I don't think he truly understands. I can't cope with me and what I am going through. Obviously he can't cope with me either. 21 Years of marriage withe a 7 year old daughter. I now question everything. I can't think straight. Is it my hormo ridden mind or true self. I want to everything behind and run into an empty space
karen46733 ImagineOneDay
Hi, I know that feeling all to well 😞.
I hate me when I'm bad and want to hide away from everything. I'm single so I end up feeling very lonely.
This site has helped me no end, I've realised that I'm not nuts!!
I'm slowly changing my diet after reading lots of stuff on this website. Cutting down on my caffeine (i will stop once I've run out of my usual coffee and tea), I've just brought a smoothie maker to try and get more vitamins inside me. I will try anything!! 😊😊
Good luck in finding what works for you.
Let us know how you get on
Karen xx
victoria94811 karen46733
Good for you Karen. Just talking to people who are going through the same thing is great for my mind! We should start up Meno Anonymous haha! I'm just so glad that it's not just me. What we women must go through. I think I'm supposed to be glad and proud but I want to come back as a bloke in my next life thanks!
karen46733 victoria94811
Hi Victoria, I've already put my request in to come back as a man 😂😂😂 and my ex partner as a woman 😂😂😂.
No its definitely not just you. I'm so glad I found this site it does help me realise I'm not "nuts or neurotic"
I believe my roller coaster starter 3-4 yrs ago but got really bad when my partner ended our relationship earlier this yr. I was only diagnosed 2 months ago and I'm 41.
I understand others saying goes we should be out enjoying life and we should but some days it doesn't seem possible.
Oh dear went on a bit there 🙄