I'm 26 and just had a marsupilation of bartholin cyst si...
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I'm 26 and just had a marsupilation of bartholin cyst six days ago. I was not at all prepared for how it would look afterwards and have been in a lot of discomfort since!! I've also been somewhat concerned that the area is very bruised and feels hard, but perhaps after only a week this is normal whilst the area is healing. I would have hoped to have had a little more information from the hospital as this was limited and i guess i felt unprepared for afterward the op. Anyways, i'm hoping it heals nicely and that i have no more reoccurrences – fingers crossed. Furthermore i was told by my surgeon that Marsupilation is meant to be the best procedure – whether others agree would be interesting to know…
Secondly i have to say that although I think this website is useful to share information I guess as a new suffer myself it would have been nice to see more positive feedback and success stories because after reading all the comments I was quite horrified at the reoccurrences and left doubting whether I should have left well alone as opposed to having surgical treatment!!
I would be grateful to hear if anyone has any marsupilation success stories...
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4 likes, 166 replies
I am due to have marsup soon. I am 28yrs.
I would be interested to know how your recovery goes and also with the issue of sex... how long to wait, etc.
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naomi47186 Guest
sarahbelle91 naomi47186
Hi Naomi, I just wanted to ask you as the most recent poster on here, how long did it take for you to heal completely? It's been 3 weeks since my op and I am still hurting when wiping after passing urine and it's still a little uncomfortable to sit down for too long (which is a pain because my job is literally sitting down for 8 hours), doesn't help I'm currently on as well at the moment so everythings a touch more sensitive but yeah. Just wanted to ask before I book in with my gp for a check up on it.
elizabeth11561 sarahbelle91
That's my question. How long does it take to heal and will there be a large opening forever? I have to have to surgery and I'm worried.
sarahbelle91 elizabeth11561
I checked mine last night after posting this and it's healed a lot better than I thought it would have. You can't really see anything till you go looking and the scars not big at all. Mines still not closed yet and there's still a few stitches in place but definitely get it drained it's not with the pain x
elizabeth11561 sarahbelle91
like you had a marsup 3 days ago
had the cyst drained a yr ago only for it to return very promptly
have considerable swwelling bruising and still in alot of pain
how long did u need painkillers for and until u were comfortable again?
[i:5df7a200f2]This message was automatically imported from the original Patient Experience[/i:5df7a200f2]
Today is September 14th and I am 100% recovered and doing well. I felt like the healing process took a lot longer than my dr had said, which was frustrating. However, I am glad I was patient and now I feel perfect again and no giant lump!
I am back to all my daily activities, and yes that includes intercourse. I have no pain with anything that I do, and am now just hoping and praying for no reoccurences.
I hope these positive words help someone, because I know how discouraged I felt when I found no positive comments about the surgery.
kate84070 Guest
violetiov Guest
Thanks for your positive post!
I'm just writing to you to ask how long it took for you to heal? I got mine done nearly 4 weeks ago, and I'm wondering how long more it would take
Thanks for you answer in advance!
mandy211 Guest
sara00236 Guest
pals46236 Guest
Thank u fr the positive post. I am due fr marsp and getting it done tomorrow. Just wanted to know did u hv any chances of recurrence and did u face any problems later on.
Thank you
elizabeth11561 sara00236
How did yours heal? The doctor is talking to me about marsupilization and I'm nervous. Do you still have a hole?
brittany_94211 pals46236