I'm 65 years old and still bleeding occasionally. Anyone else in my age group still bleeding?
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I have seen at least 3 different doctors. General Practice, Naturopath and OB-GYN's; but no one will say if I am in menopause. They only stress that a woman my age should not be bleeding. I've had pap smears (normal); ultrasound (normal); transvaginal ultrasound (normal) and an endometrial biopsy last year. One of the OB-GYN's looked me in my face and told me that the test results came back and I had cancer.
I looked at him and told him I did not. He was livid at my suggestion that he could be wrong. He had already scheduled an appointment for me with an Oncologoist for a consultation which angered me even more, because he did not have a right to assume I would be agreeable to this. He finally said, the definitive diagnosis would come from UCLA. I waited and when it came, I DID NOT have cancer. I respect the profession; but they will not dictate how my life will be lived nor what I will believe about my own health. I wasn't in denial. I just knew that my body had no cancer. When things are wrong, we as women really know it...and we will seek the help and hopefully, the right advice. I really hope to hear from others if you are in my age group or older and are still bleeding. The doctors have been taught to assume that this is not normal; therefore, it must be cancer.
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Sochima822 Sesha777
Hi Sesha, I hope you don't mind my answering, because although I'm not in your age group, I did work as a nurse in ob/gyn so I feel qualified to tell you that you are in perimenopause not menopause. I suspect you knew that, lol. My aunty stopped bleeding around your age so it's not abnormal for some women to continue having a period long after what the expected cut off date is (somewhere in the 50's). I suspect I'm down the same path with mild bleeding at almost 60 here. Good for you that you know your body well enough to tell the doctor he was wrong. I respect the profession also, but they're only human and prone to making errors.
However, are you experiencing any of the horrible symptoms posted here? I'm pretty much over them, with just the occasioanl hot flashes that creep in when I ingest anything sweet.
Sesha777 Sochima822
Please forgive, I didn't mean to imply that answers would not be welcome if you're younger. I have never been on a discussion board before and assumed tht the only one's who would reply would be those who share this experience. I especially appreciate your perspective because not even a doctor has implied that I may be perimenopausal. It gives me a lot to ponder. Thank you.
Sochima822 Sesha777
Sesha, break through bleeding every so often, fibroids or no fibroids, no matter what age, you're basically in perimenopause until you've stopped having a period for more than a year. Since your fibroids are large and probably closer to your uterine wall, you may always continue to bleed unless you decide to get them removed. You've been lucky you never got hot flushes. Having a period every 7-8 months isn't a big deal. My guess is that you're fine the way you are. Best of luck.
bobbysgirl Sesha777
Hi Sesha, I have a friend in her early 70's who depressed me no end when she said she STILL gets the occasional hot flush! At 57, the thought of that, well, sheesh!
You girls may have respect for the profession, but there is a lot they DON'T know and, in many cases, an arrogance that they are right.
I asked for a full blood test including vits and mins, to check levels. I was told they didn't check for Vit D levels because it was assumed EVERYONE was D deficient and then the blinding statement - 'and we are only just begining to find out how important it is'. I thought if that is the case why are you not putting all your patients on Vit D instead of pressuring people to go on statins? Oh yes, I know, there's no money in vitamins.
You know your body and it was wrong to frighten you like that. We are all different and medicine should not be a one size fits all.
As for me my bleeding had stopped for over a year when I started on HRT - then the bleeding started again
So I stopped taking it.
Sochima822 bobbysgirl
Well, bobbysgirl, my aunty is 78 and still has hot flashes. But it all depends on the women in your family, if they were still having hot flashes at that age then chances are you might too. Follow the lineage of women in your family and that makes for a good indicator as to how long you should expect to go through it. My aunt stopped bleeding at 65 and still has hot flashes so that's not good indicator for me!
I agree, the arrogance in some doctors is just too much to deal with, those are the ones that are usually wrong too.
Sesha777 Sochima822
Sesha777 bobbysgirl
My take away from what you have shared is this: Not even doctors have all the answers and when they make statements that don't make sense to us, "we" have a right to question them. If we can't do so, we need to seek other advice where ou opinions are respected. Thanks for commenting.
bobbysgirl Sesha777
That's an excellent take-home message to us all!
mary_46067 Sesha777
Hi their I didn't go through the full change until I was 68 and I was getting worried that something was going on. Whenever I stopped taking HRT the bleeding would start so I always stayed on them. I never went to the doctor about this regarding my age because I know it's different for all women and it takes longer for some than others. And some HRT do make you bleed for some reason luckily I was on the right prescription. Regards -Mary
Sesha777 mary_46067
When you are bleeding at this age, the doctors always assume the worst; never considering that this may be normal for the individual. Thanks for commenting.
gailannie Sesha777
I think the important thing to remember here, is that all human experience happens on a bell curve. It doesn't matter WHAT it is. From birth to grave we attempt to pigeon hole every human experience, and when something doesn't "fit in the box" we call it abnormal. You just happen to be on the long end of this bell curve.
Sorry you had to deal with such a block head of a physician. But don't get me started about the completely stupid things I've heard physicians say. That list could be an entire new post.
By strick defination of menopause, i.e one full year without a period, you aren't there yet. It will happen when your body is ready.
Sesha777 gailannie
Hello gailannie,
It has almost been a year since I signed into Patient; but was thankful to see this response from you. I am feeling better; but am still bleeding daily. I have consulted a Naturopath doctor who is helping me to balance my hormones naturally. I am appreciative of all the posts concerning my problem and want to share that I have decided that I will no longer assume that something is wrong with me that isn't affecting other women. My FSH is still 18, which is not indicative of a 66 year old in menopause). I agree with you that my body will know when I am in menopause. Until then, I will continue living my life with an attitude of gratefulness and love daily.
carolrd Sesha777
Sesha777 carolrd
he longest I have gone with outn a period was 7 or 8 months and then there woulde always be breakthrough bleeding. I also want to share with everyone that I have never had a regular period since the age of 11. Once or tweice yearly; never been pregnant. I was told recently that I am bleedingding due to fibroids (4 to be exact) 2 are 3 cm and the other 2 are 7 cm.
Sesha777 carolrd