I'm 25 and absolutely terrified i have Stomach Cancer!

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Hello everyone, for the past 3/4 weeks i've had this constant dull abdominal ache that only goes away when i'm asleep. I've gone down from 13 stone 7 to 12 stone 11, and i've lost my appetite almost completely. I don't bring any food up but i have had constipation with on and off bleeding. I've been to all the GPs in my surgery (which is 3) and they just say that it's not impossible but highly rare i have Stomach Cancer. Now, my dad and my sister have Crohns disease so my GP did blood checks and calprotectin test and said everything looked fine and no inflammatory markers are up or any warning signs are showing. She's referred me to a GI specialist, but judging by the NHS waiting times i could be waiting ages to get this sorted. Tomorrow i go for an Abdominal Ultrasound, i'm so scared they'll find something cancerous or an unexplained mass. This has driven me to the breaking point, i'm crying infront of my girlfriend so much, the abdominal ache doesn't go away no matter what i eat. My stomach also feels pretty bloated at times and solid when i stand up. It's driving me up the wall. I'm currently on Cosmocol to relieve the constipation which seems to be working. Though i'm only on day 1 of 3 satchets a day. 

And i'm so incredibly stressed i've convinced myself i'm going to die because they won't catch it early enough. I've been on google and saw many stories about young people being misdiagnosed then dying from cancer in a few months. It's absolutely terrifying. Hell i couldn't even handle my dad saying he had to have a stomach resection, the thought scared me too.  Hell i've even got to the point where i'm planning on how to break it to my parents and what my will should have in it. sad

I'm waiting on CBT therapy and i currently take Citalopram for my Anxiety. I got given Lansaprazole 30mg for what my GP thinks is an ulcer but it doesn't seem to do anything. I just really want a clear Colonoscopy and Endoscopy and for this all to be over. I've been to A&E so many times and i feel so helpless and alone when they say they won't do anything. 

Does anyone have any idea what else it could be? I've been looking up Symptoms of Gastritis, Gallstones, Stomach Ulcers, but i can't seem to match them up. Everything just points to Stomach Canceror Bowel Cancer.

I'm so sorry for the rant. It's just been driving me insane the past few weeks. I'm terrified that it'll be a high stage by the time they finally diagnose it. Any thoughts or help would be appreciated.

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42 Replies

  • Posted

    Forgot to add -

    I'm male.


    Been on the citalopram for 4 weeks and 3 days.

    The abdominal pain seems to be in the center upper area and in the lower central area.

    I've had intermittent blood in stools which has been red and GP said was piles which i have cream for.

    • Posted

      Hey jay..try mastic gum it's been around for ever it may help for all the gut problem's. It's cheep to buy and it's the best I use it and it may fix you up.
    • Posted

      Thanks Kevin, i'll definitely try some. I think Holland And Barrat sell it round here so i'll give it a go.
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      Hi Kevin I have just bought some mastic gum .It says to take 4 at night for 4 weeks Just wondering if that is to high a dose and taking lanzoprzole as well x
    • Posted

      That may be to much at first because it has a bit of a aftertaste. So use one in morning and one at bedtime. Take it for two months and see how you feel. If it helps and I thank it will pass it on to help Others. Good luck
    • Posted

      I hade the same issue and it cured me. I thought I was dying no joke. Get it asap. Two months suply so it gone for good. Good luck
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      Oh thanks Kevin I did think it was rather a lot they are 250grams.I will let you know how I get on and by the way do I still take the lanzoperzole . 
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      That's great Joyce let me know if they do any good for you as i'm on lansaproazole aswell!
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      Ok Jay I will let you know mind you I am always wary on taking things I am not sure about but I feel that ill so will try anything ..lol x
  • Posted

    Youve only a day to go till you get a scan which should show up any serious abnormalities, and if that happened theyd rush the gi appt for you, but if blood tests show no markers or other signs with platelets etc you dont need to think the worse at this time. There are numerous problems with the stomach and bowel that can cause dull pain, with bloating and loss of appetite and weight, whilst serious constipation can cause a little blood loss, its  not uncommon for many youll read of on here with stomach bowel probs, the weight loss of less than a stone isnt that bad or very signigficant of anything sinister, more so  when appetite goes. most with stomach bowel probs have lost weight. l know its easier said than done, but try not to worry, nothing sounds too sinister, and extreme worry can aggrevate most health problems, your scan tomorrow could indicate what the problem is, or not, then  if your in a position financially you could pay to get a gi appt sooner who will give you a scope.  Maybe seeing your dad and sister with Crohns could have made you anxious, from what lve heard that can be very nasty condition.  Maybe tomorrow will bring an answer or a referral go gi to get one, hope you find peace of mind. good luck


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      Thank you Lynne. It's definitely tough to not worry about it, i'll try and think positively. I appreciat the advice and i too hope it's nothing sinister!
  • Posted

    Well, you are a lot like me. I have spent so many years thinking I have something serious wrong with me, but I didn't. A few years ago I was diagnosed with IBD. This accounts for much of the pain I have been through. I would say it is more likely if you have something wrong it will be IBD. The tests your doctor gave you will not usually show that one has IBD. I had the same test and it showed no inflammation at all and yet I have IBD or more precisely Crohn's. Stomach cancer is very rare. I have heard of one young person dieing from it in my entire life. So very uncommon to get. When you are constapated it can and does cause stomach pain. Please do yourself a favor and stop worrying about it that can cause an ulcer. Try to ignore it for now. Have fun not worry. Trust me you will be fine.
    • Posted

      This was incredibly reassuring, thanks Craig. Can you remember what test they did to finally come to the conclusion that it was crohns? And yeah it's incredibly rare for someone my age to get it. It's just playing on my mind an awful lot. What if i'm that 1 in 100000 person you know? That kind of thing. I'll try my best to stop worrying and hopefully i'll get the tests i need and the all clear. Most doctors seem to think it's IBS right now. Which i'm not entirely convinced of honestly!
    • Posted

      If that is the case go buy a lottery ticket you have about the same chance of winning it. They were able to figure out I had CD by way of colonoscopy. But they didn't schedule it until I was so sick that I could hardly walk on my own. I had been passing lots of blood for weeks. It is to bad it takes that much for the doctors to figure it out. Oh well, what can you do. But the interesting thing is my inflammation markers were low. Go figure. I still had a lot of inflammation as they found that my entire colon was diseased and it was recommended that I have it removed. I told my doctor to pound sand and went to get A second opinion on it. I still have my colon today, 10 years later and doing well on prednisone. So it goes to show that it isn't always cancer. At your age I wouldn't worry at all. Oh, and don't obscess about it around your girlfriend she may tire of it and leave you. This happened to me so be careful with that.
    • Posted

      I never thought of it that way up till now. I probably would be more likely to win the lottery eh? That's crazy. Good luck with your CD. My dad had a year before they diagnosed him. My sister wasn't far behind. But then technology has come a long way since then. I'm glad to hear you're managing it well. And good on you for not losing your colon! And yeah i'm trying to keep it controlled at the minute. I think once the pain subsides or i get a definitive answer things will go much better.

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