I know its was amlodipine!
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I am a healthy 58 yr old and normally very active. BP was rising over the last year or so to 178/98 and so this Jan my Doc put me on Amlodipine 5mg. Thats when it started. Firstly with a loss of energy, then total loss of stamina, I felt like a Zombie all the time. As the month progressed I started to get forgetful, dizzy spells, very tingly left hand and painful joints all througfh my left side. BP did not drop as fast as hoped so Doc added Lisinopril 2.5mg. Hey... off with the faries now! After two weeks I could not concentrate on anything people were telling me and to the point that I was becoming detached from the real world. And that was only after a couple of weeks on the cocktail. I decided to trial which drug was causing this and first removed the Lisinopril for a few days then swapped over to stopping Amlodipine. Cor.. what a difference. Almost the next day after stopping Amlodipine I started to recover. After just one week people at work are now saying 'welcome back' and I know what they mean. BP not down yet but I am never going near Amlodipine again, its a wrecker!
Has anyone else had anything like my reaction?
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AlastairIan Nigel
Hi Nigel,
Sorry to read of the problems you have had with amlodipine .I have been on 10mg of it for nearly three years - no side effects at all, and it pushed my blood pressure down - as was needed.Just shows how the human body can react so differently to the chemicals we are offered.
Hope things get better for you.
elissa97208 Nigel
I have been on Amlodipine for 12 years and I am now experiencing wide spread body pain. Elevated c-protein but doctors don't seem to know what's going on with me. Tested for rheumatoid arthritis, not that..lupus not that, fibromyalgia not that either. I decided to stop taking this blood pressure medication and in just 3 days my body pain is 90% gone. I am also on Hydrochloricthaize and I plan on weaning myself off this medication as well. My blood pressure has not went up at all and my migraines have stopped. My energy levels are coming back up and I am no longer forgetful, outside of "normal" forgetfulness. I'm going to find natural remedies if my pressure does go back up. Doctors are now only interested in treating symptoms and not causes.
woodwiss elissa97208
Do let us know how you get on. I hope it continues to get better for you.
christine35591 elissa97208
well im so happy you decided to get off this medication it is awful. its crazy but when people go in to the drs and your body is fighting an infection or your just sick your body blood pressure goes up to fight off thats what it does. but the drs automatically says oh your blood pressure is high lets start you on medication to lower it. I stopped taking all my meds and i am just fine. (this doesnt apply for everyone. plus alot of nurse dont know how to take blood pressure they will talk to you have your arm dangle. you need to have you arm above your heart and feet flat no talking no gum chewing . everyone needs to pay attention. to there bodies. you have to pay attention to side effects when you start a new medication too. because you will start out with one and end up taking several meds bc they now our treating your side effects. i know there are some people that need bp meds nut im pretty sure theres alot that dont. good luck pomegrante helps with alot of stuff 100 percent pomegrante read about i t
margaret90930 Nigel
178/98 for someone your age is not alarming especially when taken by somebody in a white coat. White coat high BP is a recognised fact and there must be millions of people on this poison that don't need it. I ended up in hospital after only 2 doses of Amlodpine so that's why I'm following this story, and with so many serious adverse reactions I can't understand why it hasn't been taken off the market. I take 1 magnesium tablet and a glass of beetroot juice a day and my BP is fine.
woodwiss margaret90930
I take beetroot juice too but have not tried magnesium. What dosage please?
margaret90930 woodwiss
I take one 100mg tablet with my breakfast. That works for me but it says you can take up to 2 tablets per day.
AlastairIan margaret90930
Hi Margaret, I have been taking 10mg of amlodipine for 3 years. This is the highest dose recommended according to the label. My blood pressure is now down to 110/70. I do not have any side effects at all from the drug. We do seem to be affected differently by this drug. Try a different medication to get your pressure down. 178 /98 is too high in my opinion. I don't think beetroot juice is enough to fix this. My good wishes.
AlastairIan margaret90930
Hi Margaret. That dosage sounds much too high. Check with your doctor,
margaret90930 AlastairIan
That's what it says on the box. 1-2 tablets per day with food. This isn't toxic like Amlodopine. I've been taking it for over a year, and my BP is stable so I'm sure it's not doing me any harm. If I ask my doctor he'll try putting me on Amlodopine again. No thank you.
VeeWat Nigel
how s original poster Nigel doing?
BlueBear333 Nigel
I'm a male 55 year old former soldier & skiing instructor (relevance will be clear later) and I'm type 2 diabetic.
After 4 weeks of severe diarrhoea my bp went into hypertensive crisis readings for three days (190/130) so my GP put me on 5mg Amlodipine daily ( already on Metformin, beta-blocker and ace inhibitor daily with little or no side effects.)
Despite being overweight my resting heart rate has always been 65-70 bpm (relevance of my fitness past above) and I've always been active and enthusiastic.
The 4 months I have been on Amlodipine have been a nightmare. Although it did get my bp into the safer zone quickly. Here's a list of the side effects I have suffered.
Resting heart rate between 90 - 110 constantly.
Great problems with sleep patterns, severe nightmares, constant tiredness.
Constant back pain of intercostal muscles all around entire rib cage.
Sharp tearing pains in three areas of both arms.
Heavy constipation (4 days between movements)
Strange sharp pains on inside edges of both calf muscles on contact.
loss of enthusiasm, sense of self, and enjoyment of anything whatsoever. Generally feeling unwell and in discomfort. Uncaring.
Odd shuffling to my gait when walking.
Abdominal pains.
Decreased libido and sexual performance.
Decreased sense of smell and taste.
Increased urination. (Being diabetic this was, in-fact a benefit)
General stiffness.
I've now been off the tablets for 12 days and all of these side effects have either disappeared completely or dissipated greatly. Indeed, only a general discomfort and stiffness (much less though) and the tearing arm pain (less too) remain.
I should add my partner takes 10mg Amlodipine daily with no side effects she's noticed.
However, I wont be going anywhere near the stuff again in the future.
Guest Nigel
Hi Nigel
I recognise those horrible effects of Amlodipine. I stopped taking them completely 2 years ago, it took some time for the effects to leave me completely. I cant believe that GPs are still prescribing this medication. Like many others, I stopped taking them and I am now a 'refuser' - I refuse to have my BP taken because it shoots up enormously when any GP wants to take it! I no longer trust GPs to know better than I do - I took all their suggested meds for over 15 years and ended up sick and unable to function. Good luck with your ongoing treatment for high BP.
debraknight Nigel
I'm on 2.5 amlodipine besylate and have dizziness and keg pain been going on two weeks doctor says it will pass not so sure. anyone else have this issue.also tingling lips looked up some information and,stated could cause hypoglycemia.
debraknight Nigel
I'm on 2.5 amlodipine besylate and have dizziness and keg pain been going on two weeks doctor says it will pass not so sure. anyone else have this issue.also tingling lips looked up some information and,stated could cause hypoglycemia.