I'm having tkr want some information

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I am scheduled for tkr in August, I just had total hip replacemnt in April.  I found the hip replacement painful but definately bearable.  Now my question is how painful is it?  I was told by several people that it is worse than the hip surgery.  Who can tell me about their experience and what to expect?  Any help would be so appreciated!

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51 Replies

  • Posted

    well i have not had hip replacement my husband had and was back driving in 5wks  with very little pain ive had bi lateral knee replacement had a problem (rare) got it done again last august and it is very painfull no point telling you otherwise ,but majority have got over it reasonably well with pain meds for awhile its definatly harder then hip surgery   surgeon would tell you the same because the hip is a ball joint where the knee is very complex as it is a hinge  all you can do trust your surgeon  if he has brought you through the hip safely then it will give you confidence !! good luck we will all be here to help and support you after
    • Posted

      Thank you Linda for your honesty!!!  I'm very nervous to say the least!
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    People who have had both sat the knee replacement is more painful You can understand this when you look at the anatomy. With the hip the joint is simply dislocated and replaced with the prosthesis. The end is titted inside of the femer. With the knee the bottom of the femer and the top of the tibia & fibular is cut off. The bones are topped and the new knee is drilled and fitted in.

    If you look at Knee Replacement animation video it explains how its done. If you can face it look at the real thing

    • Posted

      Yikes!!!!  Thanks for your honesty...I'm going to be looking forward to the drugs!!!!!
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    I had TNR the same time as my aunt whos older than me by 20 years had her hip replaced. She was up and about and driving in 6 weeks and shes in her 70.s. I would expect lots of pain its no good telling you otherwise but we get through it????? and this site is excellent for help and advice. I truly hope your one of the lucky ones and you sail throught it. Good luck x x
    • Posted

      Thank you andrea, I'm reading the same thing here, and you all confirm on the pain level being a bit harsh!  Yikes!!!  I will be bothering everybody a lot!
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      you do that maryann thats why were here. I think your the same age as me???? This was my first major Op and I work in a large hospital and to be fair the op was a doddle despite the fact I was ab petrified!!!!! Its a mind set thing really I say expect the worse and everything else is a doddle lol My GP is a bit useless and so I struggled getting pain killers but if uve a good GP get the best you can as soon as you can and ask for sleeping pills and ul be fine Im feeling better now and had mine 5.3.15 x
  • Posted

    Hi I have had hip replacement and just had second knee done,  no point lying the knee is much worse,  my advice is get the pain under control very important to be able to do the exercises.  My first knee is amazing can't wait for the second one to settle I'm at four weeks and it takes patience ok,  I wish you well. Jackie 
    • Posted

      Hi Jackie, thank you so much for your honesty and candor.  I'm very frightened to have this one I'm not going to lie.  The hip was nothing to me.  I am 2 months out and I'm walking mostly without the cane.  I use it just to go outside for reassurance.  I will prbably be bothering everyone here with many questions from now to then!!!! confused
  • Posted

    At least, unlike some of us, you know it will be painful - friends with new hips I made at hydrotherapy were in a lot less pain then those with knees but we are all different - my mum aged 83 recovered really quickly, whereas I am still struggling and had mine before her. This forum is great. Good luck and let us know how it goes.
    • Posted

      Thank you caroline, I definitely will let you know how I turn ut, and you'll probably see me freaking out until it happens!!!! LOL!!!
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    I am in the same situation as you. I have had a hip replacement and a hip revision operation. I am now facing a knee replacement and I am worried about the pain as I understand that it is far more painful that hip surgery.

    I recently had foot surgery and that was a very drawn out process.

    I am finding that I am unable to do all the tins that I wish to do now because of knee pain so I know that I will have to bite the bullet and get on with it.

    Hope that things go well for you


  • Posted

    Maryann I had my left TKR . It wasnt very painful why I was in the hospital For three days. But the minute I got home all hell (pain) broke loose. I was taking pain killers but they did make much difference. I did PT everyday twice a day until I left. When I came home it was three days a week. Then two days a weeks for six weeks. Now I'm doing In house therapy at thr hospital three days a week for six weeks. PT is very painful, but you have to do it. Look forward to sleepless night and waking up to a stiff knee. I am six weeks now and I still have a long way to go. It not so painful now. But there is sensitive on the incision. I have come a long way, but I still have a long way to go. Everyone is different so do your thin. By the way I am 56 yrs. Old.
    • Posted

      HI janice, I too am 56 years old this month.  Thanks for your honesty, I'm really freaking out.  When I had the hip 2 months ago I had pain but it was managed very well.  I hope I get lucky!!!

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