I know its was amlodipine!
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I am a healthy 58 yr old and normally very active. BP was rising over the last year or so to 178/98 and so this Jan my Doc put me on Amlodipine 5mg. Thats when it started. Firstly with a loss of energy, then total loss of stamina, I felt like a Zombie all the time. As the month progressed I started to get forgetful, dizzy spells, very tingly left hand and painful joints all througfh my left side. BP did not drop as fast as hoped so Doc added Lisinopril 2.5mg. Hey... off with the faries now! After two weeks I could not concentrate on anything people were telling me and to the point that I was becoming detached from the real world. And that was only after a couple of weeks on the cocktail. I decided to trial which drug was causing this and first removed the Lisinopril for a few days then swapped over to stopping Amlodipine. Cor.. what a difference. Almost the next day after stopping Amlodipine I started to recover. After just one week people at work are now saying 'welcome back' and I know what they mean. BP not down yet but I am never going near Amlodipine again, its a wrecker!
Has anyone else had anything like my reaction?
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aureams Nigel
I was on Losartan first for about 6 months, I started on 50mg, when that wasn't regulating the BP my doctor sent me to a cardiologist who upped the doses to 100mg. That didn't work and I started complaining about my back spasms and lower back pain. The cardiologist changed it to Amlodipine besylate 2.5mg. At first my back pain seemed to be going away after switching the meds. But after the second week on the new med the back spasms and pain got worst and the BP was still not getting better. Even after I told the cardiologist that the BP was still out of control she said to keep taking the doses. I researched on the internet about hypertension and what I could do to improve it.
I came across a lot of research and documentation on magnesium and a book titled The Magnesium Solution for High Blood Pressure by Jay S Cohen, MD. I dropped the Amlodipine and started taking the Magnesium supplements, my BP is almost normal after 3 days, and my back pain and spasms are getting better each day. With the Amlodipine, I was also getting swollen ankles, sensitive teeth and constipation.
Oregonjohn-UK aureams
Dotcon aureams
Oregonjohn-UK Dotcon
I have been prescribed Amlodipine since 2001 and have not experienced any side effects, in fact quite the opposite; my BP has remained at just borderline for 15 years. I started at 5 mg went up after 3/4 years to 10 mg and then when I 'removed' the stress from my life and really looked, and did something about my diet, found my BP had dropped and was reduced by my GP back to 5 mg. I'm 75 and my BMI is 24.
Also reading data sheets can be dangerous, if you ‘get’ all the side effects you are very, very unlucky - a minority of people may get some/or one at various degrees but the vast majority get none.
ssetter1978 Nigel
BP has dropped, there is still room for improvement but it's better than it was.
Dixi1lee ssetter1978
puffpixie Nigel
just reading your post - I know it's been there a while and I hope by now everything has settled down for you. My experience of taking Amlodipine was almost identical to yours and I was off in a little world of my own - once drove through a red traffic light and another time stopped at a pelican crossing then just sat there like a zombie. I think my partner thought I'd really lost it. Within a day of stopping Amlodipine it was as though I came out of a fog and back into the real world. Told my GP about the effects - he didn't seem particularly bothered but I am now on Ramipril and that suits me fine.
nikhil99970 Nigel
I suffered from Amlodipine for over a year and reached as tage where i was completely bed ridden. After stopping amlodipine things have improved and I have started to work again but I still have muscle pain / fatigue to a lesser extent.
Any idea how long will I it take for me to be "Normal".
Its been nearly a month now I havent touched amlodipine.
Is there something I can do to speed this process up?
Guest nikhil99970
Glad you are doing well. My experience with Amlodipine was that I started feeling better soon after I stopped taking it, like you. I have been off the meds for about 2months and I am getting better all the time. It is probably an individual thing about getting back to normal. Sorry that you were so badly affected, but you will find it very motivating as you notice yourself coming back to normal. Keep us informed on how you are feeling.
Best wishes
sandy77339 nikhil99970
i too am wondering how long it will take to start feeling better. I could hardly walk and there is some improvement but still leg pain. I am off amlodopine now for 3 weeks
MackBolan sandy77339
MackBolan Nigel
LifeisTooShort Nigel
1. My grandmother is on this stuff and she was diagnosed with moderate alzheimers. I think part of this issue is the amlodiphine she is taking.
2. My blood pressure was crazy a couple of months ago so a new doctor I saw prescribed the Amlodiphine for me. I seemed to be doing ok on the 10mg but was finding that I was becoming extremely tired this past week. In fact one day, all I could do is lay on the couch and sleep for 12 hours. So, I put the facts together and took myself off of the stuff. I am not sleeping as well but overall at least I feel better and have some energy.
I definitely do not recommend this medicine. The lisiniprol seems to be a better choice. Also, Lorsartan isn't too bad but you need to pay attention to the bottom number so it doesn't get too low.
For me, I'll take the chance living with the higher blood pressure over feeling lethargic all of the time.
Dixi1lee Nigel
Anybody out there have anything good to say about Amlodipine Besylate 5mg???
ssetter1978 Dixi1lee
My side affects have been limited to a slight tickle in the throut (ramipril causes that), very slight mood change which I find excersie helps with and the occasional loss in appitite, still being a little overweight thats no bad thing in my eyes !!
It all really depends on your own system though. I'm fortunate that I rarly suffer with anything side effects wise.
As for the difference between Amlodipne Maleate and Amlodipine Besylate, they are different manufactuered presentations, studies have shown that Amlodipine Maleate is the bioequivilant theraputic alternative to the Besylate. So regardless which one you take the outcomes should be the same.
Dixi1lee ssetter1978
Oregonjohn-UK Dixi1lee
faith2266 Dixi1lee
hi --- just came across your post and was wondering how you were doing. I've been on Amlodipine Bed late 5 mg for about 2 weeks and I'm having some pretty bad side effects and wanted to know if you were still effect-free and doing well BP-wise. My side effects go from pins and needles in my arms and legs to an actual piercing pain in both my chest and back. I do have another nuero/muscular disorder as well as 9 kidney stones that have remained asymptomatic (so untreated). I'm also on a ton of meds so im really unnsure as to what causes what or even if I'm inventing things in my head. Which is all to ask if you're still asymptomati from the Amlodipine, if you care to share.
Dixi1lee faith2266
I really do believe that everyone is different. All the drug cocktails that people are on for other ailments, etc have certainly got to be considered.
I have nothing bad to say about this drug at all. 2 months, 2 weeks and still going strong! The worst thing I can think of is to just quit taking the drug and self diagnosing. Go back to your cardiologist or whomever put you on it and tell them of your side effects. I am not a doctor or a pharmasist and neither is anybody else on this blog, so always best to go back to the prescribing doctor with any complaints.