I'm going to try the 'natural' route and might keep you posted
Posted , 7 users are following.
Hi ladies,
I've been around the forums a bit the last few days as I have been feeling so rotten. Mostly moody anxious and so on.
I think I've decided (probably what you all already know) is that mostly treating the symptoms as they come up is the best way. For e.g. I don't get hot flashes (yet).
So I am going to try Vitamins and wondered if anyone was interested in my progress?
I am currently suffering from moodiness, tiredness, aches and pains, not sleeping too great, dry itchy skin, crying spells, bloating, indigestion and crashing fatigue.
I am going to start with the following: Vit B6 and B12 for the energy and moodiness. Flaxseed Oil, Evening Primrose Oil, Vit E. Vit C.
I still have to add Vitamin D and Magnesium.
I am not advocating that this is for everyone but thought it might be handy to give feedback?
Also, perhaps open this to feedback for natural remedies that did help you so that others can try perhaps?
I have started yoga and most days I try and walk a mile (at home, I have a video I do). I am also looking into soya too and soya products supplements.
Let me know if you are keen to contribute or and get feedback here. Thanks!
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debbie75601 callianne_65675
callianne_65675 debbie75601
debbie75601 callianne_65675
metamorphed callianne_65675
I will be following you as I have been doing the natural route now for 8 months. I tried the vitamins for the first couple of months, but stopped as felt no real benefit and found the symptoms were the same whether taking them or not. but that's just me. I am giving the natural route another month or so, reaching the 9 month mark and then will see what to do next. I would be interested to see how you get on. I do take vit D3 and eat a balanced diet and take exercise most days. I drink camomile tea before sleep, use Rescue Remedy for anxious moments and drink 2 litres of water a day, most of the severe symptoms have gone, some still remain but not as bad
So yes, there are loads of people who would be interested in your comments, thanks!
jamie50513 callianne_65675
Dawnb64 callianne_65675
callianne_65675 Dawnb64
I've listed my symptoms so that it would explain why I am taking certain things. So as I go along perhaps it will become a longer list or change. I will put that down too.
Thanks so much Dawn.
Dawnb64 callianne_65675
gentleballads callianne_65675
Maybe we could also add some practical tips like diet tips, water intake in detail sleep help etc etc
i wrote in detail the exact names of vits and meds i take but it got moderated --- ooops !
callianne_65675 gentleballads
You've reminded me to increase my water intake.
I started something called 'chair yoga' which I am finding easier than the regular on the floor yoga. It just hurts me too much.
With the chair yoga I don't get that, but do get the same exercises and benefits afterwards.
gentleballads callianne_65675
This is a very constructive post , thanks calllianne
Maybe we could also add some practical tips like diet tips, water intake in detail sleep help etc etc
The doc prescribed for me capsules of Mecobalamin, Alpha Lipoic Acid and Vitamins
a Probiotic Culture Concentrate - not less than 2.5 b cfu capsules
a bio D3 DS - Calcitrol, Calcium Carbonate, Vit K2-7, Zinc and Potassium Citrate
Vit D _ once a month 60,000 iu
ive been on those for more than six months now
i have epsom salts for bath and supplements of magnesium from amazon but i havent started them yet
callianne_65675 gentleballads
I've also got epsom salts for the bath. Once again, you have reminded me to use them!
gentleballads callianne_65675
its been such a shocker of an experience i dont want to acknowledge improvement - i feel it may hit me again ( the horrendous core peak experience) but im feeling better...i just got through a family wedding i was so nervous about....touch wood...even considering getting back to work...not sure yet.....
i was determined to get my walks in the park and some floor excercises, have an automatic breathing exercise that i do when the palpitations get bad
didi0613 callianne_65675
Sounds all good though. Keep us all posted on your progress.