i'm 59 and went through menopause 15 years ago, got my period? again 5 days ago
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I got what I think is my period 5 days ago, but I have been post-menopausal for 15 years. What could it be? I'm going to see my doc in a couple of days.
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Marsbars linda39581
Hi Linda39581,
I am going through the same thing and posted on the same topic a few weeks back. I had my last period 6 years ago and got it again 3 weeks ago. What a surprise! My breasts were sore and I was moody. Like my old PMS but worse.
I saw my doctor who did blood work to see if I had a surge of hormones. She called later to let me know that my estrogen is still at "menopause levels". I am scheduled to have an ultrasound on Tuesday. I hope to find more then...
I wonder if it's related to stress or a recent change in weight.
linda39581 Marsbars
HI, It might be related to stress, and I have lost some weight. I'm going to see my doctor on Wed. Thanks for the reply!
Marsbars linda39581
lynda20916 linda39581
Hi Linda,
Sorry that you're going through this! I'm sure that your doctor will be getting to the bottom of it. You did the right thing by going to the doctor right away!
Good luck, and please let me know how you get on!
linda39581 lynda20916
Thank you. I feel like I'm a teenager again. I thought that menopause would end all that drama!
Guest linda39581
Linda are you on or stopped HRT ? I'm 59 and same happened to me but I was about 2 years no period . When was your last female exam.
linda39581 Guest
Shazanne linda39581
Could believe when I read this - I posted something very similar a few days ago!! I'm 55, on HRT and hadn't had a period for 5 years. Then, out of the blue, I started bleeding on Christmas Eve - not a huge amount but enough to warrant o visit to the doctor as it lasted 2 weeks.. Was sent for ultrasound that showed thickened endometrial and had a biopsy a week ago. Bleed and cramped for a day after the biopsy and then it stopped. Then 2 days later on comes the 'period' again!! This time its a bad one - heavu, painful and full of clots. Called the gyne office and they say there's nothing I can do until results come back in two more weeks - can't seem to make them understand/believe that its not post-biopsy bleeding as that had stopped as they told me it would. But this is not 'normal' bleeding for someone of my age and menopause stage and it has me freaked out. Like you, I had the tender breasts, wobbly and tired legs and was emotional before it started. Its been five days now and no sign of it easing and I don't know what to do - do I just ignore it and hope it stops and then just tell the gyneacologist when I go back for the biopsy results?
Guest Shazanne
I can't believe you have to wait 2 wks for results I got mine within 3 days ! I would go in ER If it gets two heavy they will have to notify a gyn and run test foru . My lining was 9 mm
Shazanne Guest
Three days!!!!! I will be three weeks before I get them!!! They told me to go to ER if I start to soak a pad in an hour - but that hasn't happened so I didn't go. I seem to lose most blood when I use the bathroom to pee - and I am terrified of having a bowel movement as that really makes it worse! But I only lose a 'normal' amount on a pad. But have constant pain in lower abdomen - not crippling pain but am aware of it all the time. I'm hoping my GP might help or advise me tomorrow.
Guest Shazanne
Shazanne Guest
A week tomorrow (Monday) so have two more to go! Ironically (for me!) I was handling everything pretty well up to the biopsy. But this unexplained bleeding is really getting to me as I don't know whether I should be just carrying on as normal and as if I just have a period (which seems impossible!) or whether I should be resting to prevent it getting worse. I don't usually wrap myself in cotton wool but this is having that affect on me.
Lotti1966 Shazanne
Shazanne, if you're still bleeding this morning please call your Dr and tell them you need to be seen this morning.
That is ridiculous.
linda39581 Shazanne
linda39581 Shazanne
Oh my gosh! The gyno sounds like a monster. They should have the results by now! I'm thinking I'll peobably have a hysterectomy. My feeling wouldn't be to hurt if that happens. I was diagonised with post menopausal endrometroysis. So I think the doc will probalby do this.
Shazanne Lotti1966
Hi Lotti. Went to my Doctor this evening. She listened to what I said and came to the conclusion that I have an infection following the biopsy. I told her that it seemed more like a period bleed to me as I didn't feel unwell in any other way but she said that, to be on the safe side, I should take something for it. She prescribed a combination of two antibiotics - enough to treat an elephant with a infected trunk! I came home and researched them and they are the same combination as they use to treat STDs!!!! I was not impressed!! Plus the potential side effects are worse than bleeding from every orifice in my body!!
One is 500mg 3 times a day (Metronidazole) and the other is 100mg twice a day (Doxycycline). I took a 500mg one tonight (reluctantly and nervously) but am going to pass on the other one. That may be stupid of me but I have a long term phobia about vomiting and am terrified that if I take both these tablets that this is what will happen.
I am not even convinced that I need to take antibiotics at all.
This whole experience is like a nightmare that I can't wake up from. Since Christmas Eve when I first bled I have been told that I might have cancer (as directly as that by a locum doctor), then an internal ultrasound that showed thickened endometrial lining, then a biopsy, then heavy bleeding and pain and now I'm told I have an infection!! I don't know how much more of this I can take to be honest. And I still have two weeks to wait for the biopsy results
Shazanne linda39581
Hi Linda. I feel like I have hijacked your thread and I honestly didn't mean to do that. My sister, who is 9 years younger than me, has severe endometriosis but it now mainly affects her bowel. She gets chronic diarrhea and terrible pain with it. Because its her bowel that's mainly affected, she has been told that a hysterectomy likely won't help her at this point. She's has one fallopian tube and ovary removed and several cysts and has suffered for years.
How do you feel about a hysterectomy? When all this started with me my first instinct was 'take it out - I don't need it'!! Now I'm afraid that this will be suggested as I've had enough problems and just want life to go back to normal. I'm missing work and going crazy at home with nothing to think about only wombs and bleeding and the thoughts of needing surgery with a long recovery freaks me out - I've never had surgery before.
But, if I were in your shoes and diagnosed with endometriosis and, having seen my sister suffer, I think I'd probably realise it was stupid not to have a hysterectomy if it going to cure me once and for all.
Keep me posted - I'll be thinking of you! Big hug to you ((( )))
maisie05 Shazanne
Hi Shazanne,
I took doxycycline last year for suspected Lyme rash. It made me itch over my back, head and shoulders. it's very strong.
Hope your results are clear and the bleeding clears up soon for you.
Shazanne maisie05
I can't take it at all Maisie - the combination of Metronidazole and Doxycycline together would literally kill a horse!!! Within an hour I had stomach pains and dizziness so I decided to stop them. The doctor gave them to me saying she thought I might have an infection - 'might' is not enough to make me take them as I had to go back to work as I've missed so much time with all this. I will get the gyneacologist to check if I have an infection when I go back for my biopsy results on Feb 21st and, if its confirmed that I have I will have no choice but to take them then
I am still bleeding - going on for 8 days now excluding the day and a half after the biopsy. I am so sick of it all but trying very hard to stay positive.
Guest Shazanne
Why in the world didn't she check your white blood cell to see if it shows infection I would go to ER or wherever and ask to check your blood to see if you actually have an infection it will show if you do .I JUST finished metronidazole I could only stand 5 full days and 1 pill over of metronidazole it gave me server dizziness and weird feeling in my head and other strange symptoms I was on it for diverticulitis I did manage to get through 10 days of Bactrim though.
Shazanne Guest
Well done to you on getting through that much metronidazole - I truly applaud you
You're so right - and that's exactly how I felt about my doctors diagnosis! It's almost like they feel they have to do something so they pick what might be wrong or say 'just in case' and feel their job is done.
The bottom line in my case is that no one knows what is going on until I get those biopsy results, which is why I have chosen to wait until then to see. It seem like the best option to me at this point????
lynda20916 Shazanne
Hi, Sazanne,
I've been following the thread, and really can't understand why your doctor was so irresponsible! My first thought is to wonder why and how, if basic sterile and sanitary techniques were followed during the biopsy, your doctor would conclude you had contracted an infection without doing a blood test, as Croasdo8 said.
By combining antibiotics, without any evidence of an infection you were put at an additional risk, because the bacterial balance in your genital, urinary and gastro-intestial systems could be damaged. That puts a patient at risk of C-diff and other infections caused by the elimination of your beneficial bacteria. Please look into starting some probiiotics!
Once you get those biopsy results, please consider finding another doctor who is more concerned about your health! I hate to mention cancer, but if it is even a remote possibility, it needs to be dealt with as soon as possible. Most biopsy results are fast-tracked because of this. Results should be back within 3 to 5 days.
Your doctor seems to believe that she has all the time in the world! I am concerned that the three week wait has more to do with her convenience than when she receives the results. If it is within your power to call and ask if the test results have been received, you might consider doing so.
Please know that I am thinking of you, and want only the best for you! Please let us know how you get on. (((BIG HUG)))
Lotti1966 lynda20916
Yes, she needs to find another Dr tomorrow. I had to have a total hysterectomy because of abnormal bleeding which after an ultrasound showed suspicious cysts in my ovaries. My Dr did the blood tests right away to check for cancer markers, none found, and sent me to an oncologist who performed my hysterectomy. Within 3 days they called to tell me all of my pathology reports came back negative for cancer.
My uterus when removed was 6 times it's normal size.
There are so many things that could be causing this but it needs to be checked.
lynda20916 Lotti1966
Hi, Lotti,
I'm sure that Shazanne will do everything possible to make sure she gets this situation sorted as soon as she can...
My own doctor wasted no time. I got an ultrasound and blood tests for cancer markers. The cancer markers were negative. I got the biopsy on a Tuesday, I believe, got the results that Friday afternoon by telephone after 5, but my GYN had arranged for me to see a surgeon/oncologist the next Thursday. However, the hospital called me on Monday to tell me that someone had cancelled her surgery the next Monday, and to ask me if I wanted to take that slot.
I said absolutely yes! I met with the oncologist on Thursday and he did surgery the following Monday. He took out my uterus, ovaries, and adjacent lymph nodes! It all happened so fast, it took me the next six months to process it, and I'm still processing it.
In my opinion, your surgeon/oncologist did well by removing that uterus! I am so glad that the pathology reports were all negative, but you never know what might have happened, if your doctor thought that your large uterus was "no big deal."
I also don't understand why doctors still do D&C's, instead of biopsies (which was the prevailing practice over 10 years ago) if cancer is suspected. Some ladies have posted on this site saying that's what their doctor plans to do. That uterine wall is only so thick...
Take good care! xx
Shazanne lynda20916
Thank you so much Lynda - your reply has really touched me and I am so grateful to you.
I was unaware of the additional risks you mention in your reply, but I am very aware that taking antibiotics unnecessarily is unwise and dangerous.
I suspect that you are correct in what you said about the three week wait for results being more to do with my gyneacologists schedule than the availability of the results. There was another lady there for a biopsy on the same day as me and she was given the time slot immediately before me on February 21st to get her results.
I have contact the gyneacologists office on two occasions since I had the biopsy to report heavy bleeding and pain. On both occasions I was called back by a 'nurse' who said the gyneacologist says there is nothing he can do until the biopsy results come back.
This is what led me to go to my GP and it was her that put me on the combined antiobiotics without even examining me, checking the level of bleeding etc. Ironically, I have since discovered that one of the antibiotics should not be taken with estrogen - she did not tell me that despite having asked me if I was continuing to take my HRT.
I am so disilliusioned, scared and frustrated and this is causing my anxiety levels to soar. I don't know how to get through the next two weeks as the past week seemed to go on forever.
If I am diagnosed with cancer (which I pray to God I'm not) I dont know if I will be able to trust any of them with my care at this point.
I should mention that I am Irish but have been living in Canada for the past four years where, ironically, the health care system is said to be first rate. I would dearly love to be at home at the moment where at least I would know how to navigate the system, but that is not possible as my health insurance there has lapsed and I would have a two year wait for any pre-existing condition. The public health system in Ireland is in chaos so that's not an option.
I feel I'm trapped at every turn.
lynda20916 Shazanne
I am glad to hear from you and want to offer you as much support as I can from such a long distance! I'm in the southwest US. I pray to God that you're not diagnosed with cancer, but you do need care.
Thanks for giving me the additional details! Did your doctor refer you to this gyn? In the US, if your doctor has referred you to another practitioner, they would usually refrain from treating you for what you were referred for, especially uterine bleeding.
If you would prefer to contact another GYN, I would suggest that you speak to your friends about who they see while you're waiting to hear your biopsy results. You have some time. Then, contact your GP and ask to be referred to that GYN.
I can well understand your disillusionment! If you get to the point that you can't stand this, you can go to the ER. If you keep bleeding, that's definitely an option.
You have a good head on your shoulders, and you can start to educate yourself so that you can participate in your own care. Nowadays that's a requirement for everyone.
Let me know how you get on! xxx
Lotti1966 Shazanne
I'm sure everything will be fine. You are in our prayers and if there's anything we can do to help please let us know.
Remember you are in charge??
Guest lynda20916
Couldn't the bleeding after 15 years of menopause be caused from stopping the HRT wouldn't that make sense ?
Guest Shazanne
Didn't you say you was on HRT I can't help but think that's what's caused the bleeding especially if you stopped them . Possible even been on them can cause bleeding I always thought since it messes with the hormones .
lynda20916 Guest
That would make sense! However, I don't thin Shazanne has stopped HRT! She's still on it! Could be that whatever she was taking wasn't enough to completely shed the uterine lining each month.
lynda20916 Shazanne
Hi, Shazanne,
I'm replying to your earlier post. It seems both of your most recent posts have gone missing! But I've read enough to learn that your biopsy came back as normal, which is great! I'm so glad for you!!!!
I would suggest that you consider leaving the HRT behind, or at least finding a better gp and gyn that you can go to!
All the best! (((BIG HUG)))!!
Shazanne lynda20916
I think they are both on the next page!! I found them a few minutes ago by switching the 'Sort By' from Oldest to Latest. Had I known this I wouldn't have written the second post!!
Thank you for everything Lunda - you have been been a tower of strength. X
lynda20916 Shazanne
Oh, my gosh, your husband deserves a good dinner!! What a fantastic thing to do!!!
So, those darn results did come in! It was just for that jerk's convenience that you weren't given them and left for three weeks to suffer! His other patients go through the same thing! Those poor women and their families! He should be reported! He must have a total lack of empathy, and all human sympathy.
Well, I'm so happy for you! Please do find anoher gyn and gp, you deserve so much better!! xx
Lotti1966 Shazanne
Shazanne, I'm seeing comments that you got good news but can't find where you updated us....please let me know😘😘😘
Emis_Moderator Shazanne
Hi all,
There was a bug which made some posts not show where they were supposed to be (or at all). This has now been fixed and Shazanne's posts are at the bottom of this page if you have comments sorted by Oldest.